

作者: 天邊的凝紅 | 来源:发表于2018-01-06 22:20 被阅读31次


作者 :何强




“埙是孤独的,孤独不是遗世独立,而是可以不随他人的闹而闹,享受自己独有的心得。埙不是用来倾诉的,也不是用来寻找知音的,听埙的声音,表达的是微小生命面对浩瀚宇宙的一种哲学品格上的 ‘隐忍’。埙是苦的,但这种苦不是悲苦,是懂得所有不可能之后的一种大苦。懂得了这苦的滋味,人生的境界就会变得不同。不贪婪,不张扬,不功利,而进入一种自觉的 ‘隐忍’。我听埙乐,技巧被忽略了,记得的是他的‘隐忍’。


A tree LaoHuai stood alone in the wind, was empty heart tree, yesterday scarred, all the struggle of no help. Life play mud, with grain build scenery, do not care about tomorrow will be removed. Memory can't say clear in the past, the land almost sterilization time, hometown fall again and again, I have been waiting for you in the wheat.

Tired body is still can blossom life poetry flowers, with the most humble love look up. Tang dynasty from the hasty find a rhyme as a melody, with all the print, again and again into the soil permeability, or to return to a previous movement, small courtyard of peach and apricot blossom.

Loess is my shelter place, soil still on the ground, generous and reality; Rhyme floating in the ear, bear and vast. No more than the voice can move them. It comes from prehistoric, with the taste of soil, with the taste of autumn wind. Turbidity and raise the of natural, for thousands of years in the clear sunlight or moonlight, caught people's soul. This is Xun.

'Xun is lonely, lonely is not stand aloof from the world, but can not like other people's surface and surface, enjoy their own unique experience. Xun is not used to talk to, also not be used to look for the bosom friend, listen to the voice of the Xun, expression is tiny life facing the vast universe a philosophy on the character of' bear '. Xun is bitter, but this is not bitter bitterness, it is impossible to know all after a big bitter. Understand the bitter taste, the life realm will become different. No greed, not make public, no utilitarian, into one kind of aware 'bear'. I listen to Xun joy, skills ignored, remember his 'bear'.

'For faculty have to Xun joy of wonderful, connect fully and life-long; man can get the joy of Xun, self-sufficiency and worry about.'


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