CSS animatable属性

CSS animatable属性

作者: Shaw007 | 来源:发表于2018-11-04 18:25 被阅读0次

在网页显示时,有时我们希望点击显示或隐藏某个元素,这时我们可能会想到使用display: none来实现,但是display: none无法与transition等一起使用,也就是说将无法通过transition等来控制淡入淡出等动画效果。

transition无法应用于只有开关两种状态的属性,例如上述的display: none或block,以及overflow属性

1、其是overflow-x与overflow-y缩写的集合。用于设置若一个元素内的content太大的处理方式,有visible, hidden, scroll, auto等属性值。



Property Type Transitionable Values
Catch-all all
Text properties color
font shorthand (see individual properties)
font-size length or percentage
font-size-adjust number
font-stretch keywords (in steps)
font-weight number or keywords (excluding bolder, lighter)
letter-spacing length
line-height number or length
max-lines (for overflow) integer
text-decoration-color color
text-emphasis-color color
text-indent length, percentage, or calc
text-shadow shadow
text-size-adjust percentage
vertical-align keywords, length, or percentage
word-spacing length or percentage
Box properties background shorthand
background-color color
background-image 2 images, gradients
background-position as repeatable, simple list of percentage, length, or calc
background-size 4 as repeatable, simple list of percentage, length, or calc
border shorthand (see individual properties)
border-colorshorthand (see individual properties)
border-top-color etc3 color
border-radiusshorthand (see individual properties)
border-top-right-radius etc3 length (one or two values)
border-spacing as simple list of length
border-top etc shorthands3 (see individual properties)
border-widthshorthand (see individual properties)
border-top-width etc3 length
box-shadow as shadow list (at risk)
clip rectangle
crop rectangle
height, min-height, max-height length, percentage, or calc
margin (see individual properties)
margin-top etc3 length
opacity number
outline-color color
outline-offset length
outline-width length
padding shorthand (see individual properties)
padding-top etc3 length
width, min-width, max-width length, percentage, or calc
Positioning properties top, right, bottom, left
offset-before, offset-end, offset-after, offset-start length or percentage
visibility 5 visibility
z-index integer
zoom number
Multi-column layout properties columns shorthand
column-count integer
column-gap length
column-rule shorthand (see individual properties)
column-rule-color color
column-rule-width length
column-width length
Flexbox properties flex shorthand
flex-grow number (except to/from 0)
flex-shrink number (except to/from 0)
flex-basis same as width(length, percentage, or calc)
order integer
Transforms properties perspective
perspective-origin as simple list of length, percentage, or calc
transform as transform
transform-origin as simple list of length, percentage, or calc
SVG properties fill
fill-opacity float
flood-color color or keywords
lighting-color color or keywords
marker-offset length
stop-color color
stop-opacity float
stroke paint server
stroke-dasharray list of numbers
stroke-dashoffset number
stroke-miterlimit number
stroke-opacity float
stroke-width float
viewport-fill color
viewport-fill-opacity color


animation-name: 指定动画名称
animation-duration: 指定动画持续时间
animation-iteration-count: 循环多少次
animation-direction: 可设置为alternate-reverse,即开始反向运动,后续再正向运动。

animation通过keyframes来设置动画不同时间的关键帧, 如0%,25%,50%,75%,100%不同期间的的css属性值是什么。




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      本文标题:CSS animatable属性
