YC H2start a start up 10|Culture

YC H2start a start up 10|Culture

作者: 喵在野 | 来源:发表于2015-07-16 10:50 被阅读47次
Culture What kind of culture matters Some best practices for culture

Airbnb's story:

spent months, interviews hundreds people to recruit the 1st employee, an engineer. Since the 1st one is very important to form the team you'll work with.

Culsture is the value you organize your team and business.
Branding: is the culture you communicate with customers.

What foud the culture:

1: what we hire
2: what we do every day
3: what we chose to celebrate
4: what we chose to punish

What I think important is that: he or she will show the perfectlism in his master area, and can bring me surprise.

Apple tell people that you may not see your family for 3 years, but when you finish ,your children will remember what you’ve done.

90% are done not by founders


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