

作者: 2ced1219cb5e | 来源:发表于2017-01-17 21:01 被阅读0次

part one

It is said that it was not the strongest of the species that survive,but the one, most responsive to change.This rule can also be applied to our people.Only the fittest can be survived from natural selection.unless you adjust to the change immidiatly ,you'd be eliminated in the competition.that's why it's so senseful when we decided to study in ive  . when we come to the movie course ,we may come across many difficulties.so, how to be an excellent movie course student? for those who asked it .only one answer that can be acceptable :obey the rule Darwin told us---natural selection and the survival of the fittest. and there are some tips you told us yesterday,but i'm sorry ,i forget it.could you just tell us again?

part two

The first one is Always to be sensitive To the internal information for what you can get to know more about the global trends and according to that you can set your goal acurately that fit the trend.

  The next one it's not be afraid to be changed .eveyone has the right to be a better person.in order to pursuit of the happiness and the material base to do things we like,we should strive for our future.imagine the possibility of a succussful future could arouse our desire to change and promote ourselves.

At last we must adjust to the new environment as soon as we can.it means you should have an quality of resilience which will make you competitive.



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