pod repo update 更新一下repo,更新完成之后即可解决无法找到xxx第三方框架的问题了
pod install 时出现 Unable to find a specification for `xxxxx...
使用pod install进行安装时出现如下错误: Unable to find a specification ...
(1)如果在pod install出现“Unable to find a specification for `x...
1、网上常见的解决方式:执行pod repo update2、我遇到了两次第一次执行按照方法一可以了,第二次删除P...
上周突然 pod install 报错 Unable to find a specification for A...
updating...... - pod install 问题1:[!] Unable to find a spe...
pod install时报错: [!] Unable to find host target(s) for IMS...
1 pod search xxxx 出现 Unable To find a pod with name , aut...
一、pod search 时出现[!] Unable to find a pod with name, autho...
本文标题:pod install 出现 Unable to find a