08 小班笔记 - 星期

08 小班笔记 - 星期

作者: 将军肚 | 来源:发表于2019-05-19 21:17 被阅读0次

    There are seven days in a week

    Days of the week

    weekday weekend
    Monday Mon.
    Tuesday Tues.
    Wednesday Wed.
    Thursday Thurs.
    Friday Fri.
    Saturday Sat.
    Sunday Sun.

    Monday is the first day of the week.
    What do you usually do on Monday?
    On Monday, I always have a meeting.
    Monday blues = 周一不想上班的忧郁绝望
    blue = 忧伤的、忧郁的
    Many people have Monday blues.

    Tuesday is the second day of the week.
    Tuesday is the new Monday.
    I often listen to music on Tuesday.

    Wednesday is the third day of the week.
    hump day = 星期三
    hump = 驼峰
    on Wednesday, I clean my room.

    Thursday is the fourth day of the week.
    I love sports. I often play ping pong on Thursday.

    Friday is the fifth day of the week.
    My favorite day is Friday. It's the last weekday.

    T. G. I. F. = Thanks God It's Friday!
    The weekend days are Saturday and Sunday.
    I don't work on weekends.
    And I often watch movies on Saturday.

    Sunday is the last day of the week.
    Sunday is the seventh day of the week. I often read books on Sunday.

    On XXday, I ... = 在星期几,我...
    On Monday, I aways have a meeting.



          本文标题:08 小班笔记 - 星期
