As I lay Dying《我弥留之际》(七)(翻译系列61)

As I lay Dying《我弥留之际》(七)(翻译系列61)

作者: 黄思明 | 来源:发表于2024-07-14 01:05 被阅读0次

    WE WATCH him come around the corner and mount the steps. He does not look at us."You ready?" he says.

    "If you're hitched(套住,勾住) up," I say. I say "Wait." He stops,looking at pa. Vernon spits,without moving. He spits with decorous(端庄得体的,厚重的) and deliberate(蓄意的,从容的) precision into the pocked dust below the porch❶. Pa rubs his hands slowly on his knees. He is gazing out beyond the crest(山顶) of the bluff(峭壁), out across the land. Jewel watches him a moment,then he goes on to the pail(桶) and drinks again.


    "I mislike undecision as much as ere(在……之前) a man," Pa says.

    "It means three dollars," I say. The shirt across pa's hump(隆背) is faded lighter than the rest of it. There is no sweat stain(色斑,污渍) on his shirt. I have never seen a sweat stain on his shirt. He was sick once from working in the sun when he was twenty-two years old,and he tells people that if he ever sweats,he will die. I suppose he believes it.


    "But if she dont last until you get back," he says."She will be disappointed."

    Vernon spits into the dust. But it will rain before morning.

    "She's counted on it," pa says."She'll want to start right away. I know her. I promised her I'd keep the team here and ready,and she's counting on it."


    "We'll need that three dollars then, sure," I say. He gazes out over the land, rubbing his hands on his knees. Since he lost his teeth his mouth collapses(崩溃,折叠,晕倒) in slow repetition when he dips. The stubble(胡茬) gives his lower face that appearance that old dogs have."You'd better make up your mind soon,so we can get there and get a load on before dark," I say.


    "Ma aint that sick," Jewel says."Shut up,Darl."

    "That's right," Vernon says."She seems more like herself today than she has in a week. Time you and Jewel get back,she'll be setting up."


    "You ought to know," Jewel says."You been here often enough looking at her. You or your folks." Vernon looks at him. Jewel's eyes look like pale wood in his high-blooded face. He is a head taller than any of the rest of us,always was. I told them that's why ma always whipped(鞭笞) him and petted him more. Because he was peakling around the house more. That's why she named him Jewel I told them❷.


    "Shut up,Jewel," pa says,but as though he is not listening much. He gazes out across the land,rubbing his knees.

    "You could borrow the loan of Vernon's team and we could catch up with you," I say."If she didn't wait for us."


    "Ah,shut your goddamn mouth," Jewel says.

    "She'll want to go in ourn," pa says. He rubs his knees."Dont ere a man mislike it more."

    "It's laying there,watching Cash whittle(切,削) on that damn..." Jewel says.“

    He says it harshly(严厉,苛刻),savagely(野蛮,粗鲁),but he does not say the word. Like a little boy in the dark to flail(鞭打,抽打) his courage and suddenly aghast(惊呆,吓呆) into silence by his own noise.


    "She wanted that like she wants to go in our own wagon," pa says."She'll rest easier for knowing it's a good one,and private. She was ever a private woman. You know it well."


    "Then let it be private," Jewel says."But how the hell can you expect it to be-" he looks at the back of pa's head, his eyes like pale wooden eyes.

    "Sho(可靠的,稳当的)," Vernon says,"she'll hold on till it's finished. She'll hold on till everything's ready,till her own good time. And with the roads like they are now,it wont take you no time to get her to town."


    "It's fixing up to rain," pa says."I am a luckless man. I have ever been." He rubs his hands on his knees."It's that durn (责难,诽谤,贬责)doctor,liable(有责任的,有义务的) to come at any time. I couldn't get word to him till so late. If he was to come tomorrow and tell her the time was nigh(接近地,附近地),she wouldn't wait,I know her. Wagon or no wagon,she wouldn't wait. Then she'd be upset(难过的,失望的,沮丧的),and I wouldn't upset her for the living world❸. With that family burying-ground in Jefferson and them of her blood waiting for her there,she'll be impatient. I promised my word me and the boys would get her there quick as mules(骡子) could walk it,so she could rest quiet." He rubs his hands on his knees."No man ever misliked it more."❹


    "If everybody wasn't burning hell to get her there," Jewel says in that harsh, savage voice."With Cash all day long right under the window,hammering and sawing at that-"

    "It was her wish," pa says."You got no affection nor gentleness for her. You never had. We would be beholden(有责任有义务的,感激的) to no man," he says,"me and her. We have never yet been,and she will rest quieter for knowing it and that it was her own blood sawed out the boards and drove(驾驶) the nails(钉子). She was ever one to clean up after herself."


    "It means three dollars," I say.

    "Do you want us to go,or not?" Pa rubs his knees."We'll be back by tomorrow sundown."

    "Well..." pa says. He looks out over the land,awry-haired,mouthing(装腔作势地嚼,心不在焉地喃喃地说) the snuff(鼻烟,气息) slowly against,his gums❺.

    "Come on," Jewel says. He goes down the steps. Vernon spits neatly into the dust.

    "By sundown,now," pa says."I would not keep her waiting."


    Jewel glances back,then he goes on around the house. I enter the hall, hearing the voices before I reach the door. Tilting a little down the hill,as our house does,a breeze draws through the hall all the time,upslanting❻. A feather dropped near the front door will rise and brush along the ceiling, slanting backward,until it reaches the down-turning current at the back door: so with voices. As you enter the hall,they sound as though they were speaking out of the air about your head.


    It was the sweetest thing I ever saw. It was like he knew he would never see her again,that Anse Bundren was driving him from his mother's death bed,never to see her in this world again. I always said Darl was different from those others.


    I always said he was the only one of them that had his mother's nature,had any natural affection. Not that Jewel,the one she labored so to bear and coddled(娇惯,细心照料) and petted(宠爱,爱抚) so and him flinging(恣意,放纵) into tantrums(突然发怒,发脾气) or sulking(生气) spells,inventing devilment to devil her until I would have trailed(拖,磨蹭) him time and time. Not him to come and tell her goodbye. Not him to miss a chance to make that extra three dollars at the price of his mother's goodbye kiss.


    A Bundren through and through,loving nobody,caring for nothing except how to get something with the least amount of work. Mr Tull says Darl asked them to wait. He said Darl almost begged them on his knees not to force him to leave her in her condition.


    But nothing would do but Anse and Jewel must make that three dollars. Nobody that knows Anse could have expected different,but to think of that boy,that Jewel,selling all those years of self-denial(否认,拒绝,剥夺权力) and downright(露骨的,直截了当的) partiality(偏爱,偏心)-they couldn't fool me: Mr Tull says Mrs Bundren liked Jewel the least of all,but I knew better. I knew she was partial to him,to the same quality in him that let her put up with Anse Bundren when Mr Tull said she ought to poisoned him-for three dollars,denying his dying mother the goodbye kiss.


    Why(int.哎呀,哟),for the last three weeks I have been coming over every time I could, coming sometimes when I shouldn't have,neglecting my own family and duties so that somebody would be with her in her last moments and she would not have to face the Great Unknown without one familiar face to give her courage. Not that I deserve credit(赢得好感) for it: I will expect the same for myself. But thank God it will be the faces of my loved kin(亲属),my blood and flesh(肉体,肌肤),for in my husband and children I have been more blessed than most,trials(磨难,审讯) though they have been at times.


    She lived,a lonely woman,lonely with her pride,trying to make folks believe different,hiding the fact that they just suffered her,because she was not cold in the coffin before they were carting(费力运送) her forty miles away to bury her,flouting(愚弄,嘲笑) the will of God to do it. Refusing to let her lie in the same earth with those Bundrens.


    "But she wanted to go," Mr Tull said."It was her own wish to lie among her own people."

    "Then why didn't she go alive?”

    I said."Not one of them would have stopped her,with even that little one almost old enough now to be selfish and stone-hearted like the rest of them❼."


    "It was her own wish," Mr Tull said."I heard Anse say it was."

    "And you would believe Anse,of course," I said."A man like you would. Dont tell me."

    "I'd believe him about something he couldn't expect to make anything off of me by not telling," Mr Tull said.


    "Dont tell me," I said."A woman's place is with her husband and children, alive or dead. Would you expect me to want to go back to Alabama and leave you and the girls when my time comes, that I left of my own will to cast(扔,抛,挑选,描述) my lot with yours for better and worse,until death and after?"

    "Well,folks are different," he said.


    I should hope so. I have tried to live right in the sight of God and man,for the honor and comfort of my Christian husband and the love and respect of my Christian children. So that when I lay me down in the consciousness of my duty and reward I will be surrounded by loving faces,carrying the farewell kiss of each of my loved ones into my reward. Not like Addie Bundren dying alone, hiding her pride and her broken heart. Glad to go.


    Lying there with her head propped up so she could watch Cash building the coffin,having to watch him so he would not skimp(克扣,节省) on it,like as not,with those men not worrying about anything except if there was time to earn another three dollars before the rain come and the river got too high to get across it. Like as not,if they hadn't decided to make that last load,they would have loaded her into the wagon on a quilt and crossed the river first and then stopped and give her time to die what Christian death they would let her.


    Except Darl. It was the sweetest thing I ever saw. Sometimes I lose faith in human nature for a time; I am assailed(袭击,攻击) by doubt. But always the Lord restores my faith and reveals to me His bounteous(无尽的) love for His creatures. Not Jewel,the one she had always cherished, not him. He was after that three extra dollars.


    It was Darl,the one that folks say is queer,lazy,pottering(闲逛) about the place no better than Anse,with Cash a good carpenter and always more building than he can get around to,and Jewel always doing something that made him some money or got him talked about,and that near-naked girl always standing over Addie with a fan so that every time a body tried to talk to her and cheer her up,would answer for her right quick,like she was trying to keep anybody from coming near her at all.


    It was Darl. He come to the door and stood there,looking at his dying mother. He just looked at her,and I felt the bounteous love of the Lord again and His mercy. I saw that with Jewel she had just been pretending,but that it was between her and Darl that the understanding and the true love was. He just looked at her,not even coming in where she could see him and get upset, knowing that Anse was driving him away and he would never see her again. He said nothing,just looking at her.


    "What you want,Darl?" Dewey Dell said,not stopping the fan,speaking up quick,keeping even him from her. He didn't answer. He just stood and looked at his dying mother,his heart too full for words.






    ❶He spits with decorous and deliberate precision into the pocked dust below the porch.译为“(付农站着没动),吐了口痰,动作从容淡定,却又异常精准,直直射入廊道下一个小坑的尘土中。”decorous是“端庄得体的,厚重的”意思,deliberate是“蓄意的,从容的,淡定的”意思,这里的一口痰都被作者描写得这么详细,可能是作者用来表现付农等待时的一种状态和态度。

    ❷Because he was peakling around the house more. That's why she named him Jewel I told them,译为“因为他又痩又弱,老在屋子周围转,老妈这才给他起名朱宝(宝儿)”,英语里面Jewel本来就是“宝石,宝贝”的意思,中文“朱宝儿”正好也谐音“宝贝,珠宝”,简称为“朱尔”。




    ❸Then she'd be upset(难过的,失望的,沮丧的),and I wouldn't upset her for the living world,我意译为“不过,她会失望。在这最后时刻,我真不想让她失望”。这一段,父亲不让让妻子失望,才说了这句话,毕竟老妇人都想葬回娘家。我们不妨推测,老妇人一生在夫家没有获得应有的尊敬,不然为啥不是留着和丈夫葬一起呢?诚然,也是安斯家拒绝葬在丈夫这边。

    否则,下文中的“我”(仍然指老妇人)不会那么说“难道我没在婚礼时发誓,要和你有福同享有难共当,至死不渝吗?”Would you expect me to want to go back to Alabama and leave you and the girls when my time comes, that I left of my own will to cast(扔,抛,挑选,描述) my lot with yours for better and worse,until death and after?


    在这里,我们重新来理清人物之间的关系,小说女主叫艾琳Addie Bundren,也就是临死前躺在病床上的这位老妇人,也就是文中的“我”,曾经当过小学教员。




    女儿杜尔(Dewey Dell),就是开篇说的假小子和男人婆的那个女孩,老妇人甚至认为她疯疯癫癫。在老妈临死前,她不停给老妈摇扇子,好像做着一个孝顺的闺女,却是阻止所有人接近老妇,举止也“疯疯癫癫”,为老妇所不喜。

    此外,文中还有一个付农Vernon,其实就是那位Mr Tull,是艾琳家的乡邻,全名叫Vernon Tull,原文在不同位置用不同表达,我也就给他译成了两个不同的叫法,颇为令人头大。这就好比中国人以前有名与字。我们发现,他用Mr Tull时,多是很尊敬和严肃的时刻;用Vernon就比较随便,譬如付农吐痰的时候。

    最后,我们看这重要的一个“Anse Bundren”,也就是女主的丈夫,译为“安斯”,这个家伙可谓最讨人厌,连同把三子Jewel也带着一起令人讨厌。

    其实女主艾琳还有一个小儿子,截止目前,女主有提到,也就是这句Not one of them would have stopped her,with even that little one almost old enough now to be selfish and stone-hearted like the rest of them,详细解释见注释❼。这里面,小说暂时还没有交代名字,我们也就暂时忽略他。

    ❹He rubs his hands on his knees."No man ever misliked it more,译为“他又在双膝上搓手,边搓边说:“没有比这更让人心烦了。”老父亲不停搓手,这个动作,小说中出现了好几次,有一次是摩擦膝盖。这句话,正好就是表现他对妻子要求的不满了。

    ❺"Well..." pa says. He looks out over the land,awry-haired,mouthing the snuff slowly against,his gums,译为“'这个……'老爹喃喃地说。他向远处望去,目光越过田野,头发蓬乱,一边慢慢地嚼着嘴里的鼻烟。”

    ❻Tilting a little down the hill,as our house does,a breeze draws through the hall all the time,upslanting,译为“我们的房子顺着山下倾,所以,总有一股微风直直穿过门厅,斜斜地往这吹。”


    ❼Not one of them would have stopped her,with even that little one almost old enough now to be selfish and stone-hearted like the rest of them,译为“没人会拦她,连那个小儿子也不会,现在,小儿子马上长大了,也会变得像另外几个一样,自私自利、铁石心肠。”






          本文标题:As I lay Dying《我弥留之际》(七)(翻译系列61)
