BBC Take Away English (Cyber sec

BBC Take Away English (Cyber sec

作者: Chiquititaa | 来源:发表于2018-12-18 09:41 被阅读22次
cyber security

近来,网络安全对于个人和企业来说都是一个不可忽视的问题。每个建立了网络连接的用户都面临着一个真实存在的危险 — 被黑客攻击,比如受到数字病毒的感染或某种形式的数据盗窃。然而说来也怪,在大多数情况下,威胁网络安全的始作俑者并不是计算机本身,而是使用互联网的用户,因为人们总在犯一些看似微不足道,却常常很关键的错误。


It's a dangerous world out there in cyberspace. Hackers, viruses, and malware, among others, all exist and are very real threats. A 2017 UK government cyber-security****breaches survey showed that in the preceding 12 months, just under half of the companies asked had identified an attack or breach. That could have been disastrous.

The problem is not the computers, firewalls or encryption - it's us. People are bad at following good cyber-security protocol – such as using an effective password. We're also pretty dumb when it comes to clicking on links and downloading content we shouldn't, Ian Pratt, co-founder of cyber-security firm Bromium told the BBC. With that in mind, here are three tips to keep you 'cyber-safe'.

Passwords are a weakness. The ideal password should be at least eight characters long, and contain upper and lower case letters, symbols and numbers. And don't use a common word such as 'password'. "This makes you vulnerable to a scrape attack. This is where hackers take the most common passwords and try them on millions of accounts," Thomas Pedersen from OneLogin, an identity and access management company, told the BBC.

Keep your equipment up-to-date by installing the latest security updates for your computer - obviously. Less obvious perhaps, is doing so for other technology also connected to the internet – such as your router. A recent study carried out by the American Consumer Institute Centre for Citizen Research found that "five out of six routers are inadequately updated for known security flaws." These require software updates, too. And don't forget your other smart devices, such as your smart TV!

Finally, consider enabling** multi-factor authentication** for your accounts. That's where a mobile phone or dongle is used to verify access to a device. If your password becomes compromised, no access can be obtained without your second authentication device… so don't lose your phone! In the future, biometrics such as voice and fingerprint may make this easier.

The internet is wonderful, but security threats do exist. Fortunately, with a little common sense and forethought, you can be secure from (这里也可以说,be avoided from)the majority of cyber-security threats.


cyberspace 网络空间
hacker 黑客
virus 计算机病毒
malware 恶意软件
cyber-security 网络安全的(其名词搭配为 “cyber security”)
disastrous 破坏性的
breach 破坏、违规
breach/break the protocol/contract 违约
firewall 防火墙
encryption 数据加密
protocol 协议、协定
character 字符(如数字、字母、标点等)
vulnerable 易受攻击的
scrape attack 撒网式密码盗窃
up-to-date 最新的
update 更新,升级
router 路由器
flaw 漏洞
multi-factor authentication 多重身份认证
dongle 软件保护器
compromised 被攻破的
biometrics 生物特征识别技术,如声音、面部、指纹识别(其形容词为 “biometric 生物特征测定的”)
forethought 事先考虑,深谋远虑
with...in mind 将...记在心里
lower and upper case letters 大小写字母
inadequately 不充分地 adequately 充分地
in the preceding 12 months 在过去的12个月里
keep your softwares up-to-date 持续更新你的软件
five out of six 五分之六


make sentences

  1. In the event of a fire, please follow safety protocols and evacuate(撤离) quickly but safely.

  2. The unknown man managed to breach stage security and attack the pop star mid-concert.

  3. The majority of emails these days are secured with end-to-end encryption(端到端的数字加密).

  4. Soon, all transactions could be biometric. You'll be able to pay for your shopping with your face.

  5. I think there's a small flaw in your plan. We don't have any money to go to the cinema!


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