

作者: 省点时间Mac站 | 来源:发表于2019-01-17 23:51 被阅读0次

    Listening: Bus Schedule

    Here is a bus schedule at a bus stop.

    It has the schedule for 3 buses between 8:00 and 9:30 in the morning.

    Bus No.38 has a regular schedule.

    It comes every 15 minutes.

    8:10, 8:25, 8:40, 8:55, 9:10, 9:25.

    Bus No.47 comes less often.

    It comes at 8:20, 8:45 and 9:25.

    Bus No.60 is the earliest bus.

    It comes at 8:05, 8:30 and 9:00.

    Bus No.38 has stops at the main train station and the airport.

    Bus No.60 stops at the main train station, but doesn’t goto the airport.

    Bus No.47 doesn’t go to either the main train station or the airport.


    Listening: What Is Lisa Going to Do?

    Lisa just returned home from school.

    This is what she’s going to do for the rest of the day.

    She’s going to clean her room first.

    It’s going to take her 10 minutes.

    In about 10 minutes, at ten past four, she’s going to practice the piano.

    She usually practices for about 45 minutes.

    But today, she’s going to practice for an hour.

    Next week, there will be a piano competition.

    So she wants to practice more.

    After practicing, she’s going to do some homework.

    She does homework until dinner time, which is at 6:00.

    After dinner, she’s going to wash the dishes.

    Then, she’s going to finish her homework.

    She usually does homework from 7:00 until around 8:30.

    But she has a lot of homework tonight.

    So she may work until 9:00 or later.

    After finishing her homework, she usually texts her friends.

    But tonight, she’s going to read.

    She’s reading a very good book.

    She started it last week.

    Tonight, she’s going to finish it.

    After she finishes it, she’ll turn off the light and goto sleep.


    Vocabulary: Seasons

    Winter is the coldest time of the year.

    Winter nights are long and the days are short.

    Summer is the hottest time of the year.

    Summer nights are short and the days are long.

    Spring comes after winter and before summer.

    Spring is when trees turn green.

    Autumn, or fall, comes after summer and before winter.

    Autumn is when trees turn many colors and leaves fall to the ground.

    Some countries have a rainy season.

    In rainy season, it rains almost every day.


    Vocabulary: Health Problems

    This boy has a broken leg.

    He can’t walk without crutches (/'krʌtʃiz/ 拐杖).

    This girl has a sore (/sɔr/ 疼痛的) throat.

    She doesn’t feel good because her throat hurts.

    This girl is vomiting (/'vɑmɪt/ 吐).

    She ate something bad so she is throwing up (throw up 呕吐).

    This boy has a fever.

    His temperature is 39.5 degrees Celsius (/'selsiəs/ 摄氏度).

    This girl has a headache.

    She doesn’t feel good because her head aches.

    He broke his leg in a skiing accident.

    She has a pain in the back of her head.


    Dialogue: Favorite Seasons

    Tom: I really hate this cold winter weather.

    Lisa: Really? I don’t mind it. It’s not so bad.

    Tom: First, it’s really cold. Second, I don’t like the short days and the long nights. It’s always dark.

    Lisa: Sure, but it’ll be over soon. Spring is coming and warmer weather.

    Tom: Yes, and longer days.

    Lisa: What about summers? Do you like hot weather?

    Tom: I don’t like summer weather either.

    Lisa: Is it too hot for you?

    Tom: Yes, it’s too hot. Every day is hot and humid (/'hjumɪd/ 潮湿的). So I always feel tired and thirsty.

    Lisa: Yeah, me too. I take a shower twice a day.

    Lisa: So, which is worse, summer or winter?

    Tom: Good question. I guess I prefer winter. What about you?

    Lisa: Well, I prefer winter too. I don’t mind the long nights.

    Lisa: Of course, the best seasons are spring and autumn.

    Tom: Which of those do you prefer?

    Lisa: Between those two, I prefer autumn.

    Tom: Why do you prefer autumn?

    Lisa: I love it when the leaves turn different colors.

    Tom: I agree with you. I guess autumn is my favorite season too.

    Lisa: I was surprised, Tom. I thought you would prefer spring.

    Tom: Why is that?

    Lisa: Everything is young and new in spring, right?

    Tom: Well, maybe I’ll change my mind.


    Dialogue: Bus Schedule

    M: Excuse me, when is the next bus?

    W: To where?

    M: To the train station.

    W: Let’s look at the bus schedule.

    M: Which bus goes to the train station?

    W: Buses 38 and 60 both go to the train station.

    M: It’s 8:59 now. So I just missed the number 38.

    W: Right. It came a few minutes ago. The next bus to the train station comes at 9:00.

    M: Yes, I hope it isn’t late. The traffic is heavy.

    W: Oh, look, the number 60 is coming now, right on schedule.

    M: Great, thanks for your help.

    W: You’re welcome. Have a good day.

    M: You too.



