每日英语 49

作者: 6c309803c4cb | 来源:发表于2019-05-13 19:13 被阅读2次

Slang of the Day


✍🏾a person who doesn't like spending money, especially on other people

❕For example:

🔺It's not that I'm a tight-arse. I just don't have much money.

🔺Bob won't buy you a drink. He's a real tight-arse, that guy.

🗣Variety: This slang term is typically used in Australian English but may be used in other varieties of English too.

Idiom of the Day

📚from now on

✍🏾If you do something "from now on", you do it from now until some unknown time in the future.

❕For example:

🔺From now on you can wear casual clothes to work every Friday.

🔺I was lucky to escape from the accident with just a few minor injuries, so from now on I'm going to be much more careful when I drive.




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