1. low-lying area: a. low-lying area is not far above the level of the sea.
having a small elevation above the ground or horizon or sea level.
2. in attempts to = in an attempt to V : try to
3. brigade: n. a large group of soldier forming part of an army. 旅
an insulting word for a group of people have the same beliefs.
a group of people who are organized to do something.
phrase: fire brigade
4. monastery: the residence of a religious community.
root: monastic
conjugate: 1. monastic: a. means relating to the monks or life in a monstery.
similar to a monk's way of living, for example quiet, simple or not having sex.
2. monasticism: n. the monastic system, movement, or way of life.
synonyms: a. claustral; cloistral
n. religious; monk
5. naturopathy: a method of treating disorders, invoving the use of the herbs and other naturally grown foods, sunlight, fresh air, etc.
root: naturopath
conjugate: naturopath: someone who tires to cure illness using natural things such as plants, rather than drugs.
synonyms: physiotherapy; iatrophysics
6. grace: Way of moving: a smooth way of moving that looks nature, relaxed, and attractive.
Behavior: polite and pleasant behavior. have the grace to do sth.
the skills needed to behave in a way that is considered polite and socially acceptable.
Time: more time is allowed to someone to finish a piece of work, pay a debt,etc.
A day's /week's grace.
to make a place or an object look more attractive.
grace sb./sth with your presence: to bring honor to an occassion or group of people by coming to sth-said humorously when someone comes late or does not often come to meeting.
7.illicit: a. not allowed by rules, or strongly disapproved of by society.
8. mortgage: is a loan of money which you get from a bank or savings and loan association in order to buy a house.
If you mortgage your house or land,you use it as a garantee to a company in order to borrow money from them.
housing mortgage.
9.sodomize: to be an active partner in anal intercourse
copulate with an animal.
10.aide: someone whise job is to help someone who has an important job, especially a politician.
an officer who act as military assistance to a more ssenior officer.
11.heinous: a. immoral and shocking
extremly bad
heinousness: the quality of being shockingly cruel and inhumane.
12. probe: to ask question in order to find things out, especially
13.starling: a common bird with shiny black feathers that lives eapecially in cities.
14.borough: ['bɝro] a town or part of a large city, that is responsible for managing its own schools, hospitals, roads,etc.
15.Samaritan: someone, especially a stranger, who helps you when you have problems or need something.
16.prognosis: a doctors opinion of how an illness or diease will develope.
a judge about future based on information or experience.
17.fatality: a death in an accident or violent attack.
the fact that a diease is certain to cause death.
the feeling that you can not control what happens to you.
18.Bangalow: a house is all on ground level. often oon one level.
19.maize: a tall plant with yellow seeds that grow together on a cob, and that are cooked and eaten as a vegetable.
21. dealt with
23. bustling
24.calibrate: to check or slightly change the instrument or tool, so that it does somting correctly.
to mark instuments or tools so taht you can use it for measuring.
25.usher: n. someonr who shows people to their seats in theater, cinema
some who wokrs in a law court whose job is guide in and out of the court room.