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ERROR: /home/guochongxin/slam/xxx.java:14: The import org.apache.http.HttpEntity cannot be resolved
ERROR: /home/guochongxin/slam/xxx.java:15: The import org.apache.http.HttpResponse cannot be resolved
ERROR: /home/guochongxin/slam/xxx.java:16: The import org.apache.http.client cannot be resolved
ERROR: /home/guochongxin/slam/xxx.java:17: The import org.apache.http.client cannot be resolved
ERROR: /home/guochongxin/slam/xxx.java:18: The import org.apache.http.client cannot be resolved
ERROR: /home/guochongxin/slam/xxx.java:19: The import org.apache.http.impl cannot be resolved
ERROR: /home/guochongxin/slam/xxx.java:20: The import org.apache.http.message cannot be resolved
ERROR: /home/guochongxin/slam/xxx.java:22: The import org.apache.http.protocol cannot be resolved
ERROR: /home/guochongxin/slam/xxx.java:593: DefaultHttpClient cannot be resolved to a type
1.修改Android.mk,添加LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES += org.apache.http.legacy
<uses-library android:name="org.apache.http.legacy" android:required="false" />