每日一词 211 | home-grown

每日一词 211 | home-grown

作者: Kungogo | 来源:发表于2019-07-16 05:38 被阅读0次

    1. 这是个什么词?


    英英释义:belonging to one's own particular locality or country

    例句:In recent years, home-grown technologies such as missiles, spacecrafts, and trains have slowly caught up with the best in the world.

    2. 为什么选这个词?

    “home-grown”是形容词,也可以写作 homegrown。意思是“本土的、国产的、土生土长的”。如果用它的本意,后面一般接蔬菜、水果等,不过很多时候用的是它的引申义,后面往往接 talent, product, star, brand 等词。在有的语境中,也可以用 home-grown 来替换 local。下面通过几个例子来掌握这个词。

    我们在新闻中经常听到“自主研发的导弹、航天器、列车”等,其实都可以用 home-grown 表示“自主研发的”。比如:

    In recent years, home-grown technologies such as missiles, spacecrafts, and trains have slowly caught up with the best in the world.

    Justin 老师几年前在一篇关于创新的文章中写道:

    Innovation leaders also tend to be open to and tolerant of new and challenging ideas. They embrace the best brain, home-grown and airborne alike. Korea and Japan, for example, educate and keep their native-born talent. America and much of the rich world are remarkably resourceful: they produce their own as well as attract clever immigrants.

    这里面 home-grown 修饰的就是 brain,即本地人才,和第三句中的 native-born 一个意思;第二句中的 airborne 对应第四句中的 immigrants。由此可见 home-grown 可以丰富我们表达的多样性。

    Justin 老师在写瑞幸咖啡的文章中,介绍这个本土新品时也用到了 home-grown:

    Unlike Starbucks, the Seattle-born global juggernaut, Luckin is a home-grown novice, despite its English name and sleek design.

    这句中,home-grown 修饰的是 noivce(新手),说明瑞幸咖啡是国产新品牌,home-grown novice 对应前面的 global juggernaut(国际巨头)。


    1)Texas has thrived by importing skilled Americans, but it needs to cultivate its home-grown workforce, too.(home-grown 对应 importing)

    2)Instead, China unveiled another supercomputer, Sunway TaihuLight, that led that ranking in 2016 and 2017—this time powered entirely by home-grown microprocessors.

    3)They will push home-grown operating systems and technical standards, and direct vast resources and the country’s sharpest minds to developing advanced technologies.(这里的主语 they 指的是 Chinese leaders)

    3. 怎样学会使用这个词?



    Many take Miniso as a Japanese brand, but it's actually home-grown.

    (参考翻译:Many have mistakenly taken Miniso to be a Japanese brand, whereas it's home-grown.)

    have mistakenly taken ...to be


    Many have mistakenly taken DaBao as a home-grown brand, whereas it's from America.



          本文标题:每日一词 211 | home-grown
