1 团结的就是力量。
In unnity, there is strength.
2 爱能超越一切。
Love transcends all differences.
3 生活可以更加美好。
Life is good, but it can be better.
4 学习的过程中总要经历一些痛苦。
Learning is always a painful process.
5 不为昨日而遗憾没把握当下。
Never regret yesterday. Life is in you today.
6 人非圣贤,孰能无过。
Even the best make mistakes sometimes.
7 困难亦是潜在的机会。
Problem are just opportunities that haven't presented themselves.
8 跟随心的方向。
Let your heart guide you.
9 你的人生航向由你做主。
You steer ahead. You are the captain now.
10 掌控自我的人生,不断砥砺前行。
The only way to keep going is to take concrol of your life.
11 无论身处何地,我将永远爱你。
I will always love you. No matter where I am.
12 每次结束都意味着新的开始。
Every ending is a new begining.
13 输赢并不总是那么重要。
You don't always have to fight to win.
14 赠人玫瑰,手有余香。
Helping others makes our own lives better and makes us better people.
15 想要成功就要从失去中汲取经验。
Learn fromm loss and your day will come.
16 经历的打击越多,你的勇气就越旺盛。
The more you get hit,the harder you fight.
17 艰难之境亦见生活之美。
The beauty of life can spring forth from even the harshest of climates.
18 大千世界,无限美好。
There is so much beauty in the world.
19 潜龙无用,虽败犹荣。
There is more honor in defeat than there is unused potential.
20 成功在于变通。
People change and things works out.