Salesforce 搜索设计指南-1:全局搜索

Salesforce 搜索设计指南-1:全局搜索

作者: truelie | 来源:发表于2018-12-05 21:28 被阅读33次


搜索是 Salesforce 中最常用的功能, 用户希望它快速、智能、简单。通过全局搜索, 用户可以通过输入简单的关键字或使用强大的高级搜索功能来获得记录和应用。


全局搜索位于应用的标题中, 在标题栏中, 搜索框是高度可见的, 并且始终可供用户使用。

Global Search

占位符文本:占位符文本智能地适应组织中的页面, 并让用户知道预期的结果类型。例如, 当用户导航到 "设置" 页时, 占位符文本可能会显示 "搜索设置", 或者当用户导航到 "组" 选项卡时, "搜索组等..."。

Placeholder Text


当用户首次单击搜索输入时, 用户最近使用的五个记录和应用将显示在下拉列表中。每个项目都显示对象图标、记录名称 (如 "vandelay industry") 和对象名称 (如 "帐户")。



当用户键入时, 会立即显示前五个结果, 从而允许用户在不按 enter 运行完整搜索的情况下找到所需的内容。

辅助字段也称为消歧字段, 它提供了更多的上下文, 并使在有限的接口中更容易找到正确的记录。例如, 机会的辅助字段可以改为 "机会--勘探", 允许用户了解“机会”的阶段, 而不必点击该项目。在用户在输入中键入字符后, 输入中会出现一个 "清除" 图标, 从而便于重新组合。

Instant Results

搜索行为:即时结果是灵活的, 可以支持各种用户需求。在即时结果下拉列表中, 用户可以:

1.使用搜索快捷方式。快捷方式为用户提供搜索选项。第一个选项是用户按 enter 时执行的默认操作。辅助快捷方式包括允许用户在其所在对象内进行搜索的选项、预作用域搜索 (即在输入关键字之前将搜索限制在特定对象) 以及搜索其他对象。将快捷方式选项的数量限制为 3个, 以避免将搜索结果推得太低。

2.查找记录和应用程序时不准确。即时结果支持词干 (返回单词的不同形式)、同义词 (在组织中启用同义词时) 和拼写校正。





当用户不熟悉对象图标时, 对象类型会清楚地标识记录。

辅助字段 (也称为消歧字段) 可帮助用户区分类似命名或重复的记录。


Relevance Indicators



预确定: 当用户确切地知道他们需要什么时, 他们可以通过从搜索输入前面的组合框中选择一个对象, 将搜索范围缩小到当时所需的记录类型。焦点时, 组合框将展开, 用户可以键入要搜索的实体的名称。



预过滤:预筛选使用户可以更好地控制搜索内容。一旦用户选择了记录类型, 就可以显示一个名为 "高级搜索" 的辅助链接, 为用户提供高级搜索选项。


高级搜索:单击 "知识示例" 中的 "高级搜索" 链接将生成一个弹出窗口, 其中包含 "语言"、"发布状态"、"记录类型"、"验证状态" 和 "区域" 等选项, 以及 "显示更多筛选器" 选项。单击此弹出窗口中的 "保存" 将另一个药丸添加到输入中, 其中应用了过滤器的数量, 如 "2 筛选器"。

Advanced Search


当您的用户执行搜索时, 我们会根据个性化的使用情况和智能预测来查询对象。这些结果将返回到 "顶级结果" 页面上, 该页面将结果组合在一起, 以便于扫描不同记录类型的相关结果。


无结果: 即使没有结果, 用户也应该知道他们下一步能做什么。他们是应该寻找更多的结果, 创建一个新的记录, 还是签出 trailhead?

No Results

Global Search

Search is the most used feature in Salesforce, and users expect it to be fast, intelligent, and simple. With global search, users can get right to records and apps by entering simple keywords or using powerful advanced search features.

Default State

Global search lives in the header of your app, where it’s highly discoverable and always available for your users.

Placeholder Text

The placeholder text intelligently adapts to the page a user is on in the org, and lets them know what types of results to expect. For example, the placeholder text may read "Search Setup" when the user has navigated to the Setup page, or "Search Groups and more..." when the user has navigated to the Groups tab.


When a user first clicks into the search input, the user's five most recently used records and apps appear in a dropdown list.

Each item shows the object icon, the record name, such as "Vandelay Industries", and the object name, such as "Account".

Instant Results

As the user types, the top five results are shown instantly, allowing users to find what they need without pressing Enter to run a full search.

The secondary field, also called the disambiguation field, provides more context and makes it easier to find the right record in a limited interface. For example, the secondary field for an opportunity may read "Opportunity - Prospecting", allowing the user to learn the stage of the opportunity without having to click on the item.

After the user has typed a character into the input, a "clear" icon appears in the input, making reformulation easy.


Instant results is flexible and can support various user needs. From within the instant results dropdown, users can:

1.Use search shortcuts. Shortcuts provide search options for users. The first option is the default action taken when the user presses Enter. Secondary shortcuts include options that allow users to search within the object they're on, pre-scope searches (that is, limit a search to a specific object before entering their keywords), and search other objects. Limit the number of shortcut options to three to avoid pushing the search results too far down.

2.Find records and apps without being exact. Instant results supports stemming (returning different forms of a word), synonyms (when synonyms are enabled in an org), and spell-correction.

Relevance Indicators

Several visual cues help users quickly find the right record:

Icons help users instantly identify frequently used objects and apps.

The record name shows highlighted matched characters.

The object type clearly identifies a record when the user isn’t familiar with the object icon.

A secondary field, also called the disambiguation field, helps users differentiate similarly named or duplicate records. Characters matching the user's search term are also highlighted here.


Users on slow or mobile connections may experience some performance degradation when results are being returned as they type. Showing a spinner in the input lets the user know that search is still working in the background.


When users know exactly what they need, they can narrow their search to only the record type they need at that moment by selecting an object from the combobox in front of the search input. When focused, the combobox expands and the user can type the name of the entity they want to search against.

Selecting an entity from the combobox narrows the scope of the user's search to that record type.


Pre-filtering gives users even more control over what’s searched. Once the user chooses a record type, a secondary link, titled "Advanced Search", can be displayed to give users advanced search options.

Clicking the "Advanced Search" link in a Knowledge example produces a popover with options like Language, Publishing Status, Record Type, Validation Status, and Region, as well as an option to Show More Filters. Clicking save in this popover adds another pill to the input with the number of filters applied, like "2 Filters".


When your users execute a search, we query objects based on personalized usage and intelligent prediction. Those results are returned on a "Top Results" page that groups results together, making it easy to scan relevant results of different record types.

No Results

Even when there are no results, users should have an idea of what they can do next. Should they look for more results, create a new record, or check out Trailhead?

SLDS:Global search and In-context search



      本文标题:Salesforce 搜索设计指南-1:全局搜索
