In the study carried out by TMDU's department of stem cell biology, mice that had been given a high-fat diet (HFD) were more susceptible7 to inflammatory responses in the body which, in turn, blocked follicle regeneration, leading to hair loss. What was surprising was that the deterioration9 in the hair follicles could happen in as little as four days spent on a high-fat diet and that the problem seemed to be worse in older mice.
"High-fat diet feeding accelerates hair thinning by depleting10 HFSCs, especially in old mice," explains Hironobu Morinaga, the study's lead author. “We compared the gene8 expression in HFSCs between HFD-fed mice and standard diet-fed mice and traced the fate of those HFSCs after their activation11.
该研究的主要作者Hironobu Morinaga解释说:“高脂肪饮食喂养让毛囊干细胞变少,特别是老年小鼠。我们比较了高脂肪饮食喂养的小鼠和标准饮食喂养的小鼠之间毛囊干细胞的基因表达,并追踪了这些毛囊干细胞激活后的命运。