Why Leaving Earth in 2050 is a G

Why Leaving Earth in 2050 is a G

作者: Harry哈利 | 来源:发表于2018-07-14 14:16 被阅读0次

Our home earth is a place to be occupied, inhabited. But when the inhabitants of the earth cut down its trees and burn toxic gases, it starts to get a little messy. If you don’t think it’s that bad then maybe this list will change your mind.

Air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, light pollution, thermal pollution, noise pollution, radioactive pollution, global warming, deforestation, waste disposal, resource depletion, ozone layer depletion and habitat loss.

Now you see! That was only a fragment of the world’s horrible problems. And mostly all of them were caused by humans. If this continues then our human race will be extinct. That would not be a pretty ending. If we can’t fix this, then we only have three other options.

1. Abandon earth and continue civilisation in space

2. Become an extinct species

3. Revaluate our decisions and do what's best for our planet.

Which one would you choose? So that leads us to the answer that sounds the coolest. Space.

Now the next point of why it's a good idea to move to space. People and area. Our earth can only hold so many things. Our population alone is a massive amount of area. Then consider the living quarters that we live in and the appliances that we use. The shops and buildings. All of that space has been already occupied. If our race is to survive, we need more space! More space to build new things, more space to discover new things, and more space for our personal use.

Moreover, our famous businesses won’t run smoothly if they can’t build new shops and buildings. That means no McDonald’s or your favourite food, no more video games and Xboxes and, in time all of the toys shops and bookstores will go out of business. So, to revise, if shops run out of space to build their manufacturing factories and shops, then the businesses will die out and the world won't get the products that they want. But, if we move to space, we will have infinite space to build whatever we want!

Second point. The resources on earth will eventually run out. Nothing is infinite... Except for space! Space is a place where knowledge, resources and area are all obtainable at an infinite rate. We will learn new knowledge, but never learn it all. We will build new cities, but never build enough to fill space up. Space is an infinite sandbox, where anything is possible.

After all this, I hope that you go home tonight and pack your stuff and go to the NASA station and ask for a trip to Mars. I think space exploration and space travel is essential. If our earth can’t sustain us, then we will be forced to leave our beloved home.

If you haven't figured out already, this article wasn't to inform you to move to space and be astronauts, but instead, it was to open your eyes to the limitation of earth and that we have pushed our home to its limits. We are killing its animals at an unbelievably fast rate. We are burning forests and drilling in the oceans only for droplets of oil. We are leaving a permanent footprint wherever we go. We are killing our earth. It's time to face the truth.

The inconvenient truth.
















      本文标题:Why Leaving Earth in 2050 is a G
