懂你英语 Level 4 - Unit 3 - Part 4

懂你英语 Level 4 - Unit 3 - Part 4

作者: 风吹散了承诺泪湿了曾经 | 来源:发表于2019-06-07 23:44 被阅读0次


    Dream Jobs 

    What kind of careers are the best, and what are the qualifications? 

    One of the most popular careers for kids is to become an astronaut.

    Many kids dream of going into space when they grow up.

    They dream of working on a space station or exploring deep space.

    To become an astronaut, it’s important to have the right background.

    Many astronauts have a background in engineering, physics or medicine. 

    Sometimes they have a military background, such as flying military aircraft.

    As for pay, astronauts can earn a good salary, but not great.

    Another popular career is to become a musician or actor.

    Many kids dream of becoming famous singers or movie stars. 

    However, most musicians and actors don’t become famous.

    They are usually paid by the hour or by the performance.

    Only a very few earn lots of money.

    So the best advice is not to become a musician or actor unless that’s your real passion.

    Becoming a professional athlete is another dream job for many.

    It’s nice to imagine playing a favorite sport and getting paid for it.

    However, becoming a professional athlete takes a lot of work and practice.

    Great athletes practice for hours a day with teammates and coaches.

    They also work regularly with trainers to keep their bodies strong.

    The level of pay for athletes depends on the success and level of their performance.

    Athletes often have short careers because of the physical requirements of their sport.

    When they are no longer able to compete at a high level, some athletes become coaches.

    Firefighters and police officers are important jobs that help and protect people.

    These careers require applicants to complete training programs and pass written and physical tests.

    These jobs can be exciting and dangerous, so they require courage and sometimes sacrifice.

    Jobs and Wages

    When considering salary and benefits, some of the lowest paying jobs are in the hospitality and beauty industries.

    For example, food service workers and hair stylists generally have low salaries.

    These kinds of jobs don’t require much education or training.

    But again, if you enjoy what you are doing, that may be good enough. 

    For example, you may really enjoy talking with your customers.

    Spending your life doing something you dislike can be very unsatisfying, even if the salary is high.

    Some of the highest paid professions include doctors, lawyers and scientists.

    However, these professions require high levels of education and training.

    The path to becoming a doctor, for example, is a long one.

    Doctors require a university degree, several years in medical school and several more years of experience.

    Only then are they certified as a medical doctor, or MD.

    So it doesn’t make sense to consider these professions unless you are willing to work hard for many years.

    And of course, you should really care about doing the work well.


    Types of Wars 

    Civil wars are fought between citizens of the same country and are fought within the country. 

    If citizens of a country disagree about a policy or leader, they may fight a civil war.

    A world war is fought when countries form alliances(联盟) and these alliances fight each other.

    A world war involves many or most of the world’s most powerful countries.

    There were two world wars in the 20th century.

    Terrorism involves groups of individuals rather than countries.

    Terrorists may come from different countries and they may share the same beliefs.

    Terrorists often use car-bombings and suicide attacks on innocent people.

    A terrorist attack can happen at any time and any place.

    An invasion occurs when one country attacks another.

    It sends its army into the other country and attempts to take control.

    One of the most famous invasions was when France invaded Russia in 1812.

    A defensive war occurs when a country is attacked and needs to defend itself.

    Most countries have a military so that it can defend itself if it’s attacked.

    When France invaded Russia in 1812, the Russian army fought a defensive war and defeated the France army.

    Biology Terms

    A cell is the basic unit of life.

    A cell is the smallest structure that can live and reproduce.

    Cells grow and develop, reproduce and interact with the environment.

    Photosynthesis(光合作用) is one of the most important biological processes.

    It allows plants to capture and use light as an energy source.

    Photosynthesis is the process of converting light energy into chemical energy.

    A virus is a small biological structure that attacks and enters cells.

    Once inside a cell, a virus reproduces and makes many copies of itself.

    Some diseases such as influenza(流感) are viruses.

    Bacteria are one-celled forms of life that are all around us.

    Although they have a single-cell structure, they are very important.

    Many bacteria are inside us and help us digest our food.

    DNA is a complex molecule(分子) that stores information and can make copies of itself.

    Nearly every cell in a person's body has the same DNA.

    The information stored in DNA tells cells what to do and is necessary for reproduction.


    Hotel Complaint

    W:good evening, sir. How can I help you?

    M1:yes, we just checked in and our room is unexceptable. It’s room 8 in 10.

    W:is there something wrong with the room?

    M1:yes, there certainly is. We requested a nonsmoking room but the room smells of smoke.

    W:let me check. Yes, that room is supposed to be a nonsmoking room.

    M1:well, somebody certainly didn’t follow the rules. The certing smells like gars. We can hardly breathe and the windows won’t open.

    W:right, the windows don’t open, sir. I’m really sorry about this. Let me see if I can find you another room.

    M1:yes, please. We certainly can’t stay in that  room. Both of our kids have asthma(哮喘), so the smells of smoke can cause breathing problems.

    W:yes, I understand your concern.

    W:sir, I’m afraid we don’t have any other rooms with 2 double beds. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll speak with my manager.

    M1:thank you. We are really tired and we would like to get some rest as soon as possible.

    W:yes, I understand. If you don’t mind, could you wait in the lounge near the elevators? I shouldn’t be long.

    M1:sure, I hope it doesn’t take time.

    M2:good evening sir, I’m the manager here and I’m sorry to hear about your room. 

    M1:yes, we’re not happy and we’re really tired. I hope you can help us.

    M2:I’m sure we can. Since we don’t have another nonsmoking room for you, I’ll upgrade you to a suite. Would that be ok?

    M1:yes, that would be fine.There’s no extra cost,right? 

    M2:no, sir. There will be no extra charge.

    M1:and it’s nonsmoking, right?

    M2:yes, sir. I have confirmed that it’s non smoking.

    M1:thanks, I really appreciate your help.

    M2:it’s my pleasure, sir. I hope you and your family have a wonderful stay with us. Here’s my card. If there is anything else I can do for you, please let me know.

    M1:I will. Have a good evening.

    M2:thank you, sir and once again, let me apologize for the same inconvenience.



        本文标题:懂你英语 Level 4 - Unit 3 - Part 4
