1933年7月, 托洛茨基移居法国,《反对派通报》改在巴黎出版,并开始酝酿建立" 第四国际”。
1933-1934卷· 目录

Chronology 13
It Is Impossible to Remain in the Same "International"
with Stalin, Manuilsky, Lozovsky and Company
(July 20, 1933) 17
A Necessary Clarification (July 26, 1933) 25
For New Communist Parties and the New International
(July 27, 1933) 26
Even Slander Should Make Some Sense (August 5, 1933) 28
Is Soviet Policy a Matter on Which Only Russian Socialists
Are Competent to Decide? (August 9, 1933) 33
An Organ of Finance Capital on "Trotskyism"
(August 13, 1933) 35
Declaration of the Bolshevik-Leninist Delegation at the
Conference of Left Socialist and Communist
Organizations (August 17, 1933) 37
More Urgent Needs for Fund Raising (August 18, 1933) 45
The German Opposition and the SAP Should Unite
(August 18, 1933) 46
How to Handle Slanders and Insinuations
(August 18, 1933) 48
The Declaration of Four (August 26, 1933) 49
Whither the Independent Labour Party?
(August 28, 1933) 53
An Interview by C. A. Smith (August 29, 1933) 58
On the Conference of Left Socialist and Communist
Organizations Held at Paris, August 2 7':28, 1933
(August 31, 1933) 63
The Paris Conference: A Firm Nucleus for a New
International (September' 1, 1933) 65
Stalin Prepares a Treacherous Blow (September 1, 1933) 69
How to Influence the ILP (September 3, 1933) 71
The ILP and the New International (September 4, 1933) 12
Success or Failure? (September 10, 1933) 79
Principled Considerations on Entry (September 16, 1933) 84
It Is Time to Stop (Published September 18, 1933) 88
About the United Front with Grzezinsky . . .
(September 20, 1933) 92
The USSR and the Comintern (September 24, 1933) 94
The Fate of the British Section (September 25, 1933) 100
The Class Nature of the Soviet State (October 1, 1933) 101
To Dispel Misunderstandings (October 2, 1933) 12 3
The Lever of a Small Group (October 2, 1933) 125
Private Opinions and Public Statements
(October 2, 1933) 127
A False Understanding of the New Orientation
(October 8, 1933) 130
Doubts, Hesitations and Fears (Autumn 1933) 132
On the Saar Question (Published November 4, 1933) 135
Our Present Tasks (November 7, 1933) 136
Maria Reese and the Comintern (November 10, 1933) 140
Answers to Questions by Anita Brenner
(November 13, 1933) 142
Hitler the Pacifist (November 23, 1933) 145
A Political Trial Without a Political Axis
(November 26, 1933) 149
Nationalism and Economic Life (November 30, 1933) 155
Contribution Toward a Discussion on the Basic
Theoretical Conceptions of the International
Communist League (December 4, 1933) 163
Notes of a Journalist (December 12, 1933) 172
A Conference of the Bloc of Four (December 30, 1933) 178
Anatole Vasilievich Lunacharsky (January 1, 1934) 181
Cardinal Questions Facing the ILP (January 5, 1934) 186
Revisionism and Planning (January 9, 1934) 191
The SAP, the ICL and the Fourth International
(January 11, 1934) 2 0 1
Are There N o Limits to the Fall? (January 18, 1934) 2 09
On the Eve of the Seventeenth Congress
(January 20, 1934) 2 2 2
A Real Achievement (January 24, 1934) 2 2 8
The Responsibility of Translators (February 20, 1934) 2 3 1
Centrism and th e Fourth International
(February 22, 1934) 232
France Is Now the Key to the Situation
(Published March 1934) 238
Rakovsky's Declaration of Submission
(Published March 10, 1934) 245
The Red Army (March 13, 1934) 246
A Centrist Attack on Marxism (March 16, 1934) 260
Once More on Centrism (March 23, 1934) 265
Greetings to La Verita (March 25, 1934) 269
The Proposed Fusion in the United States
(March 29, 1934) 271
The Meaning of Rakovsky's Surrender (March 31, 1934) 273
The Crisis of the Greek Section (April 5, 1934) 279
Behind Rakovsky's Capitulation (April 19, 1934) 285
Off With All the Blindfolds! (published Ap11l27, 1934) 286
Conversation with a Dissident from Saint-Denis
(Published June 8, 1934) 2 9 0
Arguments and Rebuttals (Published June 8 , 1934) 295
War and the Fourth International (June 10, 1934) 299
Appendix: Leon Trotsky by Andre Malraux 331
Notes and Acknowledgments 339
Index 373
1934 -1935卷· 目录

Preface 9
Chronology 14
The foreign policy of the Soviet Union
(Published June 16, 1934) 19
A program of action for France (Published June 1934) 24
The League faced with a turn (June 1934) 38
The League faced with a decisive turn (June 1934) 45
The state of the League and its tasks (June 29, 1934) 52
Greetings to 'The New International' (July 1934) 62
The evolution of the SFIO (July la, 1934) 63
Bonapartism and fascism (July 15, 1934) 69
Cross the Rubicon (July 16, 1934) 77
The Stalinists and organic unity (July 19, 1934) 79
Supplementary arguments and suggestions for articles
(July 21, 1934) 82
Tasks of the IeL (July 21, 1934) 85
Clouds in the Far East (Published August 1934) 91
Summary of the discussion (August 6, 1934) 96
The task of revolutionary teachers (August la, 1934) 104
To the Bolshevik-Leninists in the USSR
(Published August 17, 1934) 109
If America should go communist (August 17, 1934) 114
The way out (August 1934) 124
On the theses 'Unity and the Youth' (Summer 1934) 133
An advocate takes up a position on the French situation
(September 22,1934) 139
The 'Belgian' tradition in discussion (September 22, 1934) 145
To the Ukrainian comrades in Canada (October 20, 1934) 149
Austria, Spain, Belgium and the turn (November 1, 1934) 151
How to answer the London-Amsterdam Bureau
(November 1934) 156
No compromise on the Russian question (November 11, 1934) 158
On Bonapartism (Marxism is superior)
(Published December 1, 1934) 160
Once more on our turn (December 15, 1934) 163
On the SAP's proposals (December 1934) 170
The Stalinist bureaucracy and the Kirov assassination
(December 28, 1934) 175
The indictment (December 30, 1934) 198
Statement to the press (December 30, 1934) 206
Some results of the Stalin amalgam (January 12, 1935) 208
The case of Zinoviev, Kamenev and others
(January 16-18, 1935) 213
Everything gradually falls into place (January 26, 1935) 223
Where is the Stalin bureaucracy leading the U S SR?
(January 30, 1935) 229
The workers' state, Thermidor and Bonapartism
(February 1, 1935) 240
'Soviet democracy' (February 10, 1935) 262
To Comrade Sneevliet on the lAG conference
(February 26, 1935) 264
To Cannon on the next steps (February 1935) 274
Centrist combinations and Marxist tactics (February 28, 1935) 278
Again on the question of Bonapartism (March 1935) 285
The Belgian dispute and the de Man plan (March 2, 1935) 289
From a letter to the Chinese comrades (March 5, 1935) 300
From the CGT's plan to the conquest of power
(Delivered March 18-19, 1935) 302
The situation in the Stockholm Youth Bureau (March 23, 1935) 316
A new noose in the Stalinist amalgam (March 31, 1935) 320
Notes of a journalist (Published April 1935) 323
The situation in France and the tasks of the
Bolshevik-Leninist Group of the SFIO (April 15, 1935) 329
On the South African theses (April 20, 1935) 335
Centrist alchemy or Marxism? (April 24, 1935) 344
News about the family (April 25, 1935) 379
Stalinist treason in 'I'Humanite' (Published April 26, 1935) 380
Laval and the French CP (May 1935) 386
Toward the new youth international (Spring 1935) 388
Stalin has signed the death certificate of the
Third International (Published May 25, 1935)
To the students of Edinburgh University (June 7, 1935)
The Seventh Congress of the Comintern (June 7, 1935)
Three telegrams to Norway (June 7-12, 1935)
An open letter to the workers of France (June la, 1935)
A new turn is necessary (June la, 1935)
Discipline must be restored (June 13, 1935)
Appendix: Trotsky's clandestine activity at Domene,
by Pierre Broue
Notes and acknowledgments
Other writings of 1934--35
Works by Leon Trotsky published by Pathfinder
1935- 1936卷· 目录

Preface 11
Chronology 16
Open Letter for the Fourth International
(Spring 1935) 19
Luxemburg and the Fourth International
(J une 24, 1935) 29
* The SAP and the Open Letter (July 2, 1935) 33
* For a Special Information Service (J uly 2, 1935) 37
* "World Party of Social Revolution" (J uly 14, 1935) 39
* The Italo-Ethiopian Conflict
(Published July 17, 1935) 41
* For Defense of Soviet Revolutionaries (July 17, 1935) 42
Perspectives in Poland (July 18, 1935) 44
To Young Communists and Socialists Who Wish to Think
(J uly 29, 1935) 49
A Report in Arbeiderbladet (Pub lished July 26, 1935) 53
Who Defends Russia? Who Helps Hitler?
(July 26, 1935) 53
Oehlerism and the French Experience (August 11, 1935) 65
A Cancer in the Workers Party (A ugust 12, 1935) 70
* Preface to P.J. Schmidt's Article on Holland
(August 12, 1935) 74
* An Appeal to Oehlerite Comrades (A ugust 13, 1935) 77
* Letter to the German Commission (A ugust 19, 1935) 79
The Comintern's Liquidation Congress (A ugust 23, 1935) 84
* To the Editors of Action Socialiste Revolutionnaire
(A ugust 23, 1935) 95
A Case for a Labor Jury (A ug ust 29, 1935) 99
An Appeal (Published September 1935) 105
How History and Biography Are Written
(Pu blished September 1935) 107
* Letter to the Emigre C ommittee of the IKD
(September 2, 1935) 112
The Terror of Bureaucratic Self-Preservation
(September 6, 1935) 115
The Revolutionary Internationalists Need Our Help!
(September 7, 1935) 122
The Stalinist Turn (September 7, 1935) 125
Russia and the World Proletariat (September 14, 1935) 130
The ILP and the Fourth International
(September 18, 1935) 134
* For Practical Steps Toward Rapprochement
(Octo ber 11, 1935) 151
S ectarianism, Centrism , and the Fourth International
(Octo ber 22, 1935) 152
Romain Rolland E xecutes an Assignment
(Octo ber 31, 1935) 161
Lessons of October (No vember 4, 1935) 166
How Did Stalin Defeat the Opposition?
(No vember 12, 1935) 171
A Venerable Smerdyakov (No vember 1935) 180
Two Statements on the Cannon-Shachtman Letter
* A Brief Remark (November 1935) 182
An Obvious E rror (No vember 13, 1935) 182
* Factions and the Fourth International (1935) 184
* An Answer to Comrades in Anvers (No vember 1935) 190
Tactical Questions and Splits (No vember 18, 1935) 193
Once Again the I LP (No vember 1935) 197
Advice on Canadian Farmers (No vember 1935) 209
* Remarks in Passing (December 8, 1935) 212
* On the Postcard Amalgam (December 15, 1935) 217
Request for a Month's Leave of Absence
(December 2 7, 1935) 220
* For a Lucid Explanation (December 30, 1935) 221
* D evelopments in the USSR (Decem ber 31, 1935) 222
The Class Nature of the Soviet State (January 1, 1936) 223
* Foreign Communists in Danger (January 2, 1936) 226
Notes of a Journalist (January 10, 1936) 228
On the Soviet Section of the Fourth International
(January 11, 1936) 235
* Bourgeois Democracy and the Fight Against Fascism
(January 13, 1936) 242
Stalin 's Revolutionary Prisoners (January 15, 1936) 245
* Questions of a British Group (January 15, 1936) 250
For Entry in the U . S .
Letter to Cannon a n d Shachtman (January 24, 1936) 252
* Letter to AJ. Muste (January 24, 1936) 253
* Letter to Jack Weber (January 24, 1936) 253
Stalin Frame-Up Mill at Work (January 30, 1936) 254
* A Crisis in the Workers Party (Fe bruary 6, 1936) 257
* Letter to AJ. Muste (Fe bruary 8, 1936) 262
Statement to Associated Press (Fe bruary 8, 1936) 263
* Some Advice to a British Group (March 7, 1936) 264
* How to Work in the SP (March 9, 1936) 267
The Stalin-Howard Interview (March 18, 1936) 270
"The Point of No Return" (Pu blished April 1936) 278
Once Again on the Soviet Section
(Pu b lished April 1936) 281
An Honest Book (March 21, 1936) 283
The Plan to Exterminate the Bolshevik-Leninists
(March 25, 1936) 285
* Suggestions for the Belgian Section (March 27, 1936) 287
Open Letter to a British Comrade (April 3, 1936) 293
* A Good Omen for Joint Work in Britain (April 9, 1936) 298
The New Constitution of the USSR (April 16, 1936) 300
In the Columns of Pravda (Pu blished May 1936) 314
On Dictators and the Heights of Oslo (April 22, 1936) 317
* How to Win the Socialist Youth (April 27, 1936) 321
Political Persecution in the USSR (May 22, 1936) 324
The Spiciest Dishes Are Still to Come
(Pu b lished May 1936) 329
On Comrade Ciliga's Articles (June 3, 1936) 331
The New Revolutionary Upsurge and the Tasks of the
Fourth International (July 1936) 332
To the Public Opinion of the Workers of the Whole
World (Ju ly 4, 1936) 341
How the Workers in Austria Should Fight Hitler
(Pu blished July 1936) 345
* For C alm and Obj ective Work (July 6, 1936) 351
The Fourth International and the Soviet Union
(J uly 8, 1936) 354
* For a Common Goal in Britain (July 13, 1936) 361
The Dutch Section and the International
(July 15-16, 1936) 362
Interview on British Problems (Augus t 1936) 377
Let Us Know the Facts (August 1 5, 1936) 383
* Open Letter to the Oslo Chief of Police
(August 19, 1936) 386
Worse Than Dreyfus and Reichstag Cases
(A ugust 19, 1936) 389
* Who Is V. Olberg? (A ugust 20, 1936) 390
* Individual Terror and Mass Terror (A ugust 20, 1936) 392
A Revolutionary, Not a Terrorist (A ugust 21, 1936) 395
* A Miniature Edition of the Moscow Indictment
(A ugust 21, 1936) 400
* A Revealing Episode (A ugust 22, 1936) 401
*Statement on the Trial (August 23, 1936) 403
*Tomsky's Suicide (A ugust 23, 1936) 406
*Some Facts for the Prague Committee (A ugust 23, 1936) 407
* Stalin Is Not Everything (August 23, 1936) 410
Interview in News Chronicle (A ug ust 24, 1936) 413
* An Answer to Mr. S charffenberg (August 24, 1936) 417
* The D eath Sentences (August 24, 1936) 419
* Regular Trial Demanded (August 25, 1936) 421
A Letter to Trygve Lie (August 2 6, 1936) 422
*Trials Without End (A ugust 27, 1936) 425
* Letter to Mr. Puntervold (Septem ber 15, 1936) 427
* Echoes of a Belgian Witch-hunt (September 23, 1936) 432
* Letters to an Attorney (Septem ber- O ctober 1936) 434
* Comments on Defense Efforts (Octo ber 3, 1936) 438
*The S afety of the Archives (Octo b er 10, 1936) 440
* Letter to the IFTU (October 22, 1936) 441
* Letter to the League of Nations (Octo ber 22, 1936) 443
* Letters to an Attorney (late Octo b er 1936) 444
* Remarks About the Arbeiderbladet Interview
(No vember 10, 1936) 445
* On the GPU's Theft of Archives (No vember 10, 1936) 447
*Letters to an Attorney (Novemb er 1936) 448
* Letter to the League for the Rights of Man
(Pu blished Novem ber 30, 1936) 453
* Letters to an Attorney (Decem ber 1936) 454
In Closed Court (December 11, 1936) 455
* For the Earliest Possible Departure from Norway
(December 16, 1936) 486
* Valuable Time Is Being Lost (Decem ber 17, 1936) 488
Shame! (Decem ber 18, 1936) 489
* A Formal Declaration (Decem b er 18, 1936) 501
Last Letter from E urope (Decem ber 18, 1936) 502
Notes and Acknowledgments 503
Index 560
Other Writings of 1935-36 575
Books and Pamphlets by Leon Trotsky 576