Sequence 和 SubSequence

Sequence 和 SubSequence

作者: 秋分落叶 | 来源:发表于2019-09-24 11:17 被阅读0次

1 序列 Sequence


    /// A type representing the sequence's elements.
    associatedtype Element where Self.Element == Self.Iterator.Element

    /// A type that provides the sequence's iteration interface and
    /// encapsulates its iteration state.
    associatedtype Iterator : IteratorProtocol

    /// Returns an iterator over the elements of this sequence.
    __consuming func makeIterator() -> Self.Iterator

迭代器是遵守 IterratorProtocal 协议的,其核心方法就是next(),每一次的调用就会返回下一个元素,一直到最后的值为空的时候,不再进行返回。其实代码的英文注释也是蛮清楚的😁

public protocol IteratorProtocol {
    /// The type of element traversed by the iterator.
    associatedtype Element

    /// Advances to the next element and returns it, or `nil` if no next element
    /// exists.
    /// Repeatedly calling this method returns, in order, all the elements of the
    /// underlying sequence. As soon as the sequence has run out of elements, all
    /// subsequent calls return `nil`.
    /// You must not call this method if any other copy of this iterator has been
    /// advanced with a call to its `next()` method.
    /// The following example shows how an iterator can be used explicitly to
    /// emulate a `for`-`in` loop. First, retrieve a sequence's iterator, and
    /// then call the iterator's `next()` method until it returns `nil`.
    ///     let numbers = [2, 3, 5, 7]
    ///     var numbersIterator = numbers.makeIterator()
    ///     while let num = numbersIterator.next() {
    ///         print(num)
    ///     }
    ///     // Prints "2"
    ///     // Prints "3"
    ///     // Prints "5"
    ///     // Prints "7"
    /// - Returns: The next element in the underlying sequence, if a next element
    ///   exists; otherwise, `nil`.
    mutating func next() -> Self.Element?


// 自定义反转一个迭代器
// 先定义一个实现IteratorProtocol 的类型
struct ReverseIterator<T>:IteratorProtocol{
    typealias Element = T;
    var arr : [Element];
    var idx = 0;
    init(arr:[Element]) {
        self.arr = arr;
        idx = arr.count - 1;
    mutating func next() -> T? {
        if idx < 0 {
            return nil;
            let ele = arr[idx];
            idx = idx - 1;
            return ele;

// 再来定义sequence
struct ReverceSequence<T>:Sequence{
    var arr:[T];
    init(arr:[T]) {
        self.arr = arr;
    __consuming func makeIterator() -> ReverseIterator<T> {
        return ReverseIterator(arr: self.arr);
let array = [2,5,8,10];
for i in ReverceSequence(arr: array){
    // 10 8 5 2
   print(i, separator: "-", terminator: "-");

2 子序列 SubSequence

子序列作为序列的关联类型,SubSequence 常常用作返回值的子类型。
1 prefix 和 suffix 获取开头和结尾的n个元素
2 prefix(while:) 从开始开始 满足结束为止
3 dropFirst 和 dropLast 移除第一个或者最后一个
4 drop(while:)移除元素 知道条件不为真的时候
5 spilt 按照指定的分割元素截断操作

let array2 = [1,2,5,8];
let iterator1 =  array2.makeIterator();
for i  in array2.dropFirst(){



      本文标题:Sequence 和 SubSequence
