10、March 25,1950

10、March 25,1950

作者: 四月不见 | 来源:发表于2021-12-17 00:07 被阅读0次
                        14 East  94th St.
                        March 25, 1950
        Frank Doel, what are you DOING over
    there, you are not doing ANYthing, you
    are just sitting AROUND.
        Where is Leigh Hunt? Where is the
    Oxford Verse? Where is the Vulgate and
    dear goofy John Henry, I thought they’d
    be such nice uplifting reading for Lent
    and NOTHING do you send me.
        You Leave me sitting here writing
    long margin notes in library books that
    don’t belong to me, some day they’ll
    find out I did it and take my library
    card away.
        I have made arrangements with the
    Easter Bunny to bring you an Egg, He
    will get over there and find you have
    died of Inertia.
        I require a book of love poems with
    spring coming on. No Keats or Shelley,
    send me poets who can make love without
    slobbering -- Wyatt or Jonson or
    somebody, use your own judgment. Just a
    nice book preferably small enough to
    stick in a slacks pocket and take to
    Central Park.
        Well, don’t just sit there! Go find
    it! I swear I don’t know how that shop
    keeps going.

    Oxford Verse 《牛津英语诗选》
    Lent 大斋节

    About Easter 关于复活节


    彩蛋Egg 和 兔子Bunny 是复活节的象征。

    Easter Bunny 复活兔(邦尼兔):依据欧洲古老的传说,野兔是一种终日不闭眼的动物,它们能在黑夜里,观看四周其它的动物,因此,野兔就代表着那黑夜中一轮皎洁的明月。再加上复活节日子的计算是以春天月圆为基准,于是就将春天繁殖力强的野兔视为复活节的一个象征。这习俗传入美国后,美国人还为兔子取了一个可爱的名字,叫它复活节的邦尼兔呢!

    Easter Egg 复活彩蛋:自十二世纪起,欧洲许多国家人民开始有互相赠送复活蛋的习俗。蛋,象征新生命。坚硬的蛋壳无法限制里面正在孕育的新生命。耶稣基督为了我们的罪而钉死在十字架上,葬在坟墓里,但坟墓无法关住他。他第三天复活了,使凡相信他的人,因此而得到新的生命。蛋,便成为复活节常用的象征物之一。蛋乃意味着春天的到来及新生命的诞生,并象征着耶稣从死里复活走出石墓。每到复活节,人们会装饰鸡蛋,给鸡蛋涂上漂亮的颜色,这早已成为一种习俗。



        本文标题:10、March 25,1950
