
作者: 铺子大街15号 | 来源:发表于2018-03-30 13:43 被阅读0次

    Be happy, Oh! Child of this sweet earth.

    Why do you fear?

    What do you fear?

    Why did you build a cage

    And lock yourself in it?

    Why do you think you lost the keys

    When you hold them tightly in your palm?

    Be happy.

    Be playful.

    Be at peace.

    Dance to your own rhythm


    You are loved

    You are protected




    by no less than the one

    who created you.


    Let it be, as they say

    Let it be

    Do not fight

    The present.

    For in this precise fleeting moment, lies the treasure

    For you and for generations to follow

    You need nothing

    You have everything

    The Guide stands by you

    Hand outstretched

    Waiting for your

    Soft, sweaty and reluctant palm

    To land in His


    What, how, why, when, what for,

    what if,

    suppose, but, oh! No

    You say

    He has heard these words before

    He knows

    Your doubts will dissipate

    Once your hand is in His.

    Know that the road ahead is safe

    And beautiful

    For it was built just for you

    By the Only Guide there is

    The Universe will bring forth its Spring season

    At the right time for all that you love and care

    At the precise moment that is right just for you

    Don’t yearn for Spring when you live in the

    Beauty of white winter.

    Let it be.


    Do not compare

    Yourself with others

    For God doesn’t compare

    You with others

    Whatever is given to you

    Is the treasure

    The great treasure

    That future generations will remember

    Fools look at it and ask

    Where is my treasure?

    Wise men look at it and say

    This is my dharma


    This is a crazy world

    There are a hundred reasons

    Why you may feel small

    From your locked cage

    Step out of your cage.

    And you will see

    What a fool you were

    There are stars everywhere

    Each thought of yours

    Each feeling of yours

    Each joy of yours

    Each sorrow of yours

    Each longing of yours

    Reverberates through your children

    And your grandchildren

    And their unborn children

    And the children of others

    And their grandchildren

    And their unborn children


    We are the product of our ancestors

    But not just their DNA

    But also their thoughts and actions

    And more importantly, their secret intent

    Behind their actions

    Their longings, both deep and dark

    Their courage, both slim and strong

    Their faith, both fleeting and permanent

    Their happiness, both simple and grand


    You are not an accident

    You are a walking legend of wisdom,

    past, present, and future.

    Be abundantly happy

    Even if it is just for today

    And if you can may be even tomorrow

    so that

    Future generations will say

    “I don’t know why – but I am always happy!”

    – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar



