Table t has 2 columns:
id INT;
value CHAR(1);
Column id starts from 0, increased by 1 each row
Column value is a single character string
Table t has at least 1 row
String s is a palindrome when:
s[i] = s[s.length - i - 1] for i = 0 … (s.length – 1) / 2
E.g.: a, aba, abba.
Q: Write one SQL statement to check if the string composed of value of t ordered by id is a palindrome (case sensitive).
Output “Y” or “N”.
with tmp as
(select (select count(*) from t1)-1-id as id,value from t1)
(select id,value from t1)
case when count(*)=0
then 'Y' else 'N' end
from tmp;