1、To C: 币威钱包 1.0 内测版本上线开放下载,目前仅开放给社群成员,下载地址为:https://bitcv.app,1.0.0 版本支持收款、转账及糖包发放功能。以前发放的糖包可直接显示在钱包资产中。
To C: BitCV wallet 1.0 internal beta version is available for download. Currently, it is only available To members of the community, and the download address is https://bitcv.app, 1.0.0 support for collection, transfer and Tangbao distribution function. Previously issued Tangbao can be directly displayed in wallet assets.
2、To C:下周币威钱包 1.1.0 版本会进行更新,1.1.0 版本更新内容包括:增加更多 token 存提,甚至几种常见的非 ETH、ERC20 大币,打通钱包与糖包。糖包儿产品预计下周会支持 30 余种 Token 发放数字货币红包,并且支持项目方自主提交资料,把 token 加到糖包中。目前糖包产品已经在钱包产品中进行使用。小程序版本正在审核中。
To C: next week, BitCV wallet version 1.1.0 will be updated, and 1.1.0 update contents include: add more token deposit, and even several common non ETH and ERC20 token, through wallet and Tangbao. The Tangbao product is expected to support more than 30 tokens in the next week, and support the project party to submit the information independently, adding the Token to Tangbao. Currently, Tangbao products have been used in wallet products. The Mini program version is under review.
3、To C:官方产品网站 www.bitcv.com 增加日语版。为币威国际化夯实基础。
To C: the official product website www.bitcv.com adds a Japanese version. Lay a solid foundation for the internationalization of BitCV.
4、To C:在钱包的最新集成与发布,内测过程中,除了自已安全加固之外,和专业安全团队合作,对钱包等代码进行深度安全审计。
To C: in the latest integration and release of the wallet, in the process of internal testing, in addition To the security reinforcement, cooperate with the professional security team To conduct in-depth security audit of the code such as wallet.
5、To F:币威数据服务后台新增 BCI 指数历史数据和币种风向标数据,将在近期开放服务。
To F: the new BCI index historical data and Token vane data in the background of BitCV data service will be opened in the near future.
6、To F:量化交易工具对做市商算法进行了升级。
To F: quantitative trading tools upgrade the market-making algorithm.
The BitCV community volunteers are continuously recruited. If you are a supporter of the currency, BCV, and have experience in community operation and other volunteer work, you are welcome to join the volunteer team. Registration form, add currency service customer service WeChat: WYH526.
This week, it launched the alliance community program to build a community alliance with a number of excellent communities. On the one hand, because the biggest feature of the block chain era is the organization of community, and it is extremely dependent on the power of the community. On the other hand: cooperation. Create greater value for community members.
This week, BitCV and the first offline activities of the alliance community, members of the community gathered in hangzhou, and actively discussed the development of the block chain industry.
This week, we will organize a community event, which will be held on May 20, and we will arrange the selection and presentation of the presentation of the BCV. Thank you for your active participation!
5、社群增长:本周微信群增加 4 个,增加人数约1000人。建立的区域社区包括:杭州、成都、重庆、北京、海口、武汉、长沙。我们将陆续开展各地区 Meetup 活动。
Community growth: this week, the wechat group increased by 4, with an increase of about 1000. Established regional communities include: Hangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing, Beijing, Haikou, Wuhan, Changsha. We will continue to carry out Meetup activities in various regions.
BitCV wallet May 18 - May 25, wallet transfer free of charge.
1、BCV 在火币 HADAX 投票上币活动中,受到社群的极大支持并上币成功,以 3.2亿票,取得第二名的投票成绩,进行排期,近期 BCV 将登陆火币 HADAX 开放交易。再次感谢社群的支持!
BCV has been greatly supported by the community and has been successful in the monetary activities of Huobi HADAX, with a vote of 320 million votes and a second place, and the recent BCV will be opened in Huobi HADAX.
2、BCV 参与第二期 Bibox 投票上币活动,为了感谢和支持社群成员对 BCV 的支持,我们每票将激励 20 枚 BCV 作为奖励。点击阅读原文支持 BCV 。
BCV participates in the second phase of Bibox voting. In order to thank and support community members' support for BCV, we will motivate 20 BCV for each ticket.
Voting support links:https://www.bibox.com/votelist
3、BCV 交易情况:本周外围市场继续调整,BCV 价格稳中有升,继续在 0.39 上下方构建平台。
BCV trading situation: the peripheral market continued to adjust this week, the price of BCV rose steadily, and continued to build the platform below 0.39.
1、入职一名经验丰富的 UI 设计师,助力产品整体设计;
An experienced UI designer joined the team.
A graduate student from Peking University and a student from the university of California, Berkeley, joined the team for the low-level technology development internship.
3、市场运营相关团队成员热招中,欢迎有理想,热爱新行业的朋友加入。本周面试 5 名丰富经验市场人才。
The market operation related team member heat recruit, welcome to have the ideal, love the new industry's friend to join. Interview 5 rich experience market talents this week.
4、本周开了合伙人例会,探讨未来几个月的产品运营规划,也针对 1.0 内测版钱包发布为契机,组织了一次团队建设。
This week, we opened a meeting of partners to discuss the product operation plan for the next few months. We also organized a team building for the release of the 1.0 version of the wallet.