

作者: donLeon | 来源:发表于2018-07-16 13:59 被阅读0次

Today,my families get up early because we want to the church.But my dad looks so tired,he may have not enough to sleep .

This is my first time I went to the church in my life,So I am very looking forward to.

Oh!I have to say that on the way to church,i felt like taking a roller coaster just like yesterday, because the road is steep.

The church is simpler than I thought, but it is solemn. There are tables, chairs and donuts outside the church for people to rest. There is a cross in the middle of the church that should be used to commemorate Jesus.

As soon as I enter the church, there were foreigners who shook hands with me and said hello to me.i feel that they are friendly.

I also find that a cute boy.He may just learn to walk because he walks rickety.He is really really cute.

During the lunchtime, mum and dad take us to a Mexican-style restaurant .We eat tacos in there and it tastes good.Mum also tell me that today is my birthday in the US,so she asks some actors to sing a Mexican-style happy birthday song for us.i am very very very happy.

In the afternoon, Allen was tired with me, so I rested at home and teased the dog.i also chat with Danny on WeChat.

Around 7:30 pm,Danny and Lydia come home with pizza.it's my first time to eat American pizza, and it tastes good but fat.Lydia give me a American handcuffs, I feel the feeling of being arrested when I wear the handcuff.

in the night, we play call of duty with Danny.i always lose because I am a new hand.We go to bed until we feel too tired.

it's a funny day : )


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