作者: 冰封钻石 | 来源:发表于2017-02-05 10:55 被阅读18次

    Does this very expensive dinner at least buy me an evening of mind-blowing sexual congress?
    It was good, but I don't know if it was that good.
    Fellatio good?
    Hand job maybe. No promises.
    Okay, um, Peter, there's something I need to tell you. I have been thinking lately. You know, um, it might be good to work somewhere else. So I did some interviews, and the speaker's office offered me deputy LD. Peter.
    Christina, um--
    I just thought it could be good, right, if we're going to have any future, to stop this boss-staffer thing and be a real couple.
    We are a real couple.
    I mean not have to hide it like we do at the office. And it's a great opportunity. The speaker? Would you hate me if I took the job?
    Baby, I want what you want. I'm not-- I won't fight you on this, not if this is what you feel you need to do.
    Really? -
    Yeah. And you're right. This is a great opportunity. When do you have to tell them by?
    There's no deadline. I don't have to decide right away.
    Okay, well, when you decide, just, you know, help me find a replacement. You know, give me a heads-up.
    Yeah, of course. I haven't even decided if I'm going to take it. We don't have to talk this through right now. I just-- I just thought I'd bring it up.
    should We get out of here? -

    Let's go find the parents. You hang back by the car.
    It's a big crowd, sir.
    If I get shot or stabbed consoling two grieving parents, I'm a hero from now until the end of time. Let's roll the dice. Shall we?
    Sir, I can't allow you to go unescorted into all those people.
    Allow me? Let's get one thing straight, Meacham. You are never to dictate what I can and cannot do. The only two words I want to hear from you when I ask you to do something are "Yes" and "Sir." Is that understood?
    Yes, sir.
    Good. Then we're gonna get along just fine.

    Mr. and Mrs. Masters, I'm Frank Underwood, your congressman. I'm so sorry for your loss. I cannot begin to fathom--
    You're right. You can't. You have no idea.
    Forgive me. I don't mean to intrude. I just--
    Well, You are intruding. -
    Dean, please.
    What? It's his fault. Isn't it?
    Anyway, I just wanted to express my condolences, and say if there's anything the two of you nee--
    Dean, you don't want to be talking to him. We got legal action pending.
    Look, I know what Mr. Chase has been saying, and believe--
    Nobody invited you. Nobody wants your condolences or your excuses.
    Frank, please.
    You shouldn't have to put up with this right now.
    I'm sorry.

    Well, that went well. Hang on a second.
    Nice to see you again. I wish it was under better circumstances.
    Terrible, isn't it?
    It's just terrible. This is so thoughtful what you've organized here.
    Least we can do.
    Tell me, are the Masters in your congregation?
    They are. They come every Sunday.
    Do you think they'll be at the service tomorrow?
    I'd be surprised if they weren't.
    I'm wondering can you do me a favor?
    Anything for you, Frank.

    Oh, the blue toothbrush is yours, right?
    Uh, yeah, the blue one. - Hey, Peter? -
    Where do you keep the light bulbs? The lamp in the bedroom is out.
    In the kitchen, under the sink.

    Here's what I think. I wish I could be bigger than this, but I can't, and I'm being selfish, and I realize it's mostly about me, but fuck it. I have to say it. Please don't take that other job, Christina. Anyway, that's how I feel.
    I'm glad you told me.

    Charters jeopardize our ability to organize, which is reason enough, but the bigger issue is that measuring their success
    Charters schools have operated under the same evaluative standards that every--
    Apples and oranges.
    No matter how you look at it, you can't use the same standards to compare.
    What, you're advocating a more demanding criteria for charter schools than other schools--
    Our point is simple, Frank.
    Several funds should only go to public union school districts
    hold on a second.
    Yeah, but we've already increased non-charter funding by 10%. The amount going to charter schools is negligible.
    It's the precedent, Frank, not the number.
    We're setting a lot of precedents, Marty. That's the nature of reform.
    Well, some of them we can stomach. Some of them we can't.
    All right, let's not get bogged down in abstractions. Let's deal with specifics. Corey, can you walk us through it?
    There's a three-prong approach to determining the amount of funding...

    sexual congress 性交
    mind-blowing 【非正式】 令人极度兴奋[震惊]的;非常奇怪的
    fellatio 口交
    fight sb on sth 在某事上反对某人
    heads-up n. 警告,警告信息
    talk through 详细地讨论
    hang back 犹豫畏缩不前踌躇迟疑
    console vt. 安慰;慰藉
    roll the dice 掷骰子(引申为孤注一掷)
    get straight 搞清楚,弄明白,了解
    you don't want to be doing sth 你最好不要做某事
    put up with v. 忍受;容忍
    congregation 会众〔在教堂里聚集的人群〕
    advocate vt. 提倡,主张,拥护
    demanding adj. 苛求的;要求高的;吃力的
    stomach vi. 忍受
    get bogged down 深陷泥潭陷入泥沼等沉入
    prong n. 耙子;叉状物



