
作者: 松果_ | 来源:发表于2018-12-01 21:38 被阅读0次

    hurdle:a problem or difficulty that you must deal with before you can achieve something, 问题,障碍 

    常用搭配:jump over/ clear/overcome  + financial/ regulatory hurdle

    例句:1.Life is all about jumping over one hurdle after another and keeping moving on.

    2.To run a start-up, one needs to clear a series of hurdles, and securing enough funding is simply one of them.

    3.Every entrepreneur has to clear the financial hurdle to get their project started.

    4.When Didi, a Chinese cab-hailing app, first started, it had to overcome the regulatory hurdle.

    cab-hailing adj.叫车

    hail sb. a cab 给某人叫俩车

    hail a cab 叫车,打车,打的



    first/next/last/final/main/major/big/difficult hurdle





    A big hurdle that Chinese students who wish to study in the US face is TOEFL.

    参考翻译:To get admitted to US colleges, Chinese students have to clear a difficult hurdle: TOEFL, an English language proficiency test.


    The first big hurdle in putting your car on the road is getting insurance.

    You have already overcome the first major hurdle by passing the entrance exam.

    This is perhaps the most difficult hurdle that we face.

    We'll jump each hurdle as we come to it.



