20171010 I had been out all day,and came home dog-tired.
20171012 不积跬步无以至千里,不积小流无以成江海
20171013 a drop in the ocean
20171010 I had been out all day,and came home dog-tired. ...
Note: the following text are referenced from the great gu...
Note: A link does not have to be text. It can be an image...
原文:http://www.douban.com/note/512945304/,欢迎建议 这还是篇草稿,介绍怎么...
新手学习note,如有不对,还请指出,谢谢?! TODO还应该加入Text style、居中 等等 首先,增加空判...
Note: 本文只是个草稿,备份用,后续会整理好。 官方安装完所有环境,用最新版的magenta搭配tensorf...
每当看到人家用 Sublime Text 3 (alias subl) 或 Atom 里华丽多彩的编程界面,在庞大...
P65 U1 Could you please clean your room? 1.Tony, could yo...
P66 U20 Why don't you talk to your parents? 1.Although sh...
本文标题:text note - 草稿