

作者: 61亲子英语成长记 | 来源:发表于2021-11-11 08:39 被阅读0次

    起床 Waking up 导读 Lead-in 生活中很多人都会是起床“困难户”。那么“起床”“赖床”“再睡一会儿”等诸多表达,用地道的英语要怎么说呢?

    1. Time to get up! 该起床了!

    类似表达:It's time to get up! Wake up right now! You should get up right now! You need to get out of bed now! 回答:I will get up right now. 我马上就起床。

    May I sleep for another hour? 我可以再睡一个小时吗?

    I don't want to. I'm so sleepy. 我不想起(床)。我太困了。

    2. Hurry up! Or you will be late. 快点儿!不然你会迟到的。 类似表达:Hurry up! Or you will be late for school. Hurry up! Or you may be late for work.

    Hurry up! It's almost the time for class.

    3. What time do you usually get up? 你通常什么时候起床?

    类似表达:When do you usually get up? What time do you often wake up? What time do you usually get out of bed?

    回答:I usually get up at six. 我通常六点起床。 At six. 六点。 Six o'clock. 六点整。

    4. Did the alarm go off this morning? 闹钟今天早上响了吗?

    类似表达:Didn't the alarm go off this morning? I wonder if the alarm went off this morning.

    I want to know whether the alarm went off this morning. The alarm didn't go off this morning, did it?

    回答:Yes, it did. You overslept, didn't you? 嗯,响了。你睡过头了吗?

    No, it didn't. I told you it didn't work. 不,没有响。我对你说过它坏了。

    5. I missed the bus, because I got up too late. 因为起晚了,所以我没赶上公交车。

    类似表达:I didn't catch the bus, because I got up too late. I got up too late to catch the bus. For getting up too late, I missed the bus.

    回答:You should have got up early. 你本可以早起的。

    It was your laziness that made you late. 是你的懒惰致使你迟到的。

    Get up early from now on. 从今往后,你要早起。 Don't oversleep any more. 不要再睡过头。 You need an alarm. 你需要一个闹钟。

    6. My mother always wakes me up at six o'clock in the morning.

    妈妈总是早上六点钟把我叫醒。 类似表达:My mother always rouses me at six o'clock in the morning. My mother always wakens me at six o'clock in the morning.

    7. I laid in bed for another two hours this morning after my mum waked me up.


    类似表达:I went on sleeping for another two hours after my mum waked me up. I continued sleeping for another two hours after my mum waked me up. I slept for two more hours after my mum waked me up.

    回答:It's Sunday today. You can even sleep all day. 今天是周日。你睡一整天都可以。

    I sent you text messages then and you didn't reply. You are really a sound sleeper. 那时我给你发信息了,你没回复。你真能睡。



