每日一词 207 far-fatched

每日一词 207 far-fatched

作者: 琢石喵 | 来源:发表于2019-07-11 01:18 被阅读0次

far-fetched: difficult to believe because it is very unlikely

adj: 难以置信,牵强附会,常用来替换 unbelievable, unlikely 等词形容一个观点或想法。口语、写作中都可以用到的好词。


The conspiracy theory sounds bizarre and far-fetched. 


The movie is action-packed and exciting, but the storyline strikes many as far-fetched. 


Without timely and appropriate feedback, it is far-reached to suggest that practice makes perfect.


Just a few years ago the notion of using a computer to deliver television seemed far-fetched. 

Speculating about the future, even if it is far-fetched, can help people and institutions cope with what comes next. 

The idea that HBS is responsible for the ills of Western civilization is far-fetched. 


1) 翻译:月球旅行的想法看来未必不能实现。

The thought of traveling to the moon no longer seems so far-fetched. 

2) 造句:这本小说写了一些看似离奇实际是受真实事件启发的故事。

Some far-fetched stories in the fiction are actually inspired by some true events in 1990s.


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