

作者: 返璞归真OWL | 来源:发表于2021-10-24 21:12 被阅读0次








不管是投资新手,或是老手,新版《股票作手回忆录》(Reminiscences of a Stock Operator,寰宇智慧投资62)是所有投资人必读的经典名作。这本书谈到杰西‧李佛摩(Jesse Livermore,《股票作手杰西‧李佛摩操盘术》寰宇投资策略80)弥足珍贵的知识和经验。李佛摩这位市场投机客,从1900年到1930年代,赚过也赔过数百万美元。1960年,由于《股票作手回忆录》绝版,我得花50美元,才买得到一本。后来,我送了一本给富达公司(Fidelity)那时的顶尖共同基金经理盖里‧蔡(Gerry Tsai)。盖里向我表示,《股票作手回忆录》是他的老板、设在波士顿的富达基金创办人爱德华‧强森(Edward Johnson Sr.)的投资圣经。

华尔街的华人传奇蔡志勇(Gerry Tsai)












李佛摩引用老罗思柴尔德男爵(Baron Rothschild)的话说,他的赚钱祕密,是「我绝不在底部买进,而且总是卖得太早。」


这本投资经典新版,不只包含有趣的插画,也收进初版所遗漏、作者1920年代在《星期六晚邮》(Saturday Evening Post)发表的一篇文章。我手上的《股票作手回忆录》初版,多年来一读再读,书页折损不堪,不同颜色的注记写得到处都是。几年前,我一口气买了超过1000本的股市和投资著作。但是根据我在这一行打滚四十五年的经验,发现只有十或十二本掷地有声──《股票作手回忆录》是其中一本。




This new edition of Reminiscences of a Stock Operator is a must-read classic for all investors,whether brand new or experienced. It is about the invaluable knowledge and experiences of Jesse Livermore, a market speculator who made and lost millions during the period from 1900through the 1930s. I had to pay $50.00 in 1960 to get my first copy of Reminiscences because it was out of print. I later gave a copy to Gerry Tsai,one of Fidelity's top mutual fund managers at that time.Gerry then told me that Reminiscences was the investment bible of Edward Johnson Sr., his boss and the founder of the Boston-based Fidelity Funds.

Jesse Livermore was one of the best tape readers of his day.Here is just a taste of Livermore's sage advice:

There is nothing new in Wall Street. Whatever happens in the stock market today has happened before and will happen again.”

"History repeats itself.”

“The big money is made by sitting, not thinking. Men who can both be right and sit tight are uncommon.”

"The point is not so much to buy as cheap as possible or go short at top price,but to buy or sell at the right time.”

"I never argue with the tape.”

"It took me five years to learn to play the game intelligently enough to make big money when I was right.”

“There is nothing like losing for teaching you what not to do.And when you know what not to do, you begin to learn what to do in order to win."

‘There are only two emotions in the market, hope and fear-the only problem is you hope when you should fear and fear when you should hope.”

"Know yourself and provide against your own weaknesses.”“Sell after a reaction and this is no rally.”

Livermore quoted old Baron Rothchild,saying his secret to making money was“In ever buy at the bottom and I always sell too soon.”

So you see,Reminiscences of a Stock Operator is packed with wisdom based on years of daily experience with the realities of how the market actually works and how human nature constantly gets in the way of following sound and proven rules,systems,and methods.

This new edition of the investment classic not only contains interesting illustrations but also includes a 1920s Saturday Evening Post article by the author that was not included in the original book. My original copy of Reminiscences is now dog-eared and has notes from different colored pens from the several times I read and reread it over the years. Years ago, I purchased a library of over a thousand stock market and investment books. However, in my 45 years of experience in this business, I have only found 10 or 12 books that were of any real value-Reminiscences is one of them.

The stock market is difficult for most investors because it works in precisely the opposite way of how a normal,intelligent person tends to think and react. People want to buy something that looks cheap, is down in price, and appears to be a bargain. This rarely works because the stock is usuallydown for a good reason. People also do not realize that no matter how smart they are,they will make many mistakes. Investors potentially must habitually cut short every loss to keep all their mistakes small and avoid enormous losses later on.Others want to make money the easy way,without doing any homework or by simply relying on the tips,rumors,or advice of others. This is a national shame. America is a land of great opportunity,unlimited new ideas,and relentless new entrepreneurs,investors,and business people. Every year there are initial public offerings by highly motivated new entrepreneurs who run unique businesses.In time, a few of these could become excel-lent investments of which anyone can learn to take advantage if they just save a little money and read the best investment books around.These books are written by people who have been in the battlefield and have learned how to profitably select America's very best companies. Usually the very best in anything comes at a higher price.

Reminiscences will help you begin to create your own sound investment rules that can move you into the big winner's column.You can do it if you really want to.

William O'Neil

Founder and Chairman

Investor's Business Daily


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