“TV Tropes”是一个维基百科式的网站,它的主题是分析列举各种流行电视剧、电影、动画、小说和游戏中出现的所有桥段。网站的参与者与内容贡献者不是任何影评人,而是一群极客。他们看电影不是欣赏电影情节的好坏,而是本着理工科的精神把情节分解,识别并统计其中的桥段。网站的缘起是一个程序员想要分析《捉鬼者巴菲》电视剧中使用的各种套路,现在正发展到所有作品。在“TV Tropes”眼中,没有哪个作品真是特立独行的,几乎所有的剧情都是对已有桥段的重新排列组合。

A TROPE is a storytelling device or convention, a shortcut for describing situations the storyteller can reasonably assume the audience will recognize. Tropes are the means by which a story is told by anyone who has a story to tell. We collect them, for the fun involved.
Tropes are not the same thing as cliches. They may be brand new but seem trite and hackneyed; they may be thousands of years old but seem fresh and new. They are not bad, they are not good; tropes are tools that the creator of a work of art uses to express their ideas to the audience. It's pretty much impossible to create a story without tropes.

TV Tropes把所有的桥段编成索引目录,以供爱好者查阅。
主要分为两类:Main Indexes(主索引)和Other Indexes(其他索引)。