Registration and privacy agreeme

Registration and privacy agreeme

作者: xfnibuzd520 | 来源:发表于2019-01-20 20:49 被阅读15次

    Registration and privacy agreement

    User Registration and Privacy Protection Service Agreement

    The "EightAreaAssistant" platform serves you through the following terms. You can become a "EightAreaAssistant" user and use the service only if you fully agree to all of the following terms of service and complete the registration process. You should read this User Agreement carefully before using the services provided by "EightAreaAssistant". By clicking the "Agree to the Terms, Register Now" button during the registration process, you have reached an agreement with "EightAreaAssistant" to fully accept all the terms of this Terms of Service. By using the "EightAreaAssistant" service, you are deemed to have understood and fully agreed to the terms of this Terms of Service, including any changes to the Terms of Service of "EightAreaAssistant" at any time.

    First, the service description

    The specific service content of “EightAreaAssistant” is provided by “EightAreaAssistant” according to the actual situation, such as photo upload function, private letter function, online voting, online participation activities, etc. "EightAreaAssistant" reserves the right to change, discontinue or terminate part of the network service. "EightAreaAssistant" reserves the right to adjust the types and forms of services provided by the "EightAreaAssistant" platform at any time based on actual conditions. "EightAreaAssistant" does not assume any loss to the user due to business adjustments. "EightAreaAssistant" only provides related services, in addition to the services associated with the Service (such as computers, modems and other Internet-related devices) and the fees (such as the telephone charges for access to the Internet) Internet access fees should be borne by the user.

    Second, the privacy policy

    1. During the process of registering an account or using the service, the user may need to fill in or submit some necessary information, such as the identity information required by legal regulations and regulatory norms (hereinafter referred to as “laws and regulations”). If the information submitted by the user is incomplete or does not comply with the laws and regulations, the user may not be able to use the service or be restricted in the process of using the service.

    2. Personal privacy information refers to information related to the user's personal identity or personal privacy, such as the user's real name, ID number, mobile phone number, mobile device identification code, IP address, and user chat history. The non-personal private information refers to the basic information recorded by the user on the "EightAreaAssistant" server side, other general information outside the scope of personal privacy information, and the above-mentioned private information that the user agrees to disclose.

    Respect for the privacy of the user's personal privacy information is the consistent system of "EightAreaAssistant". "EightAreaAssistant" will take technical measures and other necessary measures to ensure the privacy of users' private information and prevent the disclosure of personal privacy information of users collected in this service. Lost. In the event that the foregoing occurs or "EightAreaAssistant" finds that there is a possibility of the occurrence of the foregoing, remedial measures will be taken in a timely manner.

    "EightAreaAssistant" does not disclose or disclose the user's personal information to any third party without the user's consent. Except for the following specific situations:

    (1) "EightAreaAssistant" provides the user's personal privacy information in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations or the instructions of the competent authority;

    (2) The leakage of any personal information caused by the user's notification of the user's password or sharing the registered account and password with others, or the disclosure of personal privacy information not caused by "EightAreaAssistant";

    (3) The user discloses his or her personal information to a third party;

    (4) The user and the "EightAreaAssistant" and the cooperation unit publicly agree on the use of the user's personal privacy information, and "EightAreaAssistant" therefore discloses the user's personal privacy information to the partner;

    (5) Any disclosure of personal privacy information due to hacking, computer virus intrusion and other force majeure events.

    5. The User agrees that "EightAreaAssistant" may use the User's personal privacy information in the following matters:

    (1) "EightAreaAssistant" promptly sends important notices to users, such as software updates, changes to the terms of this Agreement;

    (2) "EightAreaAssistant" conducts internal audits, data analysis and research to improve the "EightAreaAssistant" products, services and communication with users;

    (3) In accordance with this agreement, "EightAreaAssistant" manages, reviews user information and conducts measures;

    (4) Other matters as required by applicable laws and regulations.

    In addition to the above, "EightAreaAssistant" does not use the user's personal information for any other purpose without the prior consent of the user.

    6. In order to improve the technology and services of "EightAreaAssistant" and provide users with a better service experience, "EightAreaAssistant" may collect or use the third party to provide non-personal private information of users.

    Third, registration information

    If the user account is found to contain indecent text or inappropriate name, the platform reserves the right to cancel the user's qualification. Do not register with the real names, font sizes, stage names, or pseudonyms of party and state leaders or other social celebrities; do not register under the name of a state agency or other institution. Do not register uncivilized, unhealthy names, and include discrimination, insults, and apes. The name of the word should not be registered to cause ambiguity, misunderstanding or other account that does not comply with the law; the user is obliged to ensure the security of the account and password, and any loss or damage caused by the user's use of the account and password. The user assumes full responsibility and the platform does not assume any responsibility. If the user finds that the account has been used for unauthorized use or has any other security problems, the account password should be modified and kept in a safe place. If necessary, please inform the platform that the account is illegally used due to hacking or negligence of the user. We do not assume any responsibility.

    Fourth, user behavior

    The User agrees that the Service will not be used for any illegal or improper activities, including but not limited to the following:

    1. Publish or otherwise transmit information containing one of the following:

    Oppose the basic principles established by the Constitution;

    Endanger national security, divulge state secrets, subvert state power, and undermine national unity;

    Damage to national honours and interests;

    Inciting national hatred, ethnic discrimination, and undermining national unity;

    Destroy the national religious policy and promote cults and feudal superstitions;

    Spread rumors, disrupt social order, and undermine social stability;

    Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetment;

    Insulting or slandering others, infringing on the legal rights of others;

    Contains false, fraudulent, harmful, coercive, infringing on the privacy of others, harassment, infringement, slander, vulgarity, jealousy, or other morally offensive content;

    Contains Chinese laws, regulations, rules, regulations, and other content restricted or prohibited by any legally binding norm;

    Contains content that "EightAreaAssistant" does not consider suitable for display in "EightAreaAssistant";

    2. Harm the legitimate rights and interests of others in any way;

    3. impersonate any other person or institution, or make a false or false statement about or lied to any person or institution;

    4. Publish, send e-mails or other content that is known to, but not authorized to transmit, in accordance with any law or contract or legal relationship (eg, due to employment relationships and internal information, proprietary and confidential information known or disclosed under confidentiality contracts) Mode transfer

    5. Publish or otherwise transmit the contents of copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, or other proprietary rights (hereinafter referred to as "exclusive rights") that infringe upon others;

    6. Publish, send or otherwise transmit any advertising letter, promotional material, "spam", "discard", "chain mail", "direct sales" or any other form of persuasive material;

    7. Computer viruses designed to interfere with, disrupt or limit the functionality of any computer software, hardware or communication device (including but not limited to trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots (below) Any material of computer code, files and programs, or any other computer code, file or program, posted, transmitted or otherwise transmitted;

    8. Interfere with or disrupt the server or network connected to the Service or the Service, or violate any rules, procedures, policies or specifications regarding the Service Connection Network;

    9. Tracking, searching for human flesh or otherwise harassing others;

    10. Intentional or unintentional violation of any applicable local, national law, and any legally binding rules;

    11. Intercept, tamper with, collect, store or delete personal information, on-site mail or other data, or use such information for any illegal or improper purpose without legal authorization.

    You acknowledge that "EightAreaAssistant" does not provide full control over the user's use, and that when you use any content, including relying on the correctness, completeness or usefulness of the foregoing, you agree that you will judge and assume all risks at your own discretion without Depends on "EightAreaAssistant". However, "EightAreaAssistant" may, in its sole discretion, refuse and remove any content provided by the Service that violates these Terms or otherwise causes "EightAreaAssistant" resentment. You understand and agree that "EightAreaAssistant" may be preserved or disclosed in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, or based on good faith for the purposes of, or within reasonable limits of, the need to preserve or expose the content:

    1. Obey the legal procedures;

    2. Execute this usage agreement;

    3. Respond to any claims made by third parties;

    4. Protect the rights, property or personal safety of "EightAreaAssistant", its users and the public;

    5. Other "EightAreaAssistant" considers it necessary.

    V. Intellectual property rights

    The overall content of “EightAreaAssistant” is copyrighted by Beijing Shicheng Youzhe Technology Development Co., Ltd. All products, technologies and all programs of "EightAreaAssistant" belong to the "EightAreaAssistant" intellectual property and are not authorized here. "EightAreaAssistant" is our trademark. All design drawings and other designs, products and service names of “EightAreaAssistant” are trademarks and logos enjoyed by Beijing Shicheng Youzhe Technology Development Co., Ltd. No one may use, copy or otherwise use it. We have full intellectual property rights to the "EightAreaAssistant" proprietary content, original content and other proprietary or exclusive content obtained through authorization. No unit or individual may copy, distribute, display, mirror, upload, download, use, or engage in any other infringement of our intellectual property rights without our permission. Otherwise, we will pursue relevant legal responsibilities.

    Content ownership

    The content provided by "EightAreaAssistant" may include: text, software, sound, pictures, videos, charts, etc. All of this content is protected by copyright, trademark and other property ownership laws. Users may only use the content after obtaining the authorization of "EightAreaAssistant" or other relevant rights holders, and may not copy, reproduce or create derivative products related to the content. "EightAreaAssistant" encourages users to make full use of the "EightAreaAssistant" platform to freely post and share their information, but the content must be in the public domain, or the user has the right to use the content. At the same time, the user has copyright and related rights to the legal content that he creates and publishes on "EightAreaAssistant". Users should not post other copyrighted content through "EightAreaAssistant". "EightAreaAssistant" will remove these contents if an official copyright complaint is received. Public Information posted on "EightAreaAssistant" In this Agreement, "area for the public use of this Service" means an area that is accessible to the general public. The User agrees to grant "EightAreaAssistant" global, license-free and non-exclusive use rights to the content posted by the User in the public use area of the Service and any other publicly available areas of the Service, or including photos, graphics or audio and video materials. "EightAreaAssistant" may reproduce, modify, rewrite, adapt or publish the foregoing content for the purpose of displaying, distributing and promoting the specific services for which the foregoing content is posted. For the above use of photographs and graphic materials, only the photo or graphic is posted on the photo. The purpose of the service is for it. During the user's putting the foregoing content into the service, the right to use continues to be valid; if the user deletes the foregoing content from the service, the right to use terminates upon deletion. The User agrees to grant "EightAreaAssistant" license-free, permanent, irrevocable, non-exclusive and fully re-licensable rights to other content posted by the User in other publicly available areas of the Service, used, copied, modified, rewritten, Adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works, and/or distribute, perform, display, and/or incorporate any of the foregoing (partially or wholly) into any form, media, and technology that is now known and developed in the future. Among other works.

    VII, obey the law

    You agree to abide by all the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and assume full responsibility for any use of your password and your account for any use of the Service and its results. If your conduct violates any of the provisions of national laws and regulations and may constitute a crime, you will be held criminally liable and you will bear full legal responsibility. In the meantime, "EightAreaAssistant" may terminate at any time without prior notice if "EightAreaAssistant" has reason to believe that any of your actions, including but not limited to any of your statements and other conduct, violates or may violate any provisions of national laws and regulations. Provide services to you.

    8. Dealing with advertisers

    The User conducts any form of communication or business dealings with the Advertiser through the Service, or participates in promotional activities, including payment and delivery of the relevant goods or services, and any other relevant terms, conditions, warranties or representations reached, solely for the User and the Advertising. Behavior between businesses. "EightAreaAssistant" shall not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature suffered by the user in connection with any of the foregoing transactions or the aforementioned advertisers, unless the relevant laws and regulations expressly require "EightAreaAssistant" to assume responsibility.

    Nine, disclaimer

    The Internet is an open platform. Users upload personal information such as photos to the Internet, and may be copied, reprinted, falsified or used for other illegal purposes by other organizations or individuals. Users must be fully aware of the existence of such risks. The user expressly agrees that the risk of using the "EightAreaAssistant" service will be entirely borne by itself; all consequences arising out of its use of the "EightAreaAssistant" service are also borne by itself and we do not accept any responsibility to the user. We do not guarantee that the service will meet the requirements of the user, nor will it guarantee that the service will not be interrupted, and the timeliness, security and accuracy of the service will not be guaranteed. "EightAreaAssistant" is not responsible for network service interruptions or other defects caused by force majeure or "EightAreaAssistant". We are not responsible for the deletion or storage failure of information posted by users. We have the right to determine whether the user's actions are in compliance with the terms of the agreement for use of this website. If we believe that the user violates the terms of the agreement, we have the right to terminate the provision of the website service.

    X. Supplementary provisions

    The conclusion, execution and interpretation of this User's Terms and the resolution of disputes shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. If the user has any dispute over the content of this agreement or its implementation, the user should try to resolve it with us in good faith; if the negotiation fails, either party can file a lawsuit in the people's court where the "EightAreaAssistant" is located. We do not exercise or enforce any right or provision of this Service Agreement and do not constitute a waiver of such rights or rights. If any provision of these User Terms is wholly or partially invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining terms of this User Terms shall remain in force and binding. The final interpretation of all terms of this Agreement is "EightAreaAssistant".



          本文标题:Registration and privacy agreeme
