You may have this idea like maybe I am not cut out for programming, maybe like I just was not born with paticular brain that's required to think in this way, maybe like this is just not for me.etc...
What I want to say to that is, nobody is born to have a certain skill, there is a lot of things that require a lot of dedication to be able to achieve the result that people get.
You know, you never see a baby like just being born that's all like really muscular. In order to get muscular, in order to get strong, you have got to go to the gym, like nobody can help you with that, no matter how rich or how privileged or how smart you are.
If you don't go to the gym, you are not going to get stronger.
And it is the same with a lot of other skills, like programming.
And most case, people often hide like the hard work that's required in order to get to where they are.
Every success is difficult. Do you known how many failed they have until they had big moment?
We don't see that. But it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
So, in order to get good at something, you have got to show up,you have got to put in the hours and then you will get the results that you deserve.
And in face, like if you suddenly just win the lottery and you get something that have not really worked hard for, you never really cherish it.
So, put in the work, put in the effort, and the results will happen, I promiss, and I believe in you.
Just keep going, I think we are going to do great!
2020.06.20 18:49
Shanghai Luo shan 2 cun