

作者: 不爱写论文的喵君 | 来源:发表于2022-01-12 11:13 被阅读0次

In a humble reeds in the countryside, I found a small dandelion, I carefully observed a few days, found a magical change in the dandelion: the ball at the top of the dandelion is yellow at first, then slowly into a soft white ball, like a small cotton candy, very lovely.

With the passage of time, white dandelion fluff is more and more light, then white hairs were naughty naughty, blow the wind to the dolls here to there, then take the mothers to their parachutes, splashed down in the place where they had never been to, such as: in the garden, the bushes, or their clefts in the roof. I guess, dandelion fluff must be very excited! Maybe they're all like discovering a new continent. Over a few days, I was pleasantly surprised to find that some dandelion hair has long green fine buds, I am very confused, why these dandelion hair, was blown to the ground, have long green buds? I ran home and asked my mother, mother smiled and said: "children, you do not know, these white hair is dandelion seeds ah, you can check the Internet, learn more plant knowledge, that is why I often bring you to the countryside grandpa's home, want to let you long knowledge!" I smiled and nodded.


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