User Service Agreement

User Service Agreement

作者: Pantheon_QG | 来源:发表于2018-12-21 17:49 被阅读7次

    User Service Agreement

    This User Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement") is an agreement signed by you (hereinafter referred to as "User") with us regarding this game service.

    Please read and understand carefully all the rights and restrictions stipulated in this agreement, especially the clauses exempting or limiting our liability (hereinafter referred to as the "exemption clause"), the clauses restricting the rights of users (hereinafter referred to as the "restriction clause"), the clauses stipulating dispute settlement and jurisdiction. Once you register, login, use or use the relevant services covered by this Agreement in any way, you will be deemed to have accepted this Agreement, which means that you agree to be bound by the provisions of this Agreement. If you do not agree to any of the terms of this agreement, you shall not register, download, install or use the game software or enjoy the game services provided by us. If the user is under the age of 18, he or she must read this agreement with the guardian, and after obtaining the guardian's consent to the user's enjoyment of the game services provided by us, the behavior of paying the fees, and all the terms of this agreement, he or she may enjoy the game services provided by us. Once you click on "Accept" (or other words with the same meaning, such as "agree"), register our online platform account, install our game software, and start and/or continue to use our game service, you will be deemed to have agreed and accepted all the terms of this agreement. Thereafter, you may not make any defense without reading or agreeing to the contents of this Agreement or for similar reasons.

    I. Registration, Use and Custody of Accounts

    1. Users must provide accurate and authentic personal data when applying for the use of this game service. If there is any change in personal data, it must be updated in time. All consequences arising from inaccurate and untrue personal data provided by users shall be borne by users.

    2. Once you have successfully registered as a user, you will get a password and account number, and you will be fully responsible for all your activities and events in the account. If your account and password are out of your control due to your fault, you will be fully liable for the damage caused to you, us or any third party.

    3. Users should not transfer or lend their accounts, passwords or leave them to others in any form out of user control. If the user finds that his account has been illegally used by others or has abnormal usage, he should inform us immediately.

    3.1 In case of personal loss or any other third party loss caused by hacker or user's private disclosure, sharing, trading account or other improper custody, we shall not assume any responsibility, nor shall we assume the obligation to recover your account in this case.

    3.2 If we take measures to suspend the use of user accounts according to user's requirements, we should ask users to provide and verify personal valid identity information consistent with their registered identity information. After checking the consistency, we can take corresponding measures. Users should actively cooperate with us to provide relevant information according to our requirements, otherwise we will not take measures to deal with it.

    3.3 If a user fails to provide his or her personal valid identity information or proof as required by us, or if the personal valid identity information or proof provided by the user is inconsistent with the registered identity information, we have the right to refuse your requests for suspension or recovery of the account.

    3.4 If the user has not logged in the game for 183 consecutive days, it will start at 24:00 on the day of 183.

    We have the right to take measures to delete the user account and any records of the user account in the game database (including, but not limited to, data information such as roles, grades, virtual goods, value-added service tokens) and the deleted data information can not be recovered.

    3.5 Users shall be responsible for all actions under their own registered accounts, which are caused by their actions.

    We shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the user himself or any other third party.

    II. Rights and Duties

    1. We agree to provide game services to users through the Internet and in accordance with the agreement. We can push information about our services to you according to your mobile phone number or e-mail.

    2. We shall keep the recharge record of the virtual currency of the game in accordance with the requirements of national laws and regulations for a period of 180 days from the date of recharge of the user.

    3. Users should equip themselves with the necessary equipment for Internet access, including but not limited to mobile smart devices (including but not limited to mobile phones, tablets), computers, wireless routers or other essential Internet access devices.

    2. Users should pay for the telecommunication fees and network usage related to this service by themselves.

    3. Users shall abide by the stipulations of this Agreement, other relevant rules and regulations (including but not limited to the rules published on our official game website or in-game), and the relevant laws and regulations of the state (and the laws and regulations of the country or region to which they belong).

    3. User Code

    1. Users shall assume the responsibilities involved in the content of the information they publish on their own. In particular, users are not allowed to publish the following contents:

    (1) Opposing the basic principles laid down in the Constitution of the People's Republic of China;

    (2) endangering national security, divulging State secrets, subverting state power and undermining national unity;

    (3) Damaging the honor and interests of the state;

    (4) inciting national hatred and discrimination and undermining national unity;

    (5) Destroying the state's religious policy and promoting cults and feudal superstitions;

    (5) Disseminating rumors, disrupting social order and destabilizing society;

    (2) Disseminating obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crime;

    (5) insulting or slandering others and infringing upon their legitimate rights and interests;

    (5) Promoting and abetting the use of plug-ins, private clothes and Trojan horses;

    (1) Publishing any home page address or link that we reasonably judge to be inappropriate or that we do not approve of software, documents, etc.

    (2) Illegally buying and selling game virtual goods and accounts;

    _In the game, through various ways, behavior impersonation system to other players to disseminate or disseminate false information;

    (4) Publishing spam information in the game, or disseminating a large number of words and deeds with the same, similar phrases or meaningless content, as well as any information unrelated to the game (including but not limited to screen brushing), or publishing or disseminating any derogatory, defamatory, malicious attacks on the game or our company's information or other false information;

    _Disseminate or disseminate information on behalf of practice through various ways and actions in the game.

    (6) Containing other contents prohibited by laws and administrative regulations of the People's Republic of China.

    If a user violates this code, we may take the following measures to punish the user: warning; prohibition; compulsory offline; temporary freezing of play; permanent freezing of play; temporary prohibition of login; permanent prohibition of login; compulsory offline; deletion of files and loss caused by the user to us or any third party, we reserve the right to investigate the legal liability of the user.

    Users shall not use our game software, our game service or participate in our game activities by improper means or other unfair means.

    2.1 Users shall not interfere with the production, publication, dissemination or use of any form of obstruction of travel.

    Play fairness AIDS or programs (including but not limited to "plug-in", "plug-in" refers to all programs independent of game software that can affect the operation of the game while running, including but not limited to all types of simulation user operations, changing the operating environment, modifying data, etc.);

    2.2 Users are not allowed to exploit program vulnerabilities and errors to destroy the normal progress of the game.

    Row or spread the vulnerability or error; unreasonably interfere with or hinder others from using the software and services provided by us;

    Use of our software in unusual or illegal ways (including but not limited to

    Use our game software to log in to the game private service.

    Log in to games using exception methods (including, but not limited to, third-party software, systems)

    The malicious acts of disrupting service facilities and disrupting normal service order by using external software such as network accelerator or or robotic programs;

    Modify, translate, annotate, organize, compile and deduce our game software;

    Take advantage of the technical defects or vulnerabilities that may exist in this software or online game system.

    Various forms of profit-making for themselves and others (including, but not limited to, duplicating game virtual goods, stealing virtual money and goods, etc.) or engaging in other improper acts.

    2.3 Users agree to use the monitoring data in the game program as a criterion for judging whether the user is competent or not.

    Through the use of plug-in procedures and other methods for cheating on the basis of the game.

    2.4 In order to effectively curb user's use of vulnerabilities or plug-ins, we may

    Will take stop maintenance or backup measures. During downtime maintenance, users may not be able to log on to certain game servers and/or certain game areas. Back-archiving is to return the dynamic data of the game under all user accounts from the record of one time to the record of another time before, which may lead to the permanent loss or use of game items and grades, points, honors and so on, such as game coins, treasures, gold coins, silver coins, game props, game equipment and so on, acquired by users through normal game behavior during this period. Other losses caused by households. In this regard, the user fully understands and is willing to bear, we will not give any compensation. In addition, users violate this rule, we can also immediately take temporary freezing play; permanent freezing play; temporary prohibition of login; permanent prohibition of login; compulsory offline; deletion of files and other measures.

    3. Users shall not engage in illegal transactions of virtual goods and accounts in games, nor shall they pass non-commercial transactions.

    Officially approved recharge channel recharge.

    3.1 Users are not allowed to buy or sell game accounts offline through consignment or trading.

    3.2 Users shall not tamper with our recharge methods by themselves, nor shall they recharge or conduct other transactions on any platform other than our pre-approved recharge platform or other trading platform (including, but not limited to, users'recharge through third parties or purchase of virtual goods in the game). We shall severely punish and punish them. We shall recharge the accounts according to the amount and actual value of users' recharge. Obtain the ratio of the amount of virtual goods or game currency to judge whether you have agent behavior. For example, besides the platform and game activities, the ratio of your recharge amount to the actual amount of virtual goods or game currency is inconsistent with the official conversion ratio. Your recharge will be judged as "agent" by a third party, and you will take the measures of Article 3.3 of this agreement to deal with your account.

    If the user does not use the official authorized recharge method (in-game recharge and official website recharge) to recharge the virtual goods, we will not bear any responsibility.

    3.3 Users violate this Code, and we have the right to take various measures according to the specific circumstances, including but not limited to one or more of the following: warning, rebate value, freezing or recycling game virtual goods, temporary freezing, permanent freezing, forced offline, closing accounts, deleting files and other technical measures to prevent users from engaging in such acts; We reserve the right to investigate the legal liability of users.

    4. Except for the aforementioned situations in this article, if the user has other non-conforming laws, regulations and society

    The harassment of public morality or rules of the game may be punished as follows: warning; prohibition; temporary freezing of play; permanent freezing of play; temporary prohibition of login; permanent prohibition of login; compulsory offline; closure of accounts; deletion of files; legal liability.

    IV. Fee Policy

    We have the right to determine the tariff standards and charging methods for our products and services. We may set different tariff standards and charging methods for different products and services, or we may determine different tariff standards and charging methods according to the different stages of our products and services.

    We may also revise our tariff policy from time to time. We will place information on the charges for products and services, as well as the tariff standards, charging methods, purchasing methods or other relevant tariff policies related to the products and services in a prominent place on the relevant web pages of the products and services.

    For our charged products and services, users should purchase our products and services in accordance with the tariff policy we have determined. If the user fails to purchase our products and services in accordance with the tariff policy determined by us, we can immediately stop providing the products and services to the user.

    5. Service alteration, interruption or termination 1. In view of the particularity of network services, users agree that we have the right to alter, interrupt or terminate some or all of the network services at any time according to the business development without notifying the users or assuming any responsibility to any users or any third party. 2. Users understand that we need to regularly or irregularly provide the level of network services. We do not have to bear any responsibility for the maintenance or repair of stations (e.g. Internet websites, mobile networks, etc.) or related equipment. If such conditions result in the interruption of network services within a reasonable period of time, but we should notify in advance as far as possible. 3. In any of the following circumstances, we have the right to interrupt or terminate the provision of network services (including toll-based network services) under this Agreement to users at any time without any liability to users or any third party: 3.1 The personal data provided by users is not true; 3.2 The users violate the rules of use stipulated in this Agreement.

    6. Intellectual Property 1. Any text, pictures, graphics, audio and/or video materials contained in the network services provided by us are protected by copyright, trademark and/or other property ownership laws. Without the consent of the relevant obligee, the above information shall not be used for any commercial purposes. 2. All rights of any software (including but not limited to any images, photos, animations, videos, recordings, music, text and additional procedures, accompanying aids) used by us to provide network services belong to the copyright owner of the software. Without the permission of the copyright owner of the software, users shall not reverse engineer, reverse engineer or reverse engineer the software. Compile, or disassemble.

    7. Privacy protection 1. Protecting users'privacy is our basic policy. We guarantee not to disclose or provide third parties with the registration information of individual users and the private content stored by users when using network services, except that 1.1 is authorized by users in advance, 1.2 is required by relevant laws and regulations, and 1.3 is in accordance with relevant government departments. The requirements of the door; 1.4 to safeguard the interests of the public; 1.5 to safeguard our legitimate rights and interests. 2. We may cooperate with a third party to provide relevant network services to users. In this case, if the third party agrees to assume the same responsibility as us to protect the privacy of users, we have the right to provide the registration information of users to the third party. 3. Without revealing the privacy information of individual users, we have the right to analyze the whole user database and make commercial use of it. 4. We have formulated the following four privacy protection principles to guide us how to deal with the problems related to user privacy and user information in products: (1) Provide valuable products and services for users by using the information we collect. (2) Develop products that conform to privacy standards and privacy practices. (3) Make the collection of personal information transparent and supervised by authoritative third parties. (4) Make every effort to protect the information we have.

    8. Disclaimer 1. We do not guarantee that network services will meet user's requirements, that network services will not be interrupted, and that the timeliness, security and accuracy of network services will not be guaranteed. 2. We do not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the external links set up to provide convenience to users. At the same time, we do not assume any responsibility for the content of any web pages that are not actually controlled by us. 3. We shall not bear any responsibility for losses arising from telecommunications or Internet network failures, computer failures or viruses, information damage or loss, computer system problems or any other force majeure causes, but will do our best to reduce the losses and effects caused to users as a result.

    4. Users may link to third-party sites in the process of using our products and services. Third-party sites are not under our control, and we are not responsible for the content of any third-party sites, any links contained in third-party sites, or any changes or updates to third-party sites. We only provide users with these links to third-party sites for convenience purposes. The links we provide do not mean that we recognize the third-party site. Users need to check and comply with the relevant provisions of the third-party site.

    5. Because the user violates the relevant rules stipulated in this agreement, if we take relevant measures in accordance with this agreement, we shall not bear any liability for compensation. If the user causes losses to third parties, we shall not bear any liability.

    9. Application of Law and Dispute Resolution

    1. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State.

    2. Any dispute arising from or relating to this Agreement shall be settled amicably through consultation between the parties. If the consultation fails, either party may refer the dispute to the court where we are located for settlement.

    10. Other clauses 1. If any clause in this Agreement is wholly or partially invalid or ineffective for any reason, or violates any applicable law, this clause shall be deemed deleted, but the remaining clauses in this Agreement shall remain valid and binding. 2. We have the right to amend this Agreement at any time in accordance with the changes of relevant laws and regulations, as well as the adjustment of the company's operating conditions and strategies, without notifying the users separately. The revised agreement will be announced in the game announcement. When disputes arise, the latest text of the agreement shall prevail. If you do not agree with our amendments to the relevant provisions of this agreement, users have the right to discontinue the use of network services. If users continue to use network services, they will be deemed to accept our amendments to the relevant provisions of this agreement. 3. We have the right to interpret and amend this Agreement to the maximum extent permitted by law.



          本文标题:User Service Agreement
