美国护士有100种工作(What Kind of Jobs ca

美国护士有100种工作(What Kind of Jobs ca

作者: magehom | 来源:发表于2017-07-01 22:59 被阅读0次










    Below is a list of 100 things you can do with a any number of different types of nursing degree. Some of these positions do require specializations and many will need you to hold a master’s degree (MSN) at least.


    1. Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse

    Work with people with psychiatric problems in hospitals or psychiatric wards and prisons.

    2. Physician’s Office Nurse

    Work directly with people and the job tends to be 9 to 5.

    3. Nurse Case Manager (案例管理)

    You will need an MSN degree for this role.

    4. Nursing Informatics Specialist

    This requires an MSN degree specialization.

    5. School Nurse

    Work directly with children. You will have some time off during school holidays.

    6. Legal Consultation Nurse

    Relates to the handling of medical malpractice cases.

    7. Research Nurse (研究)

    Gives you the opportunity to pave the way for the future.

    8. Diabetes Management Nurse

    Work directly with people with diabetes, helping them manage their condition.

    9. Cruise Ship Nurse

    This is a fantastic opportunity for those who want to travel the world. You will generally have a reasonably low workload, but you do have to be on call around the clock.

    10. Camp Nurse

    Work in summer camps involving children. However, there are also increasing numbers of health-related camps, such as those for people who are overweight.

    11. Parish Nurse

    If you have a religious affiliation, this will allow you to integrate health and spirituality.

    12. Staff Nurse

    Work regular hours with reasonable pay in a hospital or any healthcare setting.

    13. Nurse Midwife

    Help deliver babies. You will also be involved in providing ante- and post-natal care.

    14. Insurance Firm Nurse

    Insurance companies often need nurses to assess claims.

    15. Keep Studying Towards a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctorate Degree

    Nurses are committed to the furthering of the professional education. From being a nurse assistant, you can move on to license practical nurse,

    to an associate’s degree in nursing, to a bachelor’s degree, to a master’s degree and finally a Ph.D. in nursing.

    16. Work Abroad

    The nursing degree that you obtain in this country can be transferred to a license to practice in most other countries.

    17. Prison Nurse

    This is incredibly hard work and not for the faint of heart.

    18. District Nurse

    Take responsibility over health delivery and health promotion in a specific district.

    19. Learning Disabilities Nurse

    Work with children and adults who have various levels of learning disabilities.

    20. Occupational Health Nurse

    Work in large companies or in hospitals. You will ensure people can work in a mentally and

    physically safe manner.

    21. Pediatric Nurse

    Work with children between the ages of 0 and 19.

    22. Pharmaceutical Nurse

    This is an interesting field for nurses who no longer wish to work directly with patients. Working for

    pharmaceutical companies is a very interesting alternative.

    23. Public Health Nurse

    This is reserved for those with an MSN degree.

    24. Plasma or Blood Bank Nurse

    You will take plasma and blood from donors, encourage others to donate, test blood and more.

    25. Army Nurse

    The army is always looking for nurses, particularly since we are still involved in a number of different conflicts.

    26. Home Health Nurse

    You get to build a long lasting relationship with your patients, whom you will see in their homes.

    27. Hospice Nurse

    Hospice nursing is hard, as you will be dealing with people who are dying. Your role will be to

    allow them to do so comfortably and in a dignified manner,

    and supported by their loved ones.

    28. Surgery Nurse

    Assist surgeons during procedures, as well as look after patients during recovery.

    29. Critical Care Nurse

    Critical care nursing is one of the most fast-paced jobs.

    30. Emergency Room Nurse

    You will never know what sort of cases you are going to get. Expect long, unsociable hours

    in a fast-paced environment.

    31. Managed Care Nurse

    For those with chronic or terminal conditions, who require specialized care at home and/or in health

    care settings for the rest of their lives.

    32. Dermatological Nurse

    This allows you to treat skin conditions.

    33. Plastic Surgery Nurse

    Plastic surgery is often done for cosmetic reasons, although it is also done for people with

    disfigurements and scars.

    34. Burns Unit Nurse

    Work with people who have suffered burns, including fire burns and acid burns.

    35. Oncology Nurse

    Work with cancer patients.

    36. Rehabilitation Center Nurse

    Help people who have had an accident or other physical issue to regain as much mobility as possible.

    37. Missionary Nurse

    Spread the word of God throughout the world, while at the same time deliver health care

    to impoverished countries.

    38. Charity Nurse

    Numerous charities employ nurses, many of which provide disaster relief.

    39. Traveling Nurse

    Traveling nurses are sent from one place to the next for short durations of time to cover in hospitals and

    care settings with an acute shortage of nurses.

    40. Inspire Others

    Be an inspiration to other people by showing your care and dedication to others.

    41. Rural Nurse

    Many nurses work specifically in areas with poor access to health care.

    42. Outpatient Care Nurse

    Outpatient care is one of the easier sides of nursing, as it allows you to treat patients ad hoc and then send them back home.

    43. Nurse Anesthetist

    Assist surgeons and anesthetists during procedures.

    44. Health Administration Nurse

    Health administration allows you to work in a range of healthcare fields, where you can influence policy development.

    45. Clinical Nurse Specialist

    A CNS has a specialization in a very targeted area of nursing practice, such as women’s health.

    46. Clinical Nurse Leader

    This is the newest nursing role, whereby your goal will be to improve safety outcomes and care quality for patients.

    47. Family Nurse Practitioner

    Work with everybody in the family, seeing them as a full unit rather than groups of individuals.

    48. Health Visitor

    Health visitors mainly focus on working with women who have had babies in the past two years, ensuring the development of the babies and infants is as expected.

    49. Paramedic

    Paramedics provide acute emergency care. It is a stressful job with long, unsociable hours, but it is also incredibly rewarding.

    50. Licensed Nursing Facility Administrator

    Handle the administration in facilities like nursing homes. Generally, you will have very little direct contact with patients.

    51. Health Coach

    Teach others how to obtain and maintain optimum health.

    52. Nutrition and Fitness Nurse

    Work directly with individuals who hire you on a personal level.

    53. Nanny

    Although perhaps far removed from nursing, many nurses can become a nanny as it allows them to work on a one-one-one basis with a young child.

    54. Acute Care Nurse

    Adult-gerontology acute care is a very popular field of work, where you take care of adult patients with various problems as and when they present themselves.

    55. Community Nurse

    Represent an entire community of people, usually underserved ones.

    56. Obtain Further Non-nursing Related Education, Such as Counseling, Social Work or Law

    Many nurses who hold a bachelor’s degree go on to achieve another bachelor’s or a master’s degree in an non-nursing field.

    57. Health Programs Nurse

    The development of health programs allows you to make a true difference across the world, improving outcomes while reducing costs at the same time.

    58. Health Representative at Conferences and Media

    Whenever decisions are made in the field of healthcare, they have to be presented to the rest of the world and questions have to be answered about this.

    59. NGO Nurse

    Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) often help to improve the world on a very personal level and offer very rewarding career options.

    60. Procurement Nurse

    You will purchase the equipment needed for nurses to do their jobs properly, always trying to find the lowest price and highest quality.

    61. Nursing Students Mentor

    New students require mentors to look up to. This is something anyone with a nursing degree should aspire to be.

    62. Grant Writing Nurse

    Grant writing means you are directly responsible for applying for funding in the hopes of improving health care delivery.

    63. Health Facilities Survey Nurse

    This will allow you to ensure health facilities are fit and will actually improve the health of the people they serve.

    64. Commissioner for Health Products and Programs

    More and more services are now outsourced and by working in commissioning. You will ensure that the right services are used.

    65. Quality Assurance Nurse(质量保证/维护护士)

    Quality improvement can be achieved in all areas of nursing.

    66. Public Health Research Nurse

    See whether certain initiatives have actually improved the health outcomes of the population and why.

    67. Disease Prevention Nurse

    Help stop the spread of infectious diseases.

    68. Epidemics Research Nurse

    There is a significant worry that we are on the brink of a new epidemic or pandemic, like Ebola. Nurses are needed to research the various new illnesses and

    come up with cures and techniques to prevent spreading.

    69. Asylum Nurse

    Asylum seekers often have highly complex health needs, including psychological needs.

    70. Nurse for At Risk Populations

    Certain populations are classed as “at risk,” such as veterans and the homeless. They often require specialized health care.

    71. Nurse Lobbyist

    You will speak to Congressmen and Senators in the hope of encouraging certain health care ideas to be legislated and receive funding.

    72. Federal Health Care Nurse

    Work on federal health care development programs to affect outcomes for various populations.

    73. Continuous Professional Education Coordination

    All nurses are dedicated to their continuous professional education. Coordinating this and keeping on records on further education is an interesting and varied role.

    74. Bioterrorism Research Nurse

    Bioterrorism requires extensive knowledge on development and behavior of pathogens.

    75. Medical Journalist

    Investigate and report on healthcare issues around the globe.

    76. Disaster Management and Relief Nurse

    Provide health care to affected populations after a disaster.

    77. Toxicology Nurse

    Having an understanding of poisons and their effects on humans is hugely important.

    78. Environmental Health Nurse

    Environmental health, how our behavior affects the planet and how the planet affects our health are very important issues to look at for a nurse.

    79. Hazardous Waste Nurse

    Hazardous waste could have devastating consequences on the health of entire populations.

    80. Industrial Nurse

    This is closely related to occupational health, although this type of nurse will look more at overall risk and hazard prevention.

    81. Forensic Nurse

    Forensic nursing is often required after crimes have been committed.

    82. Study Programs Development Nurse

    Develop programs for the next nursing generation.

    83. Vaccine Research Nurse

    Ensure that people are immunized against various illnesses, and review their effectiveness and possible side effects.

    84. Ambulatory Care Nurse

    With ambulatory care, cases that would usually require stay in hospital are resolved on an outpatient basis.

    85. Flight or Transport Nurse

    Help treat people who have to be expatriated due to illness or injury.

    86. Certified Nurse Assistant

    Support the workload of other nurses and ensure they can perform their job properly.

    87. Cardiac Catheterization Lab Nurse

    Help to insert catheters into aortas to diagnose heart conditions.

    88. HIV/AIDS Nurse

    HIV/AIDS continues to be a significant health issue that requires research, development and care.

    89. Genetics Nurse

    You will research genes and their effects.

    90. Holistic Nurse

    Holistic nurses believe everything is interconnected and needs to be addressed in order to provide great health care.

    91. Mind, Body and Spirit Nurse

    Very similar to holistic nursing but you often use Eastern and Oriental care techniques, including Reiki and acupuncture.

    92. Legal Nurse Consultant

    Provide consultation on legal matters within the health care field.

    93. NICU Nurse

    Work with very sick and premature babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

    94. Peri-Anesthesia Nurse

    Help patients who are coming out of anesthesia.

    95. Peri-Operative Nurse

    Look after patients who are recovering from surgery.

    96. Radiology Nurse

    Work extensively with cancer patients.

    97. Registered Nurse

    Most of those who have a nursing degree simply begin work as an RN before choosing an area of specialization.

    98. Transplant Nurse

    Work with people who require organ transplants.

    99. Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing

    This is a highly specialized field of nursing where you deal with patients who have problems with wounds, ostomy and continence. Only some 4,000 nurses worldwide have specialized in this field to date.

    100. Focus on Improved Health Care Outcomes

    DATA analysis and research, must be MSN.



        本文标题:美国护士有100种工作(What Kind of Jobs ca
