2018-11-21 时常反省这些点

2018-11-21 时常反省这些点

作者: being_now | 来源:发表于2018-11-21 11:25 被阅读0次


You never want to give the market the power to make you act like a cornered animal.

Yet there are a few things that people do that virtually guarantee that they'll end up behaving this way.

  1. Not having a system.
  2. Not having a plan to implement that system.
  3. Having a plan but choosing disregard it (like emotion & impluse)
  4. Trading with position sizes that one can't handle psychologically.
  5. Not understanding probabilities and inevitability of losses.
  6. The "I need money so bad" mindset (Get rich quick mindset)
  7. The "I need to be right" mindset (self-ego)
  8. Checking your trades and P&L 20x a day. (not living in the present moment, trust your system and work on process, result will take care of itself)
  9. Not having a journal and not learning from your mistakes
  10. Letting a string of winning trades go to your head.
  11. Letting a string of losing trades go to your heart.
  12. Dismissing mindset management techniques and pratices, and thinking your are above that and above market
  13. Be humble. Always respect the market and focus on current trade


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      本文标题:2018-11-21 时常反省这些点
