Python 排序 快速排序

Python 排序 快速排序

作者: minimore | 来源:发表于2016-03-28 14:27 被阅读37次
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    # author: zhonghua
    # filename: sort_quick.py
    # create: 2016/3/28
    # version: 1.0
    # 快速排序
    def quick(lst, left, right):
        if left >= right:
        key = lst[left]
        low = left
        high = right
        # 大循环
        while low < high:
            # 必须是lst[high] >= key, 否则left和right会停在一个位置重复循环
            while low < high and lst[high] >= key:
                high -= 1
            lst[low] = lst[high]
            # 这里不能是lst[low] <= key, 否则会出现low超出lst范围的情况
            while low < high and lst[low] < key:
                low += 1
            lst[high] = lst[low]
        lst[low] = key
        # 递归
        quick(lst, left, low)
        quick(lst, low + 1, right)
    if __name__ ==  '__main__':
        lst = [19, 28, 30, 5, 8, 60, 72, 94, 68, 28]
        quick(lst, 0, len(lst)-1)
        for i in lst:
            print i



        本文标题:Python 排序 快速排序
