Words and Expressions
1. Consider what President Nixon’s aide accomplished in just one day of testimony on television during the Watergate hearings.
testimony: a solemn statement made under oath
仿写: The testimony of the headmaster on the playground inspireed all the students to achieve their goals.
2. he blunts the painful edge of truth.
blunt: to make a feeling less strong
仿写: His soothing words blunted my sorrow.
3. Look for the clutter in your writing
and prune it ruthlessly.
ruthlessly adv. 无情地;残忍地;冷酷地
仿写:Works of art and valuable records were ruthlessly destroyed.
4. If your verbs are weak and your syntax is rickety, your sentences will fall apart.
rickety: lacking physical strength or vitality 不稳固的;不结实的
仿写:Your conclusion will be rickety if you have not enough evidence.
在写作中,用词的简洁干净尤其重要,但在第三章Clutter中提到了的一些词如assistance” , “numerous”, “facilitate” , “individual”, “remainder”, “initial” , “implement” , “sufficient” , “attempt”等这样的词很复杂吗?对于这点不是特别明白,选词上究竟如何才能是真的简洁,以上的词我也经常都会用在自己的写作中,以为它们算是常规普遍的词,看完这一章真的都在怀疑自己的选词了。当然也很疑惑