[经济学人]20190201-Taxing the rich:A

[经济学人]20190201-Taxing the rich:A

作者: 祥知道 | 来源:发表于2019-11-07 10:37 被阅读0次



    Taxing the rich: A way through the warren

    A way through the warren
    How to tax the rich

    And how to limit the economic damage





    • warren : n. 养兔场;大杂院;拥挤的地区;这里代指困境
    • the rich :富人,有钱人

    DURING HIS lesser-known run for president, which began in 1999, Donald Trump proposed levying a wealth tax on Americans with more than 10m. He may soon find himself campaigning on the other side of the issue. That is because Democrats are lining up to find ways to tax the rich. Senator Elizabeth Warren, who wants Mr Trump’s job, has called for an annual levy of 2% on wealth above50m and of 3% on wealth above $1bn. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a prominent new left-wing congresswoman, has floated a top tax rate of 70% on the highest incomes.

    唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)从1999年开始竞选总统,曾提议对1000万美元以上的美国人征收财富税,当时他的知名度不那么高。他可能很快就会发现自己站在了问题的另一边。这是因为民主党人正在想办法向富人征税(笔者注:这是因为特朗普是共和党人,所以算是为在野党打广告?还是说民主党和共和党的理念冲突,这个暂时涉及到我的知识盲区,捂脸)。希望得到特朗普职位的参议员伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)呼吁对5000万美元以上的财富征收2%的年税,对10亿美元以上的财富征收3%的年税(笔者注:把这个女参议员说的跟舔狗一样,哈哈哈)。著名的新左翼国会女议员亚历山德里亚·奥卡西奥-科尔特斯(Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)提出对最高收入人群征收70%的最高税率。

    • run for president : 竞选总统
    • Democrat :美国民主党(Democratic Party)是美国两大主要资产阶级政党之一,“驴子”是民主党的党徽,驴党;
      美国共和党(Republican Party United States) ,“大象”是共和党的标志,象党。特朗普是共和党人。

    In one way these proposals are a relief. Left-wing Democrats have plenty of ideas for new spending—Medicare for all, free college tuition, the “Green New Deal”—that would need funding. Mainly because America is ageing, but also boosted by Mr Trump’s unfunded tax cuts, the debt-to-GDP ratio is already expected to nearly double over the next 30 years. If a future Democratic administration creates new spending programmes while maintaining existing ones, higher taxes will be necessary.


    If revenues are to rise, there are good grounds to look first to the rich. Mr Trump’s tax cuts are just the latest change to have made life at the top more splendorous. Between 1990 and 2015 the real income of the top 1% of households, after taxes and transfers, nearly doubled. Over the same period middle incomes grew by only about a third—and most of that was thanks to government intervention. Globalisation, technological change and ebbing competition have all helped the rich prosper in recent decades. Techno-prophets fear that inequality could soon worsen further, as algorithms replace workers en masse. Whether or not they are right, the disproportionate gains the rich have already enjoyed could justify raising new revenues from them.

    如果收入要增加,有很好的理由首先考虑富人。特朗普的减税政策带来的最新变化只是让顶层人的生活变得更加光鲜亮丽。从1990年到2015年,扣除税收和转移支付后(after taxes and transfers不知道怎么翻译好),最富有的1%家庭的实际收入几乎翻了一番。在同一时期,中等收入只增长了大约三分之一,而这主要是由于政府的干预。近几十年来,全球化、技术变革和日渐衰退的竞争都帮助了富人的繁荣。技术预言家们(Techno-prophet)担心,随着算法大规模取代工人(en masse说这是法语?),不平等可能很快进一步恶化。不管他们(技术专家?)是否正确,富人已经享有的不成比例的收益可以证明从他们(这个指的是)那里获得了新的收入。

    • ground :这里用的是“理由”的意思。
    • Globalisation :全球化
    • disproportionate :不成比例的



    Unfortunately, the proposed new schemes are poorly designed. Ms Warren’s takes aim at wealth inequality, which has also risen dramatically. It is legitimate to tax wealth. But Ms Warren’s levy would be crude, distorting and hard to enforce. A business owner making nominal annual returns of around 5% would see much of that wiped out, before accounting for existing taxes on capital. That prospect would squash investment and enterprise. Meanwhile, bureaucrats would repeatedly find themselves having to value billionaires’ art collections and other illiquid assets. Eight rich countries have scrapped their wealth taxes since 1990, often amid concerns about their economic and administrative costs. In 2017 only four levied them.



    proposed,legitimate,levy,crude,wipe out,billionaire




    There are better ways to raise taxes on capital. One is to increase inheritance tax, an inequality-buster that, though also too easily avoided, is relatively gentle on investment and work incentives when levied at modest rates. Another is to target economic rents and windfalls that inflate investment returns. Higher property taxes can efficiently capture some of the astronomical gains that landowners near successful cities have enjoyed. It is also possible to raise taxes on corporations that enjoy abnormally high profits without severely inhibiting growth. The trick is to shield investment spending by letting companies deduct it from their taxable profit immediately, rather than as their assets depreciate. (Mr Trump’s reform accomplished this, but only partially and temporarily.)




    What about income tax? Ms Ocasio-Cortez’s boosters point out that a 70% levy is close to the rate that is said to maximise revenue in one notable economic study. In truth the study is notable because it is an outlier—one that ignores the benefits of entrepreneurial innovation or of workers improving their skills. France’s short-lived 75% top tax rate, which was scrapped at the end of 2014, raised less money than was hoped. America’s top rate of federal income tax is 37%; higher is clearly feasible, but it would be wise to keep change incremental.




    Although there is scope to raise taxes on the rich, they cannot pay for everything, if only because the rich are relatively scarce. One estimate puts extra annual revenue from Ms Ocasio-Cortez’s idea, which applies only to incomes above 10m, at perhaps12bn, or 0.3% of the tax take. Ms Warren’s proposal would raise $210bn a year, her backers say—but they assume, implausibly, limited avoidance and no economic damage. Ultimately, the price of ambitious spending programmes will be tax increases that are also far-reaching. The crucial point about a strategy for taxing the rich is to realise that it has limits.

    尽管有向富人增税的余地,但仅仅因为富人相对稀缺,他们无法支付所有的费用。据估计,奥卡西奥-科尔特斯女士的想法可以带来额外的年收入,这一想法只适用于年收入超过1000万美元的人,大约为120亿美元,占税收的0.3%。 沃伦的支持者表示,她的提议每年将筹集2100亿美元资金——但他们的天真的(implausibly 难以置信的,这里翻译)认为,这里面只有有限的避税行为以及它(这种方法)不会造成经济损失。 最终,雄心勃勃支出计划的代价将是影响深远的增税。对富人征税策略的关键是要认识到它的局限性。






    总之,开心就好,也只能这样了,(/ω\) ~



          本文标题:[经济学人]20190201-Taxing the rich:A
