

作者: 狮子和羊 | 来源:发表于2017-07-31 20:17 被阅读0次
    缩小的福音vs拓展的生命 “27只要你们行事为人与基督的福音相称,叫我或来见你们,或不在你们那里,可以听见你们的景况,知道你们同有一个心志,站立得稳,为所信的福音齐心努力。 28凡事不怕敌人的惊吓,这是证明他们沉沦,你们得救都是出于 神。 29因为你们蒙恩,不但得以信服基督,并要为他受苦。 30你们的争战,就与你们在我身上从前所看见、现在所听见的一样。”腓立比书 1:27-30



    Philippians 1: 27-30

    To be worthy of the gospel. Many of us want the gospel to fit our lives, but Paul here considers the gospel as the standard to which our lives must pattern itself to. In some sense, while most of us want the full gospel to shrink and apply into our circumstances, the reality is that our small lives need to grow and fit into the magnificence of the gospel message: of love and sacrifice unto the saving of souls. Verse 27 says that our lives need to grow into unity with others (even the ones we disagree with) and into courage as we face those who we fear (verse 28), to grow as we experience suffering (verse 29). This becomes a testimony to others (verse 28) and yourself and to our God. Others will know whether we are the ones who use the gospel, or the ones who let the gospel use us. Paul is suggesting that we allow the gospel to rewrite our very lives because it is more than worthy to elevate us. God is doing the work to elevate us if we allow the gospel to be our standard.



