

作者: 曼朵萝 | 来源:发表于2020-09-23 20:16 被阅读0次




1. 发音 每天英音美音模仿各20分钟

2. 单词 每天积累10个SAT/GRE单词以及10个短语表达

3. 健身 一周健身5次,到年底体脂率降到21% 

4. 攒钱 每个月存 9000 降低物欲

5. 看书 每天保持30分钟看书 

6. 追剧 2倍速追美剧一天一集

7. 备考ACE 

8. 练一手好看的 ES copperplate 

9. 拿到驾照 (考虑等孩子大一些 周日去半天)


1. vanilla 

used to describe a product or service that is basic and has no special features:

vanilla 除了表示 香草味,还可以表示产品或者服务是无聊的或者基础的

The sample story and graphics are pretty vanilla, but they’re just for illustration.

I've always thought guided tours were a pretty vanilla way to experience a new city.

She just wants something vanilla to read while she's lounging on the beach.

2. roast 

to criticize severely or speak angrily to someone:

example sentences: 

We had to roast the teacher after she was seen shopping when she was supposed to be off work with flu! 

After my PowerPoint presentation froze during an important meeting, my boss gave me a roasting.

She was roasted by her friends after she posted pictures of herself on social media showing off her ‘amazing’ suntan.

3. bumper-to-bumper 

very close together 

The cars on the highway are bumper to bumper right now—there's no way we'll get there on time.

4. on the back burner 

of a low priority; give less or little thought or attention

I think that painting the house should be on the back burner until we decide on what furniture we want to buy.

I'm going to be putting work stuff on the back burner for a while after my son is born.

5. have butterflies in your stomach 

have a queasy feeling because you are nervous. 

I almost didn't go on stage and perform tonight because I had butterflies in my stomach.



introspection examining one's own thoughts and feelings

His defeat in the world championship led to a long period of gloomy introspection.

philanthropist one who loves mankind

antidote medicine used against a poison or a disease

Regular exercise is the best antidote to tiredness and depression.

strive to make great efforts, to struggle

ambidextrous able to use the left hand or the right equally well

precursors a person or thing that precedes, as in a process or job.

Biological research has often been a precursor to medical breakthroughs.

Sulphur dioxide is the main precursor of acid rain.

precursor to sth 表示......的先驱

precursor of sth 表示......的先决条件

retrospective Looking back on past

a retrospective study/analysis 

introvert one who turns towards himself

ambiguous doubtful; uncertain

The government has been ambiguous on this issue.

be ambiguous on sth 

gerontocracy government ruled by old people


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