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TCR-induced sumoylation… 都啥玩意儿啊,

TCR-induced sumoylation… 都啥玩意儿啊,

作者: c08d958bf0ad | 来源:发表于2016-09-19 01:42 被阅读0次

PS:论文链接为http://www.nature.com/ni/journal/v16/n11/full/ni.3259.html ,群文件中有pdf.

TCR-induced sumoylation of the kinase PKC-θ controls T cell synapse organization and T cell activation

从标题可以大概看出,这篇文章主要内容就是TCR对PKC-θ的sumoylation在T细胞的synapse organization和activation中的作用。估计大多数同学已经满脸问号了,陌生的东西太多,我们慢慢看。



Small Ubiquitin-like Modifier (or SUMO) proteins are a family of small proteins that are covalently attached to and detached from other proteins in cells to modify their function.

来,划词翻译走起~ 顺便提一句,据我所知比较好的划词翻译工具有欧路词典、必应词典、灵格斯等


Attachment: SUMO attachment to its target is similar to that of ubiquitin. The SUMO precursor has some extra aminoacids that need to be removed, therefore a C-terminal peptide is cleaved from the SUMO precursor by a protease to reveal a di-glycine motif. The obtained SUMO then becomes bound to an E1 enzyme (SUMO Activating Enzyme (SAE)) which is a heterodimer. It is then passed to an E2 which is a conjugating enzyme (Ubc9). Finally, one of a small number of E3 ligating proteins attaches it to the protein.

看晕了?不要紧,记得SUMO E3 ligating proteins就好。


Functions: protein stability, nuclear-cytosolic transport, and transcriptional regulation.

Typically, only a small fraction of a given protein is SUMOylated and this modification is rapidly reversed by the action of deSUMOylating enzymes.

Differents: There are 4 confirmed SUMO isoforms in humans; SUMO-1, SUMO-2, SUMO-3 and SUMO-4. SUMO-2/3 show a high degree of similarity to each other and are distinct from SUMO-1. SUMO-4 shows similarity to SUMO-2/3 but differs in having a Proline instead of Glutamine at position 90. As a result, SUMO-4 isn't processed and conjugated under normal conditions, but is used for modification of proteins under stress-conditions like starvation. During mitosis, SUMO-2/3 localize to centromeres and condensed chromosomes, whereas SUMO-1 localizes to the mitotic spindle and spindle midzone, indicating that SUMO paralogs regulate distinct mitotic processes in mammalian cells.

Structure: SUMO proteins are small; most are around 100 amino acids in length and 12 kDa in mass.Although SUMO has very little sequence identity with ubiquitin at the amino acid level, it has a nearly identical structural fold.

TCR、PKC-θ、T cell synapse organization & activation


synapse抽象画 不需要看懂的通路图


对呀对呀,文献到底说了些啥?李迎秋老师到底在Nature Immunology上搞了什么大新闻?别急,读完上面的东西,你肯定已经能读懂我们可爱的主题文献的Introduction了,它会告诉你李老师工作成果的大致情况,以及这项研究解决了什么科学问题。等你读完了,我可要拿上面的问题问你哦~



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