

作者: xiaoke_donkey | 来源:发表于2022-03-15 09:12 被阅读0次


    英文 中文
    Mike. 麦克
    Thanks for coming. 谢谢你来接我
    Oh, yeah, of course. 不谢应该的嘛
    I'm just parked across the street, so... 我的车就停在街对面
    Okay. I...I was just gonna hit the... 好我...先去下...
    Yeah, sure. I'll meet you out front. 好我到门口等你
    Janitor. Anybody here? 保洁的里面没人吧
    Higher! 再高点
    Higher? Okay, you asked for it. 还高吗好吧那就再高点
    Oh, sweetheart. All right. Come on down. 好了宝贝下来吧
    Pop-pop's getting tired. 爷爷有点累了
    Don't "Aw" Me. 别闹啦
    You take a little break -- little break. 你也稍微歇歇吧
    Go on. 自己玩会儿吧
    A good kid. 真是个好孩子
    Yeah, she is. 是啊她挺乖的
    So, how do you like it... 你觉得...
    out west? 大西部怎样啊
    I like it. Wide-open spaces. 挺好我喜欢广阔的天地
    Yeah. 好吧
    Different, anyway. 反正和之前是不一样了
    Yeah. 是啊
    How you doing? 你最近咋样
    I'm -- yeah, I'm okay, you know? 我...还好吧
    Adjusting. 还在适应
    And Kaylee? 凯莉呢
    Yeah, she's settling in. 她也在慢慢适应
    She still asks about him -- 她还会时常问起他...
    "Where is daddy?" 问"爸爸在哪儿"
    She just misses him. 她很想他
    Yeah. 好吧
    How long you in town for, Mike? 你准备待多久麦克
    I'm here... 我在这儿...
    for the duration, indefinitely. 会一直待下去
    I'm, uh -- I'm better. 我...好多了
    And I'm sorry it took me so long. 抱歉让你们等了这么久
    But I'm not like I was. I'm back. I'm solid. 我跟以前不一样了这次是真回来了
    I want to be here for you, for Kaylee, for my family. 我想陪着你凯莉我的家人
    That's good. I'm glad to hear you're better. 那就好你没事就好
    What? 咋了
    What is it, honey? 你想说什么亲爱的
    Mike, I got to ask -- 麦克我得问清楚...
    I mean...I know I just need to move on from this, 我知道我得向前看了
    but I keep thinking about something. 但有件事我一直很纠结
    About what? 纠结什么
    How, before Matty died, 就在马蒂死前
    like, for a few weeks there, 几个礼拜
    he was...different. 他...性情大变
    Different how? 怎么变了
    Different -- I don't know. 我也说不清
    Moody, you know? 变得喜怒无常
    He barely ate. H-he wasn't sleeping. 他基本上啥也不吃也不睡觉
    He snapped at me about the stupidest things. 因为鸡毛蒜皮的小事就跟我吵架
    I started to think something's up at work 我以为他是工作不顺
    or -- or someone's sick, something like that, 或是有人病了什么的
    but he wouldn't talk to me. He clammed right up. 但他不愿跟我说把自己封闭了起来
    Cops aren't real touchy-feely. You know that. 警察嘛不愿吐露心事你也知道
    No. 没错
    They're not. No. 你说得也是
    But this wasn't the normal "Tough guys don't cry" crap. 但这不是什么"男儿有泪不轻弹"
    This was more. I mean... did you notice? 这里头肯定有问题...你没发现吗
    I mean, did you feel anything like that from him? 你没发现他的转变吗
    I don't -- as far as I remember, he seemed okay. 没...我没看出来
    He seemed okay to me. 我觉得他挺正常的
    Well, I started to think -- I'm -- 我后来想着...我...
    I don't know. I didn't know what to think. 我都不知道该怎么想
    But then...three days or -- or four -- 之后...他死前大概三四天吧
    I don't remember -- 我记不太清了
    But before he died, there was this phone call. 凌晨两点半电话响了
    2:30 in the morning, I wake up, and Matty's not in bed. 我醒了发现马蒂没在床上
    And I hear him. He's talking downstairs. 我听见他在楼下说话
    So...I go to listen on the stairs, where he couldn't see. 我就躲在楼梯上偷听
    He gets intense. 他当时很生气
    Like, he'd be screaming 尽管他在低声说话
    if he wasn't whispering, you know? 但好像随时会大叫你知道吗
    Matty didn't get worked up. He'd let things go. 马蒂很少生气的他总是看得很开
    But -- but this -- I mean, he was angry. 但这次不一样他非常生气
    He was really angry. 他真的非常生气
    What was he saying? 他当时在说什么
    I couldn't make it out. It was something about... 我听不太清楚是关于...
    I don't know. I couldn't hear it. 我不知道我听不清
    But the next morning, I called him out -- 但第二天早上我问他
    "What the hell was that about? What's going on?" "昨晚怎么了发生什么事了"
    And he wouldn't talk to me. 可他不肯跟我说
    But I think... 但我想...
    I think he was talking to you. 我想他是在跟你说话
    Me? 我吗
    I mean, who else? 还会有谁呢
    For one hot second, 有那么一刻
    I thought maybe he was catting around -- 我想他是不是有外遇了
    No, he wouldn't do that. 不他不会那样做的
    No, I know. I know that. But you -- 是的我知道但是你...
    He knew he could call you anytime he had a problem. 他知道如果有困难随时可以找你
    You were thick as thieves, the two of you. 你们俩那么亲密无间
    And there was something in his voice. 他的声音有些奇怪
    It was... how he was talking. 他说话的方式
    It makes me think it was you. 让我觉得他就是在跟你说话
    Stace, I don't think it was. 史黛西我想那不是我
    I can't recall any late-night heart-to-hearts with him, 我不记得跟他有过深夜谈心
    not around then. 那个时候没有
    Maybe it was a C.I. or a case. 可能是他的线人或者什么案子
    Listen. 听我说
    I know what you're doing -- replaying it over and over, 我知道你在做什么一遍又一遍回想
    thinking, "If I'd noticed this or changed that, 想着"如果我当时意识到了什么
    maybe I could have done something." 也许结果就不会是这样"
    You don't think I haven't had those thoughts? I do. 你觉得我没这样想过吗我也有
    Every day. 每天都在想
    You got to quit beating yourself up like this. 你不能再这样自责下去了
    Matty's gone. 马蒂不在了
    That's really all there is to it. 就是这样
    Yeah. 是啊
    I guess that's that. 我想是吧
    It's getting on. 时候不早了
    I got to...get Kaylee her dinner 我该去给凯莉做晚饭
    and put her to bed. 哄她上床睡觉了
    Uh, yeah. 是啊
    Okay. 好吧
    Well, if you want me to drop by and keep an eye on her, I... 如果你需要我过来照看她我...
    I want to help. 我愿意帮忙
    See you around. 回头见
    Where to? 去哪
    "Francisco." 你叫弗朗西斯科
    Yeah. 是我
    You know this town? 你很了解这个小镇吗
    Yeah, sure. 是的当然
    How well? 有多了解
    You sew this up yourself? 这是你自己缝的吗
    Not bad. 还不赖
    Bet there's a story there. 这里肯定有个故事吧
    - Isn't there always? - Yeah. -每个伤口背后都有故事-是的
    All right. Little sting here. 好了疼一下
    Okay. That ought to do it. 好了应该可以了
    Now... 现在...
    ...you're gonna want to take it easy. 不要剧烈运动
    Keep it clean. 保持清洁
    Keep it dry. Let it heal. 保持干燥慢慢就愈合了
    There's a Walgreens a couple blocks over on Louisiana. 在路易斯安大道那边有个沃尔格林[药店]
    Maybe go get yourself a sling. 可以去那里买一个悬带
    You don't have one? 你这里没有吗
    Sorry. 抱歉
    - Got a cone you can put around your neck. - Yeah. -有套在脖子上的喇叭筒-我知道
    It's about the same, right? 都差不多是吧
    So, it's gonna be $500? 五百块钱是吗
    $500. 五百块
    I can, uh, throw some pills in for the pain. 我可以给你一点止痛药
    This stuff's essentially vicodin. 这药是维柯丁[止痛药]
    I can give it to you for $25 a pill -- 二十五块一颗卖给你
    Maybe drop the price to $15 少给十块也行
    for something a little less human-centric. 这药毕竟不是给人吃的
    I'm an aspirin man. 我吃点阿司匹林就行
    Tell you what -- take a couple on the house. 这样吧送你几片
    in case you change your mind. 说不定你就想吃了呢
    You new in town? 你是这儿新来的吧
    Yeah. 是的
    Passing through or sticking around? 是路过还是要待一阵
    Why? 怎么了
    No reason. 就是问问
    It's just, if you're relocating to the Land of Enchantment, 如果你想搬来迷人之地[新墨西哥州]
    I know people. 我倒是认识些人




