流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 1

流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 1

作者: 羲之大鹅video | 来源:发表于2020-03-18 20:40 被阅读0次

    On Controlling AI 2

    It's as though we stand before two doors.


    as though【参见】as if

    stand站立; 立; 直立; 站起来; 起立; 使直立; 竖放; 使站立; 态度; 立场; 观点; 保卫; 捍卫; 维护; 抵抗; 货摊; 售货亭

    before在…以前; 在…面前; 在前面; 到…为止; 到…之前; 以免; 不然; 以前; 过去; 已经


    doors门; 出入口; 门口; 门边; 门旁; door的复数

    Behind door number one, we stop making progress in building intelligent machines.

    Our computer hardware and software just stops getting better for some reason.

    Now take a moment to consider why this might happen.

    I mean, given how valuable intelligence and automation are, we will continue to improve our technology if we are at all able to.


    mean表示…的意思; 意思是; 本意是; 打算; 意欲; 有…的目的; 吝啬的; 小气的; 不善良; 刻薄; 要发怒的; 要发狂的; 中间; 中庸; 折中; 平均数; 平均值; 算术中项

    given已经安排好的; 规定的; 指定的; 所述的; 特定的; 考虑到; 鉴于; 假设事实; 给; 交给; 赠送; 赠与; 送给; 提供,供给,供应; give的过去分词

    valuable很有用的; 很重要的; 宝贵的; 很值钱的; 贵重的; 贵重物品; 财宝

    intelligence智力; 才智; 智慧; 情报; 情报人员


    continue持续; 继续存在; 不断发生; 继续做; 不停地干; 走,移动; 延伸

    improve改进; 改善

    technology科技; 工艺; 工程技术; 技术学; 工艺学; 技术性机器

    at all全然; 一点; 全然,根本,究竟

    able to可以; 有能力; 原来能够按时完成

    What could stop us from doing this?

    A full-scale nuclear war?A global pandemic?An asteroid impact?


    global全球的; 全世界的; 整体的; 全面的; 总括的

    pandemic流行病; 大流行病; 大流行的; 普遍的,全世界的


    impact巨大影响; 强大作用; 撞击; 冲撞; 冲击力; 有影响,有作用; 冲击

    Justin Bieber becoming president of the United States?

    The point is, something would have to destroy civilization as we know it.

    You have to imagine how bad it would have to be to prevent us from making improvements in our technology permanently, generation after generation.


    have to必须; 不得不; 劝告或建议时用; 表示一定真实或肯定发生

    imagine想象; 设想; 误以为; 胡乱猜想; 猜测; 料想; 认为

    bad令人不快的; 问题成堆的; 坏的; 质量差的; 不合格的; 拙于; 不擅; 不善于; 坏人; 坏事; 很; 非常

    would(will的过去式,用于转述)将,将会; 带出想象的结果; 就会; 想要; 希望; 愿意; 喜欢; 立定志向; 决心; 决意; 立遗嘱将赠与; 立遗嘱赠与; will的过去式

    prevent阻止; 阻碍; 阻挠

    making生产; 制造; 做; 组装; 写; 出产; 制订; 铺床; make的现在分词

    improvements改善; 改进; 改进处; 改善的事物; improvement的复数

    permanently永久地; 永远; 长期; 一直

    Almost by definition, this is the worst thing that's ever happened in human history.


    Almost几乎; 差不多

    by definition根据/按照定义

    worst最差的; 最坏的; 最糟的; 最坏; 最糟; 最严重; 最严重的事; 最坏的部分; 打败对方,战胜; bad的最高级; badly的最高级; ill的最高级

    thing东西; 物; 物件; 物品; 事物; 用品,衣服; 用具

    ever(用于否定句和疑问句,或与if连用的句子)在任何时候,从来; 以往任何时候,曾经; 不断地; 总是; 始终

    happened发生,出现; 出现,发生; 碰巧; 恰好; happen的过去分词和过去

    So the only alternative, and this is what lies behind door number two, is that we continue to improve our intelligent machines year after year after year.


    alternative可供选择的事物; 可供替代的; 非传统的; 另类的

    lies躺; 平躺; 平卧; 平放; 处于,保留,保持; 说谎; 撒谎; 编造谎言; 谎言; 位置; 谎话; lie的第三人称单数和复数

    behind在…的后面; 在…的背面; 落后于; 支持; 赞成; 在后面较远处; 留在原地; 拖欠; 积压; 义同bottom,委婉说法,即屁股

    door门; 出入口; 门口; 门边; 门旁

    number two拉㞎㞎,拉屎

    continue持续; 继续存在; 不断发生; 继续做; 不停地干; 走,移动; 延伸

    improve改进; 改善

    intelligent有才智的; 悟性强的; 聪明的; 有智力的; 有理解和学习能力的; 智能的

    machines机器; 机械装置; 核心机构; 制造,加工成型; machine的第三人称单数和复数

    year after year年复一年; 年年;每年

    At a certain point, we will build machines that are smarter than we are, and once we have machines that are smarter than we are, they will begin to improve themselves.

    And then we risk what the mathematician IJ Good called an "intelligence explosion," that the process could get away from us.


    risk危险; 风险; 危险人物; 会带来风险的事物; 借款人,保险对象; 使…冒风险; 冒…的风险; 冒险做; 大胆做


    Good好的; 优质的; 符合标准的; 可接受的; 令人愉快的; 令人满意的; 合情理的; 有说服力的; 有充分根据的; 合乎道德的行为; 正直的行为; 善行; 有道德的人; 高尚的人; 好人; 用处; 好处; 益处; 好

    called叫做; 称作; 给…命名; 称呼; 把…叫做; 认为…是; 把…看作; 把自己称为; 自诩; call的过去分词和过去式

    intelligence智力; 才智; 智慧; 情报; 情报人员

    explosion爆炸,爆破,爆裂; 突增; 猛增; 激增; 突然爆发,迸发

    process过程; 进程; 过程,步骤,流程; 做事方法; 工艺流程; 工序; 加工; 处理; 审阅,审核,处理; 数据处理; 列队行进; 缓缓前进

    could用于can的过去时; 能,可以; 能; 把装罐保存; 让…卷铺盖走人; 炒…的鱿鱼; can的过去分词和过去式

    get away from摆脱; 离开; 从…逃掉

    Now, this is often caricatured, as I have here, as a fear that armies of malicious robots will attack us.


    caricatured英 [ˈkærɪkətʃʊəd] 美 [ˈkærɪkətʃərd] v.把…画成漫画;滑稽地描述caricature的过去分词和过去式

    here在这里,向这里; 现在; 在这一点上; 给某人东西或指出某物时说; 喂,嘿; 主动提议时说

    fear害怕; 惧怕; 担忧; 畏惧; 担心; 恐怕

    armies陆上作战军队; 陆军部队; 陆军; 大批; 大群; army的复数

    malicious英 [məˈlɪʃəs] 美 [məˈlɪʃəs] adj.怀有恶意的;恶毒的派生词: maliciously adv.

    robots机器人; 交通信号灯; robot的复数

    will谈及将来; 愿,要,会,定要; 烦劳别人做事时用; 想要; 希望; 愿意; 喜欢; 立定志向; 决心; 决意; 立遗嘱将赠与; 立遗嘱赠与; 意志; 毅力; 自制力; 意愿; 心愿; 遗嘱

    attack袭击; 攻击; 进攻; 抨击,非难; 抨击; 非难

    But that isn't the most likely scenario.It's not that our machines will become spontaneously malevolent.


    most likely可能的,有希望的( likely的最高级 ); 适合的

    scenario设想; 方案; 预测; 剧情梗概

    not(构成动词be、do和have及情态动词can或must等的否定形式,常缩略为n't)不,没有; 不; (用于hope、expect、believe等动词后,作为否定的回答)不

    machines机器; 机械装置; 核心机构; 制造,加工成型; machine的第三人称单数和复数

    will谈及将来; 愿,要,会,定要; 烦劳别人做事时用; 想要; 希望; 愿意; 喜欢; 立定志向; 决心; 决意; 立遗嘱将赠与; 立遗嘱赠与; 意志; 毅力; 自制力; 意愿; 心愿; 遗嘱

    become开始变得; 变成; 适合; 与…相称; 使显得漂亮; 使好看

    spontaneously自发; 自然; 自动; 自然地

    malevolent有恶意的; 有坏心肠的

    The concern is really that we will build machines that are so much more competent than we are that the slightest divergence between their goals and our own could destroy us.


    concern影响,牵涉; 与…有关; 涉及; 让担忧; 担心,忧虑; 关爱; 关心; 重要的事情

    really事实上,真正地,真实地; 确实,的确; 加强形容词或副词的语气

    build建筑; 建造; 创建; 开发; 逐渐增强; 体形; 体格; 身材

    machines机器; 机械装置; 核心机构; 制造,加工成型; machine的第三人称单数和复数

    competent足以胜任的; 有能力的; 称职的; 合格的; 不错的; 尚好的; 有决定权的

    slightest轻微的; 略微的; 细小的; 纤细的; 瘦小的; 无须重视的; 不足道的; slight的最高级


    goals球门; 射门; 进球得分; 目标; 目的; goal的复数

    destroy摧毁; 毁灭; 破坏; 杀死,消灭,人道毁灭

    Just think about how we relate to ants.

    We don't hate them. 

    We don't go out of our way to harm them.

    In fact, sometimes we take pains not to harm them. 


    In fact事实上,其实; 准确地说;确切地说

    sometimes有时; 间或

    take pains下工夫,花气力

    not(构成动词be、do和have及情态动词can或must等的否定形式,常缩略为n't)不,没有; 不; (用于hope、expect、believe等动词后,作为否定的回答)不

    harm伤害; 损害

    them他们; 她们; 它们; 指性别不详的人时,用以代替him或her

    We step over them on the sidewalk.

    But whenever their presence seriously conflicts with one of our goals, let's say when constructing a building like this one, we annihilate them without a qualm.


    whenever在任何…的时候; 无论何时; 在任何…的情况下; 每当; 每次; 别的什么时候; 任何时间; 究竟什么时候

    seriously严重地; 严肃地; 认真地; 说正经的,说实在的; 非常; 极其

    conflicts冲突; 争执; 争论; 战斗; 抵触; 矛盾; 不一致; 冲突,抵触; conflict的第三人称单数和复数

    goals球门; 射门; 进球得分; 目标; 目的; goal的复数

    constructing建筑; 修建; 建造; 组成; 创建; 编制,绘制; construct的现在分词

    like this像这样/像那样/照这样; 像这样

    annihilate英 [əˈnaɪəleɪt] 美 [əˈnaɪəleɪt] v.消灭;歼灭;毁灭;彻底击败第三人称单数: annihilates现在分词: annihilating过去式: annihilated过去分词: annihilated派生词: annihilation n.

    qualm英 [kwɑːm] 美 [kwɑːm] n.(对自己行为的)顾虑,不安复数: qualms

    The concern is that we will one day build machines that, whether they're conscious or not, could treat us with similar disregard.


    concern影响,牵涉; 与…有关; 涉及; 让担忧; 担心,忧虑; 关爱; 关心; 重要的事情

    one day一天;一日

    build建筑; 建造; 创建; 开发; 逐渐增强; 体形; 体格; 身材

    machines机器; 机械装置; 核心机构; 制造,加工成型; machine的第三人称单数和复数

    whether是否; 是…,或者…,不管…

    conscious意识到; 注意到; 神志清醒的; 有知觉的; 有意识的; 慎重的; 有意的; 刻意的

    could用于can的过去时; 能,可以; 能; 把装罐保存; 让…卷铺盖走人; 炒…的鱿鱼; can的过去分词和过去式

    treat以…态度对待; 以…方式对待; 把…看作; 把…视为; 处理; 讨论; 治疗; 乐事; 乐趣; 款待

    similar相像的; 相仿的; 类似的; 类似物; 相像的人; 相似物

    disregard不理会; 不顾; 漠视; 忽视


    1.Why does Harris say there are only two possibilities moving forward?

    He thinks humanity will either be wiped out or continue to progress.

    2.an alternative is a different option.

    3.To be malicious is to be cruel.

    4.What will happen if people continue to improve AI technology?

    Machines will become smarter than human beings.

    5.If someone does something without qualm they  don't feel guilty about it.

    6.to annihilate something means to completely destroy it.

    put the sentences into correct order:

    It's as though we stand before two doors.Behind door number one, we stop making progress in building intelligent machines.Our computer hardware and software just stops getting better for some reason.Now take a moment to consider why this might happen.

    At a certain point, we will build machines that are smarter than we are, and once we have machines that are smarter than we are, they will begin to improve themselves.

    Repeat & Read Sentences:

    1.He believes humanity will either be wiped out or continue progressing.

    2.I think it's very difficult to see how they won't destroy us or inspire us to destroy ourselves.

    3.The concern is that we will one day build machines that, whether they're conscious or not, could treat us with similar disregard.

    4.You have to imagine how bad it would have to be to prevent us from making improvements in our technology permanently, generation after generation.

    5.If you're anything like me, you'll find that it's fun to think about these things.

    6.I'm going to describe how the gains we make in artificial intelligence could ultimately destroy us.

    7.I'm going to describe a scenario that I think is both terrifying and likely to occur,  and that's not a good combination.

    Now, I suspect this seems far-fetched to many of you. 


    Now现在; 目前; 此刻; 从现在开始; 表示厌烦; 既然; 由于

    suspect疑有,觉得; 怀疑; 感觉有问题; 不信任; 嫌疑犯; 嫌疑分子; 可疑对象; 不可信的; 靠不住的; 可疑的; 可能有危险的; 有违法嫌疑的

    seems好像,似乎,看来; 感到好像,觉得似乎; 看来好像; seem的第三人称单数

    far-fetched难以置信的; 牵强的

    I bet there are those of you who doubt that super intelligent AI is possible, much less inevitable. 


    bet下赌注; 用…打赌; 敢说; 八成儿; 打赌; 赌注; 预计; 估计

    there are有; 可数名词的复数形式; 许多重要事情要谈

    those用来对已经提及的事物作补充说明; 人们;人; 那些; 用于提供更多的细节、信息

    who谁,什么人; 表示所指的人; 进一步提供有关某人的信息

    doubt疑惑; 疑问; 不确定; 不相信; 无把握; 不能肯定; 认为…未必可能; 怀疑; 不信任

    super顶好的; 超级的; 顶呱呱的; 特别; 格外; 警官; 警长; 管理人

    intelligent有才智的; 悟性强的; 聪明的; 有智力的; 有理解和学习能力的; 智能的

    possible可能; 能做到; 可能存在的; 合理的; 可接受的; 合适的人; 恰当人选

    much less更不用说; 更何况; 遑论

    inevitable不可避免的; 不能防止的; 总会发生的; 照例必有的; 惯常的; 必然发

    But then you must find something wrong with one of the following assumptions. 


    must必须; 一定; 应该,得; 必须做的事

    find发现,碰到; 找到; 找回; 发现,查明,找出,求得; 发现物,被发现的人

    something wrong岔子

    following接着的; 下述的; 下列的; 拥护者,追随者; 下述; 下列; 如下; 在以后; 由于; 跟随; 跟着; 在…后发生,因…而发生; 在…后做; follow的现在分词

    assumptions假定; 假设; 承担; 担任; 获得; assumption的复数

    And there are only three of them.

    Intelligence is a matter of information processing in physical systems. 


    Intelligence智力; 才智; 智慧; 情报; 情报人员

    a matter of大约,左右

    information processing信息处理;情报整理

    physical身体的; 肉体的; 躯体的; 客观存在的; 现实的; 物质的; 有形的; 根据自然规律的; 符合自然法则的; 体检; 体格检查

    systems体系; 方法; 制度; 体制; 系统; 身体; system的复数

    Actually, this is a little bit more than an assumption. 

    We have already built narrow intelligence into our machines, and many of these machines perform at a level of superhuman intelligence already. 


    already已经; 早已; 已经,都

    built…建成的; …造的; 建筑; 建造; 创建; 开发; 逐渐增强; build的过去分词和过去式

    narrow狭窄的; 窄小的; 勉强的; 刚刚好的; 狭隘的; 目光短浅的; 使窄小; 变窄; 缩小; 海峡; 狭路; 隘路; 狭窄的水道

    intelligence智力; 才智; 智慧; 情报; 情报人员

    machines机器; 机械装置; 核心机构; 制造,加工成型; machine的第三人称单数和复数

    many许多(与复数名词及动词连用,尤用于否定句或正式用语,表示大量; 也用于疑问句以询问数字大小,并可与as、so 和 too 连用); 大多数人; 许多,大量; 许多; 多的

    these这些,他们; 这些; 一些

    perform at演奏…

    superhuman超出常人的; 非凡的

    And we know that mere matter can give rise to what is called "general intelligence," an ability to think flexibly across multiple domains,  because our brains have managed it. Right? 


    mere仅仅的; 只不过; 只凭…就足以; 小湖; 池塘

    give rise to造成; 引起; 导致

    what is called所谓的


    across从一边到另一边; 横过; 宽; 从…的一边向…; 在对面; 在对过; 从…一边到另一边; 在…对面; 在…对过; 在上

    multiple数量多的; 多种多样的; 倍数

    domains领域,范围,范畴; 领土,领地,势力范围; 域; 定义域; domain的复数

    brains脑; 动物脑髓; 智力; 脑力; 逻辑思维能力; 猛击…的脑袋致死; brain的第三人称单数和复数

    managed妥善照看的; 受监管的; 受监督的; 完成; 勉力完成; 能解决; 应付; 凑

    I mean, there's just atoms in here, and as long as we continue to build systems of atoms that display more and more intelligent behavior, we will eventually, unless we are interrupted, we will eventually build general intelligence into our machines.


    mean表示…的意思; 意思是; 本意是; 打算; 意欲; 有…的目的; 吝啬的; 小气的; 不善良; 刻薄; 要发怒的; 要发狂的; 中间; 中庸; 折中; 平均数; 平均值; 算术中项

    atoms原子; atom的复数

    as long as只要

    more and more越来越

    intelligent behavior智能行为; 智力行为

    eventually最后; 终于

    unless除非; 除非在…情况下; 若非; 如果不

    interrupted插嘴; 打扰; 打岔; 使暂停; 使中断; 阻断,遮挡; interrupt的过去分词和过去式

    machines机器; 机械装置; 核心机构; 制造,加工成型; machine的第三人称单

    It's crucial to realize that the rate of progress doesn't matter ,because any progress is enough to get us into the end zone. 


    crucial至关重要的; 关键性的

    realize理解; 领会; 认识到; 意识到; 实现; 将…变为现实; 发生,产生

    matter课题; 事情; 问题; 事态; 当前的状况; 怎么了; 事关紧要; 要紧; 有重大影响


    any(与不可数或复数名词连用,用于否定句和疑问句,也用于if或whether之后,或紧接某些动词如prevent、ban、forbid等)任何的,任一的; 任一; 非一般的; 不寻常的; (用于否定句和疑问句中或if、whether后)任何数量,任一数额; 任何一些; 一点儿也,完全,丝毫; 根本

    progress进步; 进展; 进程; 前进; 行进; 改进; 推移,流逝

    enough to足够…去做; 足以; 足够……可以

    into到…里面; 进入; 朝; 向; 对着; 撞上; 碰上

    end zone端区,球门区

    We don't need Moore's law to continue. 

    We don't need exponential progress. 


    need需要; 必需; 有必要; 必须; 特别需要; 迫切要求; 需要的事物; 欲望

    exponential指数的; 幂的; 由指数表示的; 越来越快的

    progress进步; 进展; 进程; 前进; 行进; 改进; 推移,流逝

    We just need to keep going.

    The second assumption is that we will keep going. 

    We will continue to improve our intelligent machines. 

    And given the value of intelligence , I mean, intelligence is either the source of everything we value or we need it to safeguard everything we value. 


    And和; 与; 同; 又; 而; 加; 加上; 然后; 接着

    given已经安排好的; 规定的; 指定的; 所述的; 特定的; 考虑到; 鉴于; 假设事实; 给; 交给; 赠送; 赠与; 送给; 提供,供给,供应; give的过去分词

    value价值; 值,划算程度; 用途; 积极作用; 重视; 珍视; 给…估价; 给…定价

    intelligence智力; 才智; 智慧; 情报; 情报人员

    mean表示…的意思; 意思是; 本意是; 打算; 意欲; 有…的目的; 吝啬的; 小气的; 不善良; 刻薄; 要发怒的; 要发狂的; 中间; 中庸; 折中; 平均数; 平均值; 算术中项

    either任何一个; 每个,各方; 也; 而且; 要么…要么,不是…就是,或者…或者

    source来源; 出处; 信息来源; 原始资料; 起源; 根源; 原因; 获得

    everything每件事; 所有事物; 一切; 形势; 情况; 生活; 最重要的东西; 最要紧的事情

    need需要; 必需; 有必要; 必须; 特别需要; 迫切要求; 需要的事物; 欲望

    safeguard保护; 保障; 捍卫; 安全设施; 保护措施

    It is our most valuable resource. 

    So we want to do this. 

    We have problems that we desperately need to solve. 


    have有; 持有; 占有; 由…组成; 显示出,带有; 与过去分词连用构成完成时

    problems棘手的问题; 难题; 困难; 逻辑题; 数学题; problem的复数

    desperately绝望地;不顾一切地,拼命地; 极度地;猛烈地

    need需要; 必需; 有必要; 必须; 特别需要; 迫切要求; 需要的事物; 欲望

    solve解决; 处理; 解答; 破解

    We want to cure diseases like Alzheimer's and cancer. 

    We want to understand economic systems. 

    We want to improve our climate science. 

    So we will do this, if we can. 

    The train is already out of the station, and there's no brake to pull.


    train火车; 列车; 列队行进的人; 队列; 行列; 一系列相关的事情; 训练; 培训; 接受训练; 进行…训练; 进行体育锻炼; 教育; 培养…的能力

    already已经; 早已; 已经,都

    out of从…里面;离开; 从…的状态中; 越出…之外

    station火车站; 公共汽车站; 长途汽车站; 站; 所; 局; 派驻; 使驻扎; 到某处站; 把…安置到

    brake刹车; 制动器; 车闸; 阻力; 障碍; 用闸减速; 刹

    pull拉; 拽; 扯; 拖; 拔出; 抽出; 拖,拉动; 力; 引力; 磁力; 吸引力; 诱惑; 影

    Finally, we don't stand on a peak of intelligence, or anywhere near it, likely. 


    Finally终于; 最终; 最后; 彻底地; 决定性地

    stand on坚持; 向一个方向笔直航行

    peak顶峰; 高峰; 山峰; 峰峦; 尖形; 尖端; 尖头; 达到高峰; 达到最高值; 最高度的; 高峰时期的; 巅峰状态的

    intelligence智力; 才智; 智慧; 情报; 情报人员

    near距离近; 不远; 不久以后; 随后; 接近; 距离不远; 在附近; 几乎; 差不多; 在…附近; 靠近; 临近; 大约,上下; 接近,靠近,临近

    likely可能的; 预料的; 有希望的; 似乎合适的; 仿佛恰当的; 可能; 或许

    And this really is the crucial insight. 


    really事实上,真正地,真实地; 确实,的确; 加强形容词或副词的语气

    crucial至关重要的; 关键性的

    insight洞察力; 领悟; 洞悉; 了解

    This is what makes our situation so precarious, and this is what makes our intuitions about risk so unreliable.


    what什么; …的事物; 无论什么; 凡是…的事物; 多么; 真; 太

    makes制造; 做; 组装; 写; 出产; 制订; 铺床; make的第三人称单数

    situation情况; 状况; 形势; 局面; 地理位置,环境特点; 职业; 工作岗位

    precarious英 [prɪˈkeəriəs] 美 [prɪˈkeriəs] adj.不稳的;不确定的;不保险的;危险的;摇摇欲坠的;不稳固的比较级: more precarious最高级: most precarious派生词: precariously adv. precariousness n.

    intuitions英 [ˌɪntju(ː)ˈɪʃənz] 美 [ˌɪntuˈɪʃənz] n.直觉力;(一种)直觉intuition的复数

    about大约; 左右; 将近; 几乎; 到处; 处处; 各处; 关于; 对于; 目的是; 为了; 涉及…方面; 忙于; 从事于; 在附近的; 四处走动的; 在起作用的; 在流行中的

    risk危险; 风险; 危险人物; 会带来风险的事物; 借款人,保险对象; 使…冒风险; 冒…的风险; 冒险做; 大胆做

    unreliable不可靠的; 不能信赖的

    Now, just consider the smartest person who has ever lived. 

    On almost everyone's shortlist here is John von Neumann. 


    shortlist入围名单; 把…列入入围名单

    here在这里,向这里; 现在; 在这一点上; 给某人东西或指出某物时说; 喂,嘿; 主动提议时说

    I mean, the impression that von Neumann made on the people around him,  and this included the greatest mathematicians and physicists of his time, is fairly well-documented. 


    mean表示…的意思; 意思是; 本意是; 打算; 意欲; 有…的目的; 吝啬的; 小气的; 不善良; 刻薄; 要发怒的; 要发狂的; 中间; 中庸; 折中; 平均数; 平均值; 算术中项

    impression印象; 感想; 影响; 效果; 印象画

    around大约; 周围; 四周; 围绕; 环绕; 在那边; 到那边; 从那边; 绕着

    included包括在内的; 包括; 包含; 使成为…的一部分; include的过去分词和过去式

    greatest很好地; 极好地; 很棒地; 大的; 巨大的; 数量大的; 众多的; 很; 非常的; 很多的; 极大的; great的最高级

    mathematicians数学家; mathematician的复数

    physicists物理学家; 物理学研究者; physicist的复数

    his他的; 上帝的; 属于上帝的; 属于他的

    fairly一定地; 相当地; 公平合理地; 公正地; 简直,竟然

    If only half the stories about him are half true, there's no question he's one of the smartest people who has ever lived. 

    So consider the spectrum of intelligence. 


    consider仔细考虑,细想; 认为; 以为; 觉得; 体谅; 考虑到; 顾及

    spectrum英 [ˈspektrəm] 美 [ˈspektrəm] n.谱;光谱;声谱;波谱;频谱;范围;各层次;系列;幅度

    intelligence智力; 才智; 智慧; 情报; 情报人员

    Here we have John von Neumann. 

    And then we have you and me. 

    And then we have a chicken. 

    Sorry, a chicken.

    There's no reason for me to make this talk more depressing than it needs to be.

    It seems overwhelmingly likely, however, that the spectrum of intelligence extends much further than we currently conceive, and if we build machines that are more intelligent than we are, they will very likely explore this spectrum in ways that we can't imagine, and exceed us in ways that we can't imagine. 



    spectrum谱; 光谱; 声谱; 波谱; 频谱; 范围; 各层次; 系列; 幅度

    intelligence智力; 才智; 智慧; 情报; 情报人员

    extends使伸长; 扩大; 扩展; 延长; 使延期; 扩大…的范围; extend的第三人称单数

    conceive想出; 想象; 构想; 设想; 怀孕; 怀

    intelligent有才智的; 悟性强的; 聪明的; 有智力的; 有理解和学习能力的; 智能的

    imagine想象; 设想; 误以为; 胡乱猜想; 猜测; 料想; 认为

    exceed超过; 超越的限制


    1.What does Harris believe about the spectrum of intelligence?

    it extends far beyond what people can conceive. 

    2.What does Harris believe intelligence is?

    information being processed in physical systems.

    3.Why does Harris think that the rate of technological progress is insignificant?

    Progress will inevitable lead to AI as long as it isn't interrupted.

    4.General intelligence is the ability to think flexibly across many domains.

    5.To safeguard something means to protect it from harm.

    6.Why are users more likely to send messages to people who others don't find attractive?

    They think there will be less competition.

    7.An incentive is something that motivates a person to do something.

    8.if a rate of increase is exponential, it becomes faster and faster.

    Fill in the blanks:

    If only half the stories about him are half true, there's no question he's one of the smartest people who has ever lived.

    We have already built narrow intelligence into our machines, and many of these machines perform at a level of superhuman intelligence already. 

    Repeat & Read Sentences:

    1.The train is already out of the station, and there's no brake to pull.

    2.We want to cure diseases like Alzheimer's and cancer.

    3.We have problems that we desperately need to solve.

    4.It's not totally true that the more attractive you are,  the more messages you get.

    5.He believes humanity will either be wiped out or continue progressing.

    6.I'm going to describe how the gains we make in artificial intelligence could ultimately destroy us.

    7.The concern is that we will one day build machines that, whether they're conscious or not, could treat us with similar disregard.

    8.One of the things that worries me most about the development of AI at this point is that we seem unable to marshal an appropriate emotional response to the dangers that lie ahead.



          本文标题:流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 8·Unit 1
