造句:There was a sudden influx of the goods into the market.
influx 【英英释义】 n. an influx of people or things into a pla...
场景:大家疯传这款食品的好处。于是一夜之间市场涌入大量该商品。 造句:There was a sudden inf...
每日一词 141 | influx 每日一词 2019.04.08 收藏 邀请卡 influx.png 1. 这是...
influx:the arrival of large numbers of people or large am...
influx the arrival of large numbers of people or large am...
词:influx = arrival, incursion, inrush, inundation, invasi...
Influx Facing our rapid development of economy, and influ...
influx: n. the arrival of large numbers of people or larg...
1. 这是个什么词? 词:influx 英英释义:the arrival of large numbers of ...