
作者: HenryCheng | 来源:发表于2015-11-19 09:45 被阅读2529次


    2.8 - Apps that install or launch other executable code will be rejected

    10.6 - Apple and our customers place a high value on simple, refined, creative, well thought through interfaces. They take more work but are worth it. Apple sets a high bar. If your user interface is complex or less than very good, it may be rejected

    2.8 Details

    During review, your app installed or launched executable code, which is a violation of the App Store Review Guidelines.

    Specifically, this app contains a mechanism for updating itself outside of the App Store review process.

    Next Steps

    Please revise your app to remove this functionality.

    10.6 Details

    Additionally, your app includes an update button or alerts the user to update the app. To avoid user confusion, app version updates must utilize the iOS built-in update mechanism.

    Specifically, this app contains an SDK designed to update the app outside of the App Store process. It would be appropriate to remove this SDK before resubmitting for review.

    Next Steps

    Please remove the update feature from your app. To distribute a new version of your app, upload the new app binary version into the same iTunes Connect record you created for the app’s previous version. Updated versions keep the same Apple ID, iTunes Connect ID (SKU), and bundle ID as the original version, and are available free to customers who purchased a previous version.


          最后想想应该是,集成的Test in里面包含了更新机制或者啥的,Test in是临时集成进去搜集crash 日志的,以前是没有什么问题的,最后发现都是最近有不少APP是因为集成了第三方的这种搜集crash日志的SDK悲剧的,比如、蒲公英、Umeng等,所以各位大兄弟们上架的时候也要注意一下啊!



      • 没有黑眼圈de熊猫:你好,我们也遇到了这种问题,我们没有用test in,用的是友盟,但是以前也没问题,这回因为这个问题被拒了三回,请问怎么解决呢
        没有黑眼圈de熊猫:@CoderYQ 我们的确是因为testin,去年好像用到过,没有删除,这回改了三次才改对。友盟的统计也会出问题,建议你换最新的
        HenryCheng:@CoderYQ 你可以回复邮件问问到底什么原因
        老板娘来盘一血:@普罗旺斯_minmin 我的只有一个友盟,用到了第三方登录,也是因为这个原因被拒绝了三次,不知道到底是不是这个友盟的原因,主要是我同事也是用的友盟就没问题啊
      • Eugene_iOS:@f8c2d8768e83
        不知道你解决没有,我的建议testin换最新版,shareSDK检查一下要分享的客户端是否存在,如果两个都没问题的话,上架 应该没问题
        HenryCheng:@Eugene_iOS 额,等以后版本稳定了再上吧
        Eugene_iOS:@HenryCheng 新版可以,我前几天才推上去一个
        HenryCheng:@Eugene_iOS 我的这个是test in的问题,已经和test in官方确定过了的,是他们的SDK的问题,但是说新版本已经改进了,我自那以后没用test in了,至于新版本能不能行不确定
      • jiang12306:遇到相同的问题,怎么解决的?急!!
        HenryCheng:@f8c2d8768e83 test in去掉吧,估计你用的也是他们有问题的那一版,我的是去掉了,审核通过,跟他们客服沟通,他们说是他们的问题,搞错了一个ip,所以有访问更新的,现在说是解决了,下载最新的包即可,但是我暂时还没加,伤不起
        jiang12306:@HenryCheng Testin shareSDK就这两个
        HenryCheng:@f8c2d8768e83 你的里面用了哪些第三方
      • Eugene_iOS:遭遇相同,我的原因可能是share sdk,刚提交上
        HenryCheng:@Eugene_iOS 审核中,卡在这两天了😂😂😂
        Eugene_iOS:@HenryCheng 你们的项目已经上架了吗?
        HenryCheng:@Eugene_iOS 哎,苹果最近抽风,对这个暂时还没有回应

