Now it is time that we were dying, I to die and you to live, but which of us has the happier prospect is unknown to anyone but God.
quoted from 苏格拉底,这大概是他的遗言吧。
- 平静的睡眠
- 和老朋友的新开始
He held there was no difference between life and death. "Why then," said one, "do you not die?" "Because," said he, "there is no difference."
来自传说中的第一位科学家泰勒斯 Thales
- “那你怎么不去死”
- “因为死和生没有区别”
八卦参见 wikipedia Thales,好长的文章,好像还没有结过婚,因为“对于一个年轻人来说结婚太早了,对于一个老人来讲结婚又太晚了”...部分好玩的话:
- “白天与黑夜谁更大?”
- “夜晚比白天大一天。”
- “对人来说最难的事是什么?”
- “认识你自己”
- “成功”
- " 人是什么?"
- “理性的有朽动物”
- “神圣的事物是什么?”
- “既无开始也无结束的事物”
感觉他应该和庄子是好朋友吧,in their death world.
when death is, I am not; when I am, death is not.
from Woody Allen
Woody Allen只希望死亡在的时候他不在现场而已。他的作品是典型的“虚无主义”,而他也患有“虚无主义精神官能症”(这病好呀,部分中产阶级知识分子应该得)。继续Woody Allen.
“The difference between sex and death is that with death you can do it alone and no one is going to make fun of you.”
“There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman?” ,
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: `Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear --
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
Always keep your death in mind and do not forget the eternal judgment, then there will be no fault in your soul.
from Evagrius Ponticus
"To philosophize is to learn how to die." The main task of philosophy, in this view, is to prepare us for death, to provide a kind of training for death, the cultivation of an attitude towards our finitude that faces--and faces down--the terror of annihilation without offering promises of an afterlife.
from 《The Book of Dead Philosophers》
歪文不知道歪去何处了,其实原本是听到了一个阿姨可能将去的消息,然后觉得自己怕死,然后翻看《The Book of Dead Philosophers》当时的clippings,然后又来看自己记录的Woody Allen quotes。
部分简单的英文是我让它语意能通翻的,至于中英夹杂,只是有时候一个单词可能几个意思,又没有找到最合适的那个词,<The Book of Dead Philosophers>是读的英文版。