Day1 wait wait wait
1、all I do is(to) wait wait wait.属于断裂句。
3、carry considerable/significant weight言重,有分量
4、late/tardy迟到,tardy reply回复延迟
5、I hate to say that,but...
6、tonight was well-spent.今晚玩的很尽兴。
7、as much as =Much as尽管
8、devil's advocate.唱反调;持不同意见的人(不是有故意的)
9、deviled egg,devil这里做动词。指腌制的鸡蛋。
10、better the devil you know than the devil you don't know.指两者都不符合标准的情况下,还是选择熟悉的比选择不熟悉的要强。
11、speak of the devil.说曹操曹操就到
12、break down 抛锚/指情绪崩溃
Day2 yesterday once more
1、dance to the music随着音乐起舞。
2、unsung hero 幕后英雄
3、all time favorite.始终喜欢。
4、rain or shine 风雨无阻
5、through thick and thin 同甘共苦
8、it's a oldies but goodie song.这是首经典歌曲。
9、deja vu似曾相识的感觉。
10、has-been 过气
11、make a comeback东山再起
17、strong suit.强项
Day3 complicated
1、chill out/relax/easy冷静一点;chill out/hang out聚在一起。
2、one on one.一对一
3、watch your back小心点。
4、vote with feet.反对。
5、I came prepared.有备而来。
6、strike 可以做动词,给人...印象。
7、make sb laugh out/crack up.让某人笑
8、crank up开大;调高
Day4 cry on my shoulder2
1、shit happens/feeling blue/under the weathe 觉得很沮丧。
2、from zero to hero/from rags to riches.逆袭。
4、runaway success.一炮走红。
5、through and through百分之百。
6、there is no such thing as a free lunch.天底下没有免费的午餐。
7,if but做名词,表示不确定的因素,或者借口和说辞。let's have no buts,just do it.
8、shoulder/assume/carry your responsibility.承担责任。
9、bajillion。无数 I got bajillion work to do.我很工作要做。
10、a dime a dozen.白菜价
11、go downhill/south走下坡路。
12,the heavens.指天空。
Day 5 way back into love
1、A shadow B, 此处shadow做动词,A由B带着学习。
2、let me sleep on it.容我想想再回复。
3、sleep like a log.睡得很熟。
4、let bygones be bygones.让过去成为过去。
5、trapped in /dwell on/linger on the past.陷在过去
6、the fog cleared. 雾散了。clear在这里做动词用指放晴,烟雾消散。
7、the coast is clear 危险解除。
8、it speaks to me.呼应上了,对它感兴趣。
9、though and though/out and out.完完全全。I’m through with it.我说完了。
10、reach for the star 野心勃勃。
11、star in指领衔主演。
12、could use sth.需要,恨不得。
A、suggest doing sth 建议
B、suggest sth/sb(to sb)提议
C、suggest sth/sb (to sb) as 推荐
D、suggest that.提议/建议
Day6 I can
1、in God we trust=we trust in God.
3、***is a shocker, be shocked,be awestruck.很震惊
4、younger version年轻版本的***
5、hold sb's breath 焦虑等待
7、card做动词,表示被要求出示证件。 I got cared.
8、act your age.什么年龄做什么事
9、hoes before bros.重色轻友
Day7 rolling in the deep
1、pitch 做动词,表兜售或者搭。pitch an idea兜售想法;pitch up a tent 搭帐篷
2、clear-cut 明确的;明显的
4、go ahead/ green-light/a okay.准许 My boss gave me a go ahead/green-light/okay.
5、rat/sell out出卖;告密
6、lay bare揭露、暴露
7、have it all/have one's cake and eat it.鱼和熊掌不可兼得。
8、the rest is history 剩下的众所周知。
10、count your blessing.身在福中不知福/a blessing in disguise.因祸得福
11、you reap what you sow.出来混早晚都是要还的
12、karma is a bitch.因果报应
15、bring the house down赢得满堂喝彩。